
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F, clear and crisp. Expecting 63°F later today.

Utes and Cats at 4 PM today. Come on, Cats!

Finally saw "Elf" last night. Great flick. Watched "Darkest Hour" after. Churchill was quite the character.

Online work this morning. Heading to the bank around 10:30 am. Job Spotter work from 11 am - 2 pm or so.

Headed to the local tavern tonight. Meeting up with a cousin that is in from Key West. Should be fun.
Not really much else going on tonight. Counting on a W tomorrow.
Not much Bko lately. Hope all is well
Folks from the Keys are called "conchs". It's an honor, really. Very determined people. Hope ya had fun.

I am pulling for him to do it. I don't know much about Penn State's defense but 108 is doable even if they have a top 5. Go Benny go.
I believe Bennie needs 108 yards rushing to break Collins record. Too bad he got ejected early in last year's bowl game of he might already have it.

Nittany Lions are not as good this season as in past years. Nevertheless, James Franklin is an outstanding coach. Cats never beat him at Vandy. Gonna be a tough game.
Hello D league peoples! Everyone got their Christmas shopping done yet? Hope all y'all are good!
Yes, finally.

Gift for my wife is American-made. Comparatively expensive, but quality flatware.

We sent daughter and granddaughter $100. Step-daughter and step-son also might receive some greenbacks.
I've bought my wife about 6 things that will go in different boxes for Christmas. We had agreed to just get what we want and not exchange gifts. Now I find out last night that she wants a heater to go under her desk at the office and a seat heater for her car. I've still got shopping and a lot of wrapping to do.
Oh my! I just had an omelet that makes all this dieting so worthwhile. 3 eggs, 2 slices of cheese, jalapeno peppers and what some might call "too much" sausage.

It's not easy being so healthy, but if not me, whom? If not now, when?

I had beans and cornbread for breakfast. "Beans, beans .. good for the heart."
Afternoon D
Just got home from work...a little foggy this was the weather.
Got another party to hit up this evening.
Need the Cats to win & it would be nice if the Hoosiers get beat by Butler. That would definitely make for a great evening at the party.
No Christmas shopping yet...I got Wed thru Friday off this coming week. Hopefully something will be left. Just giving $ to the kids.
Gotta bake cookies for my daughter tomorrow, gotta go get supplies before the game starts.
It is wet...enough rain already!
I was at the Final Four in New Orleans and my heart was ripped out. First Dale Brown goes down with an injury after running into the table and Mashburn fouls out. If only one of these had happened we win. My wife and both kids were there and we were sick after the loss.

After the game we were walking to our car and North Carolina fans were offering to buy our ticket for the final game. I told them before I would sell it to them I would throw it in the Mississippi River. That was a tough one to lose.