
One of my favorite things to do on Christmas is prepare the Christmas Dinner. We work by committee. I have the responsibility of doing the meat or main course, my wife does the deserts and my daughter does the vegetables. This year I decided on a nice beef rib I have started the standing rib roast (4 ribs) and trust it turns out like the one below. I have a friend in Dublin, Georgia who grows pecans and he always sets aside 25 lbs for me. About 15 lbs are ground up into a fine meal that I use to coat meat and fish. It gives a very good crust and keeps the juices in. My daughter is doing a scalloped potato dish in the oven and also some fresh asparagus with a nice relish tray. And my wife is getting the deserts ready. Should be fun. The meat should last us through the UL game

UNC was the number 1 rebounding team in the country coming into this game. We outrebounded them 43 to 33. UNC number 2 in offense according to Kenpom. How'd that work out for them?

yommit slow down on the 38-2 we could do it but Tennessee twice Auburn and the rest of conference and Kansas which I expect to win but they love to keep them in the top 3.
It's an honor getting to be the old coot at the head of the table (probably drooling). At family gatherings they make me sit at a card table on a folding chair in the living room and tell me to holler if I need something.

Ha, probably some of your best work has been done at a card table! Little drool never hurt nobody...hell I'm drooling now for no apparent reason!
30.2°F on Boxing Day. I plan on getting some electronics hooked up today (new wireless head phones). My daughter and son in law are still here. They leave later today and then Ritchie Curtis is in for a few days.

No rest for the wicked.

Now it is on to football and New Years Eve.

I really enjoyed the photos shared by the D-League.

edit spelling corrected.
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Finally winding down. Had a great Christmas! The grands were overjoyed with their presents and their Nana and Papa Ghost loved theirs too. Hope the D had a great Christmas as well! Back to work tomorrow but things shouldn’t be too busy
How many grands Ghost?

I hate anyone that has more than me (which is now 1).
Hanging on to the season here. I don't go back to work until 7 Jan (use or lose days). I do this every year because my daughter is out of school until the 4th. Wife goes back to work tomorrow. I don't take many days off throughout the year, way too busy most of the time. I have 28 days of regular leave that I am carrying over and, 108 days of sick leave and the weekends don't count in those numbers. Save them in case something catastrophic happens (major illness) so that I have a little over half a years worth of full pay coverage. (in my best Carl Spackler voice) "I got that going for me which is nice".
30.2°F on Boxing Day. I plan on getting some electronics hooked up today (new wireless head phones). My daughter and son in law are still here. They leave later today and then Ritchie Curtis is in for a few days.

No rest for the wicked.

Now it is own to football and New Years Eve.

I really enjoyed the photos shared by the D-League.

I also got some wireless headphones. Some Sony N700s that I tried out at Best Buy. They sound great. What did you get?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and light drizzle. We may hit 70°F with thunderstorms before this cold front moves completely through.

I'm also off today. Back to work tomorrow. Decided on sleeping in. Gonna work a few chores and then resend the returned letter back to my daughter. I'd originally sent the letter on December 13. It was returned December 24. Idiots at the Harrogate, TN post office stated no such person at the address, even though my daughter has been receiving mail there for years.

I'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning all, sitting at Kohl’s while the wife is doing whatever women do here. Looking forward to the games in the next week.

Until then, I will be entertaining my wife’s sister and then kid number 5 is coming in. Got a neat Apple Watch from kid number 1. Kid number 2 bought us round trip airline tickets to come visit them in Arizona.

Have left over ham for probably the next 4 or 5 days. Old neighbor lady made us some homemade bread and some homemade Jezabel , man that stuff is good!

Every one have a great day, will check in later!
Hanging on to the season here. I don't go back to work until 7 Jan (use or lose days). I do this every year because my daughter is out of school until the 4th. Wife goes back to work tomorrow. I don't take many days off throughout the year, way too busy most of the time. I have 28 days of regular leave that I am carrying over and, 108 days of sick leave and the weekends don't count in those numbers. Save them in case something catastrophic happens (major illness) so that I have a little over half a years worth of full pay coverage. (in my best Carl Spackler voice) "I got that going for me which is nice".
Similar situation for me, Jan 7. Use or lose. Every year two weeks to close out. I roll over the max (6 weeks) & get another 160 hrs. Also have banked over 1000 hrs SL as I've been blessed with decent health. Did burn about 40 hours with my knee replacement a few years back.
Right now I'm on a non-essential furlough. As you folks are probably aware, a very large percentage of federal gubberment employees are simply cows grazing at the gubberment feeding trough. That's not me. I go to work immediately on arrival and work until I leave. Don't do lunches unless I'm hungry. I don't do breaks unless nature calls. We're supposed to be preparing for 2019. I'm training multiple interns how to spell GIS. Most are geeks that know zero about agriculture. You can own a jet fighter and not know how to fly it. An extended furlough will have major consequences for our research as the cost of delay accumulates. These winter wheat & oil seed studies need designing & implementing. It's not magic. If a growing season is lost in the midst of a 5 year investigation. You get the picture. Data not collected is evidence lost. That means I change hat to Mr. Fixit and work backwards. Site specific, labor intensive investigation (involves training people how to dance backward when they have two left feet) cost more and produces less than well designed and implemented remote systems. Scaling and sharing the information retrieval is part of our mission.

Anyway Christmas was fabulous, The entire Az flock was together, in one place, no tears or blood was shed. Looking forward to the new year :basketball: :football: :baseball: :beer: :burger: