
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • Tuesday morning on the Gulf Coast and temp is 73º. High should be about 88 at my house with sunshine.
  • Thank the good Lord for coffee. On my 3rd cup and it gets better each cup.
  • I smell whole hog sausage frying in the skillet. It keeps a man young and vigorous.
  • Where were you on 9/11. I was flying on Delta from Atlanta when the plane hit the first WTC tower. We were ordered to land in Myrtle Beach but nobody on the plane knew what was going on. In about 15 minutes we all found out.
  • On the Sunday before we were staying in New York at the WTC Marriott. We checked out about 11:00 AM. My wife wanted to stay over three more days however, I received an assignment and we went back home to Georgia so I could get ready for that. I was flying out to the assignment when it happened. Later on we discovered the nice young lady who waited on us for breakfast Sunday morning did not survive the attack. The Marriott fell on 9/11 and she didn't make it. If we had stayed over we would have been right in the middle of it. Never forget.
  • We all have much to be thankful for.
  • Let's make it a great day and give thanks.
Good morning all! Cloudy morning in SWFL. Clouds are a nice break once in awhile. I think one of the reasons our football program doesn't get much respect is, we beat Florida and then come out and struggle against a Murray State type team. We need to hang about 50 on the Racers Saturday.

I hope those folks in the Carolinas get some good news and the Hurricane strength lessens or it turns off the path. I been through a couple of those, no fun.Everyone have a good day
Mornin' D.

I echo the sentiments of others: We can't forget what happened 17 years ago. Sawnee won't forget the woman he met at the WTC Marriott who was killed that day. I had worked a few years earlier with a woman who was on the plane that was hijacked and flown into the Pentagon. We weren't all that close but I knew her well enough to still be angry when I think about it. But every American I'm sure has the same deep and abiding emotions.

It's a good day to remember what we owe people like BKO's son who has joined up to help protect what we care about. I hope he continues to get that chance.
Where were you on 9/11.

I was working 12 hr night shift that week. I was upstairs sleeping on the couch, woke up that afternoon, turned on the TV and couldn't figure out what was going on...?? Still not completely awake, head was still probably took me 10 minutes to realize everything I was watching actually happened. It was hard to believe...still is.

Edit: Oh and good morning, by the way...
My sister and I were attending classes at JCC downtown on 9/11. We had gotten to school that morning - there was a Christian group (Jehovah's Witness I think) in the courtyard handing out pocket-sized New Testaments; we each accepted one and hung around outside for a few minutes. I remember someone yelling that a plane had hit the WTC so everyone ran inside the main lobby to watch the news. At that moment we just thought it was a horrific accident. As we stood there talking, and watching the live newscast, we saw the second plane, UA Flight 175 hit the south tower. I don't remember what channel it was on, but I remember hearing one of the the newscasters say "Dear God, we are under attack." Other than my sister, I didn't know anyone else in that lobby, yet we all stood there, arms around each other and in total shock. No one left to go to class, so we were still there watching when the towers collapsed. As one, the entire group sank to their knees and we all prayed together. That is something burned into my mind forever. I still have that little New Testament.
I've some health visits test and seen most of my Doctor's. I
was tested for Leukemia. Amen so, the test showed no Leukemia this is.not so, clear Not out of the woods yet. Other problems
but I'm a fighter and God Almighty will give me the way. So here is Almighty God , the Holly Spirit, and Jesus Christ. Thank you again!
Go Big Bluie
My best friend ever and FIL passed 7 years ago today. this man hands down is the reason I have the life I have today. he got me hired at Dupont and fathered the love of my life and wife I'm still married to today..this song is the most appropriate song ever..enjoy this with me as I celebrate my best friend as he was welcomed into heaven 7 years ago today...Love ya pop, hope I'm doing you proud with your daughter and hope to see you on the other side..

In memory of you POP.. I love ya to the moon and back....please before you click like.. listen to the words...

Wonderful post. My father in law was one of my best friends. He has been gone for 12 years. WWII Navy guy with both theaters. He was one of my hero's.

I would love to have one of our two hour phone conversations we used to have daily.

The youngest kid on the left is my father in law Richard Lee Bardin. While in the U.S. Navy, he survived the Uboats in the Atlantic and the Kamikazes in the Pacific. Notice the brother to the right in Army dress. He was on the first B-29 over Tokyo. Robert Bardin of Tampa, FL. Bob is now 93 and still mows his yard.

God bless Richard and Juanita's souls and Bob I pray you keep going.
Good afternoon D-League friends

Just got out of the pool and feeling pretty good. The doc told me to swim as much as possible as I try to get back in shape.

The past few weeks I have gone through family photos, letters, post cards, etc and if you will allow me I am going to post a few of the old timers. Grandpa had quite a post card collection and most are dated prior to 1910. The oldest ones I can find are from the 1890's. My grandparents were born in the 1880's and the culture was very different. It is evident in the photos, letters and post cards. This card is post marked what appears to be Dec 18, 1907. It was sent from Clearwater to Plant City. Horse and buggy days

Good afternoon D-League friends

Just got out of the pool and feeling pretty good. The doc told me to swim as much as possible as I try to get back in shape.

