
Anxious to start watching bowl games
Me too. I've only plans for 2 games. I'll watch the Sun Devils fork the Dawgs tomorrow and of course UK clobber PSU on New Years.
I just hate that my grand kids have to grow up in a completely different world than I did.
I'm with you on that. I remember playing outside till the dinner bell rang, stealing apples, riding my bicycle to my favorite fishing holes at least once a week to catch fish for my pet reptiles, family & neighbors. We never locked our doors. No need. We had to shoot very few before the word got out. I didn't get to shoot anyone except one cousin (my favorite). He still around so it was an obvious accident (a ricochet). Dad only shot one and Pa-paw two that I know of. I came to Arizona so I wouldn't have deal with that. I didn't need that ticket to the big house.
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Happy Friday D Leaguers
No boss Friday :raised_hands: :raised_hands: (kidding...I like my Boss...just in case he's remotely checking on me from home)
Saturdays game will be interesting. Probably start out slow & play from behind for most of 1st half, then, hopefully, have enough of a lead and hold on for the W.
No need to watch now, I just told you what was gonna happen...enjoy your Saturday. Can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning...
Probably need to get to work.

No hurry. The boss won't be there.
We put it in food saver bags, 12 oz each, and froze it. We will try it next week when the kids come by.

I bought a Food Saver at a garage sale recently for a buck. It works. Saw online that it cost $120 new. Now all I have to do is buy $25 worth of bags. Food Saver bags are like HP printer ink.
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Hello to all. TGIF right?

Don, liked your story. Dang, what would be in a persons mind to get in a shootout with police? Well, there but by the grace of God go I.

Sawnee and Ben, and others as well, I appreciate your sentiments about knowing a teams players. For me, for at least 60 years it's always been that way with the basketball team, the Cats. Very few others. Knew MJ from college would excell in the nba so followed him all the way thru. But going back further to watching Connie Hawkins do fingerrolls not soon after the nba started. Yankees, Dogers, had some fine players come through. Boston, Lakers.

So over the years have enjoyed, well, winning. Although you learn more about your team when you loose. But winning. We are blessed to be Cat fans of all of the University's sports. But it has changed no doubt and I along with the D certainly recognize that. I'm confident it Cal and his plan for the kids we call the Kentucky Wildcats. The D, saving lives and go Cats. I'm now going to stop. FCC.
Got a couple of minutes. Wife and I are headed off to the theater for A Christmas Carol. This will be her first time in Actors Theater. That's the only one I haven't drug her to yet.

Did a bunch of housework today. Music made it bearable.

Ground up and packaged 6.5 lbs of sausage today. I put mine in 16oz bags. I cooked about a quarter pound as soon as I finished. Was pretty good.

I shaved today. With a razor. Shaving cream too. I usually just use the clippers with no guard. It's not a close shave, but it's close enough for me. Rule of thumb is, if I'm going to wear dress shoes, then I will shave with a razor. Pretty simple rule.

Not ashamed to say that I don't know what time we play tomorrow. I'll find out before then.
Got a couple of minutes. Wife and I are headed off to the theater for A Christmas Carol. This will be her first time in Actors Theater. That's the only one I haven't drug her to yet.

Did a bunch of housework today. Music made it bearable.

Ground up and packaged 6.5 lbs of sausage today. I put mine in 16oz bags. I cooked about a quarter pound as soon as I finished. Was pretty good.

I shaved today. With a razor. Shaving cream too. I usually just use the clippers with no guard. It's not a close shave, but it's close enough for me. Rule of thumb is, if I'm going to wear dress shoes, then I will shave with a razor. Pretty simple rule.

Not ashamed to say that I don't know what time we play tomorrow. I'll find out before then.
1700 ESMT
It has been a very unusual day down here. We have had a light soaking rain all day long. Cloudy skies. It usually rains hard and the sun comes back out. Of course when the Devil Is Beating His Wife it means it is raining and the sun is shining bright. We get that more often than not.

I said all of that to tell you this. I have my Citrus Bowl Tickets in hand and do not want a day like today on January 1. I want some good ole fashion Florida sunshine and a HUGE win against Penn State. Nobody in the sports world thinks we have a chance. But I do.

Got a couple of minutes. Wife and I are headed off to the theater for A Christmas Carol. This will be her first time in Actors Theater. That's the only one I haven't drug her to yet.

Did a bunch of housework today. Music made it bearable.

Ground up and packaged 6.5 lbs of sausage today. I put mine in 16oz bags. I cooked about a quarter pound as soon as I finished. Was pretty good.

I shaved today. With a razor. Shaving cream too. I usually just use the clippers with no guard. It's not a close shave, but it's close enough for me. Rule of thumb is, if I'm going to wear dress shoes, then I will shave with a razor. Pretty simple rule.

