
Morning D
Was that not awesome last night? 32 years - it was beautiful.
Unfortunately, woke up with that crud the hubby and son have had - feels like a hangover without the fun of drinking.
We may or may not hear from our SIT today - pretty torn on this. If he doesn't call, then it might mean he's back with his platoon and on "radio silence." Or ,if he doesn't call, he simply didn't get the privileges today. Or, if he DOES call, it could be just to update info: what exactly happened and what they're doing for him, and if maybe he'll recycle if necessary. Or, the worst case, he calls and says he is definitely coming home.

and btw, @ymmot31 I was NOT a mess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
but thank you @wildcatdonf :)

The crud is bad enough. Just hope it doesn't turn into the creeping crud.
The crud is bad enough. Just hope it doesn't turn into the creeping crud.

I'm about as good as new today. Had about 3 days where I knew I wasn't quite right and about 2 days of full on sick. Not too bad as far as sick goes.

Cut out the wood for the first drawer today, fits like a glove. Then I realized that my plan for the center pull out with the burner was a definite no go. Had to redesign that whole situation but I think I've came up with a viable plan. I'm still going to have to modify the legs of the cooker but I had already accepted that.

Game time 16 minutes!
Watching the replay on SEC Network. It is nice knowing how this is going to turn out. I can pay attention to details and one can see the Cats were in control of this game for the vast majority of time. It is a joke to think there are 30 better teams than our Cats in college football. A joke of a joke. But disrespect should make us tougher.
Watching the replay on SEC Network. It is nice knowing how this is going to turn out. I can pay attention to details and one can see the Cats were in control of this game for the vast majority of time. It is a joke to think there are 30 better teams than our Cats in college football. A joke of a joke. But disrespect should make us tougher.

UK has certainly earned disrespect in the college football world over the years. Sorry. I think this season, barring serious injuries, could go a long way in changing that
Check out this excerpt from Pitino's book. HAHAHAHA! I bet he never offered to resign ONE time let alone two, and there is no way that is a verbatim quote of Tom Jurich. Delusional skunk weasel.

I'm about as good as new today. Had about 3 days where I knew I wasn't quite right and about 2 days of full on sick. Not too bad as far as sick goes.

Cut out the wood for the first drawer today, fits like a glove. Then I realized that my plan for the center pull out with the burner was a definite no go. Had to redesign that whole situation but I think I've came up with a viable plan. I'm still going to have to modify the legs of the cooker but I had already accepted that.

Game time 16 minutes!
You're taking the right path in building your own table. Have you seen the prices for BGE tables? Take a look at this new model. Why would anyone want it at that price? What's the point? It would be useless for my purposes.
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You can tell some people the stove is hot, others have to burn their hands.

Kid hanging around the blacksmith shop. Blacksmith takes a hot horseshoe and dips it in the water and sets it on a table. Tells the kid, "Don't touch that horseshoe." Kid fools around a bit and decides to pick up the horseshoe. Immediately yelps and throws down the horseshoe."Hot, ain't it? says the blacksmith. Kid: "Nope. It just doesn't take me long to look at a horseshoe."
  • Good Morning, D-League and Wildcat Fans
  • Currently 71º and the high will be 88. We are expecting scattered showers today.
  • Up early this morning drinking coffee by the pool. The stars in the sky are so thick this morning it is as if you can reach up and touch them.
  • 3rd cup of black, strong real coffee.
  • I had saved a "victory" cigar for the moment we finally beat the Gators but in all the excitement I forgot where it was. I found it last night and will put it to use.
  • I am still numb over the game even after watching it 3 times.
  • A year ago today we were visited by Hurricane Irma. The only "damage" we had was palm trees as the house stood tall. This house is built to withstand a Cat 5 so it is going to take quite a storm to do any structural damage.
  • The Swamp Is Drained. Go CATS
Mornin' D-League. Back to reality day.

Still a little buzzed over the Cats win. As I've mentioned here, my older daughter went to UF, and as she pointed out, never in her entire life was she forced to congratulate ME after the game.

Also, I got to see Hamilton with my wife at the Kennedy Center in Washington yesterday. I won't bore with details except to say it was truly inspiring and has reignited my interest in learning as much as I can about the people who founded our country.
Good morning D Leaguers!
Had a great weekend...3 days of golf, won some cash & the W by the football Cats!
I may or may not have woke up with a headache Sunday morning....
Got home yesterday, laid on couch....a lot.
Congrats to you guys who have been loooong time UK football supporters. I have been a basketball fan since I was 10-12 but never cared about the football much 'til I started posting in here. 31
Might take me a few days to get caught up....
Grand daughter is cute as a button & not much bigger than one either. I'll get her set up with a username and password in a few more years....
Good morning D Leaguers!
Had a great weekend...3 days of golf, won some cash & the W by the football Cats!
I may or may not have woke up with a headache Sunday morning....
Got home yesterday, laid on couch....a lot.
Congrats to you guys who have been loooong time UK football supporters. I have been a basketball fan since I was 10-12 but never cared about the football much 'til I started posting in here. 31
Might take me a few days to get caught up....
Grand daughter is cute as a button & not much bigger than one either. I'll get her set up with a username and password in a few more years....
You are blessed, Oldville.