The past few weeks I have gone through family photos, letters, post cards, etc and if you will allow me I am going to post a few of the old timers. Grandpa had quite a post card collection and most are dated prior to 1910. The oldest ones I can find are from the 1890's. My grandparents were born in the 1880's and the culture was very different. It is evident in the photos, letters and post cards. This card is post marked what appears to be Dec 18, 1907. It was sent from Clearwater to Plant City. Horse and buggy days

Great photos! My aunt lived in Plant City for about 60 years before she passed away a few years ago.

We really need to take a trip to my folks condo in Isla Del Sol. It's been awhile. Beautiful area near St. Pete Beach and less than a 10-minute drive to Fort De Soto.
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • Tuesday morning on the Gulf Coast and temp is 73º. High should be about 88 at my house with sunshine.
  • Thank the good Lord for coffee. On my 3rd cup and it gets better each cup.
  • I smell whole hog sausage frying in the skillet. It keeps a man young and vigorous.
  • Where were you on 9/11. I was flying on Delta from Atlanta when the plane hit the first WTC tower. We were ordered to land in Myrtle Beach but nobody on the plane knew what was going on. In about 15 minutes we all found out.
  • On the Sunday before we were staying in New York at the WTC Marriott. We checked out about 11:00 AM. My wife wanted to stay over three more days however, I received an assignment and we went back home to Georgia so I could get ready for that. I was flying out to the assignment when it happened. Later on we discovered the nice young lady who waited on us for breakfast Sunday morning did not survive the attack. The Marriott fell on 9/11 and she didn't make it. If we had stayed over we would have been right in the middle of it. Never forget.
  • We all have much to be thankful for.
  • Let's make it a great day and give thanks.

I was playing golf in Valdosta GA. We were getting ready to tee off on number 10 when I saw a blue Ford Explorer zooming across the golf course on a service road. The lady skidded to stop next to us and shouted that we were at war and the Trade Center, Pentagon, and White House had all been bombed. Then she sped off. We just looked at each other and laughed and proceeded on with our round because we both assumed she was a nut.

When we got to the clubhouse it was packed and everyone was watching the tv. At the moment I turned to look at it I saw the first tower fall.

I had been at the bar in that Marriott earlier that year in March. I thought I was going to ride the elevator up to the top but they wanted $25 for the privilege. I said no thanks.
Rooster, I'm curious why you questioned my use of finger joints for my drawers. If you know something I should know, fess up.
I would. I'm contemplating some drawer replacement. Know that you think clearly and I value your perceptions. You not alone in piddlin. If you post about your piddlin and I have an idea. I'll crow. To me there's no such thing as a bad idea. Ideas are a blessing in life, allowing alternative exploration prior to decision making. I've found that 7 or 8 selfless independent thinking deciders error rarely if ever. So like yourself, I've learned to listen as well as pop off. There's a lot of that here in the Oasis.
Been watching The Song Remains the Same on AXStv. Saw it on Baxter Ave back in the day when it first came out. What a night.

Wife and I are going to the Palace Theater on Friday to see the Queen Extravaganza. Looking forward to it. I don't think Brian May is going to play but he is involved in the production so I would say it will be true to the original.

We saw Get The Led Out a few years ago at the Brown and it was note for note perfect.
I would. I'm contemplating some drawer replacement. Know that you think clearly and I value your perceptions. You not alone in piddlin. If you post about your piddlin and I have an idea. I'll crow. To me there's no such thing as a bad idea. Ideas are a blessing in life, allowing alternative exploration prior to decision making. I've found that 7 or 8 selfless independent thinking deciders error rarely if ever. So like yourself, I've learned to listen as well as pop off. There's a lot of that here in the Oasis.

No doubt that 2 or 8 heads are better than one. I will admit that some of the ideas I've had for this table, and my saw table, weren't as good as I originally thought and if I were to build either again there are things I would do differently. I think they call that "learning".
Was working at FT. Sill for a military contractor when the Towers were hit and could not seem to get anything done the rest of the day afterwards. Was angry and wished I was still in the military, wanted to get some payback. Had a hard time holding back the tears.
Good morning all, 75 and clear in beautiful SWFL. High of 91 today with a chance of T'storms. I can give that same forecast every day during the summer without ever watching the weather. :smiley:. Been watching the Weather Channel and you do NOT WANT Jim Cantore showing up in your town. If Jim shows up, good chance your ass is about to get evacuated. LOL. Hump day! Hope Y'all have the best day you ever had
Good morning D League. Temp currently 75 degrees with a high of 91 today. Looking at the East Coast knowing what they are preparing for and about to experience. Praying no loss of life and minimal damages. We can rebuild homes but not people.

Coffee is extra good. Made just they I like to make it. It is Wednesday and my UK flag is still flying in the heart of Bull Gator. Have a wonderful day and take care. Drive defensively
