
I'm watching the Mythbusters marathon on SCI channel. I still think that the job where the guy goes all around the world eating the best food prepared by the best chefs while getting paid insane amounts of money to tell me it tastes good, is the best job, but I would put being a mythbuster right up there.

Ever notice that the guy on Expedition Unknown travels all over the world looking for stuff and I've never known him to find anything he was looking for.
But can you post it anonymously from your Facebook feed?

Nope. I don't do Facebook. Or twitter. But if I did I would have to assume I would be awesome at it.

Ever notice that the guy on Expedition Unknown travels all over the world looking for stuff and I've never known him to find anything he was looking for.

I've never watched that show but it definitely sounds like a vocation I would excel at.
Nope. I don't do Facebook. Or twitter. But if I did I would have to assume I would be awesome at it..
It's quite simple, really. As I stated earlier, I use Facebook as a hosting platform to post all the stupid pics of loose change and food taken by my smartphone. To heck with Photobucket or another hosting service. Google Blogger works well, too.

I envision Facebook blocking that feature in coming years. However, it works well now.
Other jobs that I feel I could be successful at:

Auctioneer. Not gonna sing song for ya, but give me 10% above the highest price anyone was willing to pay, for keeping track of who's paying me.

Microwave chef: Got it down pat. Here's a pro tip. If you want to cook for a minute and a half, punch in 90 instead of 1:30. You save a keystroke and get that delicious meal on the table sooner.

Mobile ink pen and flashlight repairman: I started off with fountain pens and 9 volt flashlights. I've kept up with all the improvements over the years and am well versed in the ways of seeing in the dark and writing on paper.

UK basketball prognosticator: I can predict the direction of the Cats regardless of Coach or season. For example, sometimes the casual fan thinks we're doing badly. I tell them that good things are to come. Perhaps we are doing especially well. I remind them that good times are fleeting and to enjoy them. I've never been wrong.

If any of you guys have an opening at your Fortune 500 company for an all around guy such as myself, then have your people get in touch with my people. We'll do lunch.
I frequented a HoJo in Monroe MI back in 90'. One night I decided to buy drinks for everyone. Cost me $360 with the tip. Some people told me how stupid it was to spend that cash. I went there 6 days a week after work and didn't buy another drink for at least 3 months. Probably doubled my money and the amount of chicks I would pull.

Best investment to date.
I frequented a HoJo in Monroe MI back in 90'. One night I decided to buy drinks for everyone. Cost me $360 with the tip. Some people told me how stupid it was to spend that cash. I went there 6 days a week after work and didn't buy another drink for at least 3 months. Probably doubled my money and the amount of chicks I would pull.

Best investment to date.
Happened often to me at German pubs back in the 80s. Brits are also big spenders on Americans after they've had a few too many.
D league!
Happened often to me at German pubs back in the 80s. Brits are also big spenders on Americans after they've had a few too many.

I picked up a couple of chicks out of a bar in Berwick PA back in 2000 and after the bar closed we went to a fire house. They had a full bar and they were open 24 as far as I know. There were also bars in the burbs that were houses with bars in the living room. Anyway, I order a Beam and Coke and she told me it was a buck. I asked her how much a beer was and she said " a buck ". At that point I told her to give all 9 or 12 of the people at the bar a drink on me. Turns out, I was among some very well placed citizens in that town and I was invited to places after that.

Be generous. It's the best way to get stuff for free.
D league!

I picked up a couple of chicks out of a bar in Berwick PA back in 2000 and after the bar closed we went to a fire house. They had a full bar and they were open 24 as far as I know. There were also bars in the burbs that were houses with bars in the living room. Anyway, I order a Beam and Coke and she told me it was a buck. I asked her how much a beer was and she said " a buck ". At that point I told her to give all 9 or 12 of the people at the bar a drink on me. Turns out, I was among some very well placed citizens in that town and I was invited to places after that.

Be generous. It's the best way to get stuff for free.

Same has happened to me so many times over the years. Every time I sent rounds for others, Germans or Americans, such goodness always returned.

Same has happened to me so many times over the years. Every time I sent rounds for others, Germans or Americans, such goodness always returned.
Spent a lot of time in Belgium from a unit in Germany I was attached to. Every time we went to the field for 2 or more weeks, we convoyed to Belgium from Germany. Most of the time there was not in the field, we spent more time at the Belgian soldiers homes and at night in bars. Yep on the paying for drinks only once and then never had to again. One Aug 1st night (Birthday) everyone in the bar bought a round for me. No way I could drink them all, had help. Don't remember much after a bit and was told of some things I did. Did not believe but, when I went back to the bar the next a round of applause.
Agree! Also, Fred kicks Danny's butt when it comes to dancing.
I watched Holiday Inn with my daughter, who is 43 last week and she had never seen it. She really didn't know much about the actors or actresses and had never seen Fred Astaire or Marjorie Reynolds. When they danced the "drunk scene" she was absolutely amazed at their talent and since then she has been watching every movie she can find that he was in. It is like a whole new world of entertainment has been opened to her. Those classics are great. And the boy sure could dance
Good morning from my house to yours. Temp is 49°F. Lots of sunshine and clear skies. Expecting 67 in mid afternoon. It is a nice day to do some kayaking down the Weeki Wachee River.

Happy Christmas Eve. Always a special day when we check and double check our Christmas Eve menu and Christmas Day. Our tradition has always been to have a fresh oyster stew. So I am headed down to the docks today and pick some up off of the boat. Always freshly taken out of the Apalachicola Bay. Like the oyster man below is gathering.

Have a nice day and I hope you are ready for Christmas.

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Happy Christmas Eve to the D-League. Good to see you all hanging in there and having fun.

I'm still up over the beating of UNC-Cheats. Been filling in the spare moments watching highlights of past UNC beatings from my DVDs - Wall's dunks, Prince's 5 threes, AD's block, Malik's 47, Fitch's late 3 from Rupp, Estill kicking ass in the Dean Dome. Fun memories when you loathe a program the way I loathe North Carolina.

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas season. Ive been slammed at work and with the family but I hope to check in here more often.
Morning D.
Sister, brother & myself met Mom & Dad for church yesterday morning, then the rest of family (wives & kids) met up at their house. Had a full day of grazing, catching up, etc...turned out to be a great day. Both were really pleased to have everyone there.
I wasn't so sure I was gonna make it when i woke up...that win made my head hurt.

Christmas Eve with the kids tonight. Service at 4, then back home for more food & drink. Usually we've always done it on Christmas morning, but we changed it this year. We're making breakfast for keep up with tradition..

Merry Christmas to all!
UK basketball prognosticator: I can predict the direction of the Cats regardless of Coach or season. For example, sometimes the casual fan thinks we're doing badly. I tell them that good things are to come. Perhaps we are doing especially well. I remind them that good times are fleeting and to enjoy them. I've never been wrong.