Not ashamed to say that I don't know what time we play tomorrow. I'll find out before then.
You know, I’m just an old uneducated railroad man. My cultured, educated wife dragged me to the theater 20 years ago, and dang if I didn’t love it! I dreaded the thought of going for years! Now every time a good show comes to town we see it. This year the best show we saw I would say was Motown. Have already got tickets for The Lion King early 2019
You know, I’m just an old uneducated railroad man. My cultured, educated wife dragged me to the theater 20 years ago, and dang if I didn’t love it! I dreaded the thought of going for years! Now every time a good show comes to town we see it. This year the best show we saw I would say was Motown. Have already got tickets for The Lion King early 2019

We've seen a couple of Broadway shows, and I got the bug. We have a restored Paramount theatre, built in the late 20's and it hosts all types of entertainment. We go to some concerts, but we see all the Broadway series that come to town, usually about 3-4 a year. We really enjoy them. After all, we NE Ky guys need all the culture we can get.
Hello D league peoples! Everyone got their Christmas shopping done yet? Hope all y'all are good!
Thanks for the well wishes and back at you. Christmas shopping in not quite finished but I am going to wrap it up in a few days. It rained yesterday so I didn't get out.

I am trying to down size Christmas this year but I am finding that impossible. Old habits are hard to break.
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • 61º on my part of the Gulf coast. Light rain predicted to end about 9:00 this morning.
  • It is game day and I am anxious to see how the team responds to Quade transferring. Should give a couple of guards a little more playing time.
  • Not much going on around here. I still have a couple of things to pick up for Christmas.
  • Also I want to put the side rails on my pickup. My tradition has always been to put a Christmas wreath on the grill so I need to do that as well.
  • I trust all are well and let's be thankful for this another day.
  • Be careful with the spirits and don't get your self in the position Brer' turtle got himself in with Ali.
  • enhance
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • 61º on my part of the Gulf coast. Light rain predicted to end about 9:00 this morning.
  • It is game day and I am anxious to see how the team responds to Quade transferring. Should give a couple of guards a little more playing time.
  • Not much going on around here. I still have a couple of things to pick up for Christmas.
  • Also I want to put the side rails on my pickup. My tradition has always been to put a Christmas wreath on the grill so I need to do that as well.
  • I trust all are well and let's be thankful for this another day.
  • Be careful with the spirits and don't get your self in the position Brer' turtle got himself in with Ali.
  • enhance
Driving to ST. Charles LA. one day many years back, we stopped at a little side road gator and turtle home to see what they had. One of the bigger pools they had had two big gators and a logger head (I think) turtle. This thing was huge. I ask the caretaker there if the gators ever went after the turtle and he showed me some marks and a couple of chunk areas that were taken out of it, He also showed me ares were the gators had some chunks out of them. He said they had a mutual agreement now to leave each other alone.
Driving to ST. Charles LA. one day many years back, we stopped at a little side road gator and turtle home to see what they had. One of the bigger pools they had had two big gators and a logger head (I think) turtle. This thing was huge. I ask the caretaker there if the gators ever went after the turtle and he showed me some marks and a couple of chunk areas that were taken out of it, He also showed me ares were the gators had some chunks out of them. He said they had a mutual agreement now to leave each other alone.

I stopped at a restaurant along the hwy, years ago as we headed to New Orleans. I was going to try gator for the first time and I asked the old guy who owned the place what I could expect, since I had heard it tasted a little like chicken. In that Cajun voice he said, Naw man, it tastes like what eat chicken. Headed to the airport for our flight back to Ky. Hope to get home by game time. Everyone have a good day and Go Cats.
Hey Warrior. I prolly told you this before, but man thank-you for your service. Because of you, I drive around Future City pretty much assured that I won't take any enemy fire. And if I did, it would mean their certain death. A thank you really don't seem like enough, but I say it anyway. Me and my family remembers you in our thoughts and prayers. FCC.
Looks dreary outside. No thanks. I might venture out tomorrow.

I'm hungry.

Play was pretty good last night. A little more contemporary than I've seen in the past but not to the point of detracting from the story.

Went to Actors a lot. Enjoyed it.

In another life, I used to go a lot more often than I do now.

You know, I’m just an old uneducated railroad man. My cultured, educated wife dragged me to the theater 20 years ago, and dang if I didn’t love it! I dreaded the thought of going for years! Now every time a good show comes to town we see it. This year the best show we saw I would say was Motown. Have already got tickets for The Lion King early 2019

We saw Motown when it first opened in Louisville. I would go see it again.
When I was about 8 or so, we took a trip, sort of difficult back then, to Daytona Beach. We got in to Florida and stopped to eat. Didn't eat out much in those days. Hunted and ate what we shot, plus had a big garden. Anyway, the waitress was taking my order and I told her whatever meat I wanted. Seems like I asked if they had rabbit. After my meat order, I told her I wanted potatoes. She said au grauten, I thought she said all rotten, humbly, I said, well if that's all you got. After I tasted them for the first time, I felt sorry for a resturant that had to serve rotten potatoes. FCC.
Thanks for the well wishes and back at you. Christmas shopping in not quite finished but I am going to wrap it up in a few days. It rained yesterday so I didn't get out.

I am trying to down size Christmas this year but I am finding that impossible. Old habits are hard to break.

I've got a few things to get not much though. Downsizing Christmas is always easier said than done.

Game day. Maybe we can turn this thing around.

More coffee please.
Hey Warrior. I prolly told you this before, but man thank-you for your service. Because of you, I drive around Future City pretty much assured that I won't take any enemy fire. And if I did, it would mean their certain death. A thank you really don't seem like enough, but I say it anyway. Me and my family remembers you in our thoughts and prayers. FCC.
You have and thank you just the same. Believe me when I tell you it was my pleasure. The military gave me and education in life that I probably would not have gotten anywhere else and those travel benefits were not bad either.