Somebody said it was Rex Chapman but who knows? Maybe or maybe not.Who is this graf dude on some of the other threads? My God.
Where were you on 9/11.
At work, watching live news feed. Shocked, horrified . . . still angry. Don't have to worry about me forgetting. It's the forgiveness I struggle with.Where were you on 9/11.
Men are just stupid when it comes to girls.Rooster, a young male Praying Mantis visited me this morning. I tried to warn him about the females, but he didn't think I was serious.
Wonderful post. My father in law was one of my best friends. He has been gone for 12 years. WWII Navy guy with both theaters. He was one of my hero's.My best friend ever and FIL passed 7 years ago today. this man hands down is the reason I have the life I have today. he got me hired at Dupont and fathered the love of my life and wife I'm still married to today..this song is the most appropriate song ever..enjoy this with me as I celebrate my best friend as he was welcomed into heaven 7 years ago today...Love ya pop, hope I'm doing you proud with your daughter and hope to see you on the other side..
In memory of you POP.. I love ya to the moon and back....please before you click like.. listen to the words...
Now that's one of the things that makes you a lady, BKO - your charming modesty. I was indeed thinking of you.
Great photos! My aunt lived in Plant City for about 60 years before she passed away a few years ago.Good afternoon D-League friends
Just got out of the pool and feeling pretty good. The doc told me to swim as much as possible as I try to get back in shape.
The past few weeks I have gone through family photos, letters, post cards, etc and if you will allow me I am going to post a few of the old timers. Grandpa had quite a post card collection and most are dated prior to 1910. The oldest ones I can find are from the 1890's. My grandparents were born in the 1880's and the culture was very different. It is evident in the photos, letters and post cards. This card is post marked what appears to be Dec 18, 1907. It was sent from Clearwater to Plant City. Horse and buggy days
I did a search on this pic. Surprised because it doesn't look like her. I won't tell.
That IS a reliefNow that's one of the things that makes you a lady, BKO - your charming modesty. I was indeed thinking of you.
She was a knockout.I did a search on this pic. Surprised because it doesn't look like her. I won't tell.
- Good Morning, D-League
- Tuesday morning on the Gulf Coast and temp is 73º. High should be about 88 at my house with sunshine.
- Thank the good Lord for coffee. On my 3rd cup and it gets better each cup.
- I smell whole hog sausage frying in the skillet. It keeps a man young and vigorous.
- Where were you on 9/11. I was flying on Delta from Atlanta when the plane hit the first WTC tower. We were ordered to land in Myrtle Beach but nobody on the plane knew what was going on. In about 15 minutes we all found out.
- On the Sunday before we were staying in New York at the WTC Marriott. We checked out about 11:00 AM. My wife wanted to stay over three more days however, I received an assignment and we went back home to Georgia so I could get ready for that. I was flying out to the assignment when it happened. Later on we discovered the nice young lady who waited on us for breakfast Sunday morning did not survive the attack. The Marriott fell on 9/11 and she didn't make it. If we had stayed over we would have been right in the middle of it. Never forget.
- We all have much to be thankful for.
- Let's make it a great day and give thanks.
I think I know who it is.I did a search on this pic. Surprised because it doesn't look like her. I won't tell.
Well.I think I know who it is.
You win the jackpot. How could you tell it was her? She was beautiful as a blonde in the 30s.Looks like Lucy to me.
I would. I'm contemplating some drawer replacement. Know that you think clearly and I value your perceptions. You not alone in piddlin. If you post about your piddlin and I have an idea. I'll crow. To me there's no such thing as a bad idea. Ideas are a blessing in life, allowing alternative exploration prior to decision making. I've found that 7 or 8 selfless independent thinking deciders error rarely if ever. So like yourself, I've learned to listen as well as pop off. There's a lot of that here in the Oasis.Rooster, I'm curious why you questioned my use of finger joints for my drawers. If you know something I should know, fess up.
I would. I'm contemplating some drawer replacement. Know that you think clearly and I value your perceptions. You not alone in piddlin. If you post about your piddlin and I have an idea. I'll crow. To me there's no such thing as a bad idea. Ideas are a blessing in life, allowing alternative exploration prior to decision making. I've found that 7 or 8 selfless independent thinking deciders error rarely if ever. So like yourself, I've learned to listen as well as pop off. There's a lot of that here in the Oasis.