
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F. Forecast high today should stay in the low-90s. Yesterday, we received some much-needed, beautiful, cooling rain. Possibility for more precious rain as the week goes on.

Gators gonna be tough. I believe they are favored by 15.

That's all for now. Y'all behave.

San Diego was really nice. The weed was great and damn the women looked good lol.

99°F Sunny, warm, dry.


Good Morning D
I believe it was a 350 HP 400 CI . thing would fly
I had a little 69 Chevelle with the 350 engine. I think they made a 307, a 350 and 396. My wife begged me not to get a 396 because she thought I might wrap it around a tree so we settled for the 350. It had a 4 speed a positraction rear end and as you said, would fly. I found a picture of the rear end. Another one I wish I still had (restored of course)

Good morning everyone, We survived the tropical storm, wasn’t really a big deal. Now the sun is out and it will probably be as humid as heck today.
I don’t think I saw a close football game all weekend. And Florida state looks to be in for a long year. 91 and sunny today. Y’all have a great day
Ditto for us a little further up the Gulf Coast. Tropical storm brought a little rain and some nice breezes off of the Gulf. Not much else. The next month or so may bring us some activity. We are ready
69 Chevelle's had V8 motors from 307 up to 454.

Leaving out soon to meet up with Dad for an adventure. Taking my clippers with me and we're going to a park to cut his hair. The outlet in the van will run the clippers and if we cut it outside we don't have to clean up afterward. He said he wants a number 3.

I only watched two football games this weekend. Wasn't disappointed.

We watched the first five episodes of Ozark this weekend. Good show. We'll finish it up this week.

She picks out what we watch on tv for the most part and knows which shows I will not tolerate and watches them on the bedroom tv. I don't care what's on there if I'm on this computer, it's just background noise. The reason I let her choose most of the time is so I have carte blanche to watch any sporting event I want at any time. Pick your battles, win the war.
I had a little 69 Chevelle with the 350 engine. I think they made a 307, a 350 and 396. My wife begged me not to get a 396 because she thought I might wrap it around a tree so we settled for the 350. It had a 4 speed a positraction rear end and as you said, would fly. I found a picture of the rear end. Another one I wish I still had (restored of course)

Those were great cars. They have big car shows down here in the winter and i see quite a few of those beauties restored. Man, they go for BIG BUCKS!
Mornin' D League. I'm envying you retired guys this morning. Simmering humidity in DC. Packed subway cars. A train breakdown. And an abundance of aromatic, drugged-out homeless aggressively begging for money between nteh station and my office. IT's only 8:40 am, and I miss the weekend.
I had a little 69 Chevelle with the 350 engine. I think they made a 307, a 350 and 396. My wife begged me not to get a 396 because she thought I might wrap it around a tree so we settled for the 350. It had a 4 speed a positraction rear end and as you said, would fly. I found a picture of the rear end. Another one I wish I still had (restored of course)

Speaking of wrapping cars around trees that's exactly what I did with my Dad's 69 Cutlass convertible in 1977. Sadly this is the only pic I have of the car. It would have been my college car if I wasn't so stupid.

Speaking of wrapping cars around trees that's exactly what I did with my Dad's 69 Cutlass convertible in 1977. Sadly this is the only pic I have of the car. It would have been my college car if I wasn't so stupid.

Wow, that hurts. Olds made some great cars in their hey day. Hard to believe they do not make them anymore
Good Morning! I woke up at the crack of 1000 raring to go. I'm still sitting here, but on the inside I'm a flurry of activity.

I am pronouncing myself officially in the 180's this morning. Only a few pounds from the initial target weight of 185. However, I may be revisiting that decision and amending the target to 175. Just do it.

@AustinTXCat I was talking with Bert yesterday and told him I would come and visit on the day you were planning to be there, if that's OK with you. @Bkocats if Austin doesn't care to share his visit, do you think you can swing it?
I've missed a lot and am just now catching up reading
What day is @AustinTXCat supposed to be up? I'd love to join you guys if at all possible

I've missed y'all - we've been busy all weekend; my DIL and I are scouring every FB page dedicated to FLW, and, of course, the website. We're talking to families who have SITs in our company, etc. I'm sure @warrior-cat understands this, LOL. I'm sure the rest of you guys do, too.

Recorded our game Saturday, but haven't gotten a chance to watch it just yet.

@Lewinsky3 - you're welcome here. We don't talk JUST sports. I personally have a deep, abiding indifference to UofL; but my daughter and two of my brothers are fans. You're cool enough - just be prepared when our games occur :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hope all are well and that those who are sick/injured are healing.
I am no longer a person of interest in either the JFK assassination (I was not on that grassy knoll - and had an alibi to prove it) nor the Golden State Killer (although I was accused in that thread) cases.

We sent the Kennedy's an invitation to our wedding. We did receive a generic response which we still have. Even though I think they did, I am not absolutely certain that they read or pondered our invitation,

I only got off as I was at the University of Kentucky taking a four hour SAT exam.

I am innocent; however, I have seen the grassy knoll.
My teenage friends and I thought dancing was a sissy thing. We were the cool guys hanging out in the corner of the gym, sneering, while the "sissy" guys got all the girls. :cry: But we were cool. I was never coordinated enough to do the twist,

Was dancing a sin for old-timey Methodists? I think it was for Baptists (smoking was OK) and certainly for Pentecostals. Most things were sinful for Pentecostals.
I was raised by a Southern Baptist decon. Dancing was a sin; however, I always was given money to go to the sock hops My sister was allowed to teach me how to dance. I was not allowed to smoke. I was not allowed to drink; however, all the Higginbotham's drank like fish even though they were good Baptist.
I was raised by a Southern Baptist decon. Dancing was a sin; however, I always was given money to go to the sock hops My sister was allowed to teach me how to dance. I was not allowed to smoke. I was not allowed to drink; however, all the Higginbotham's drank like fish even though they were good Baptist.
Bert, we were raised very similar. My Southern Baptist teachings taught us dancing was a sin because it leads to premarital sex.

Drinking too was prohibited. My grandmother was a tea total Baptist and alcohol was taboo. Exception for a jug of moonshine that she kept in her room for medicine. Grandma stayed sick an awful lot.
Bert, we were raised very similar. My Southern Baptist teachings taught us dancing was a sin because it leads to premarital sex.

Drinking too was prohibited. My grandmother was a tea total Baptist and alcohol was taboo. Exception for a jug of moonshine that she kept in her room for medicine. Grandma stayed sick an awful lot.
Both of my grandmothers were devout Baptists. No drinking. No gambling.
Bert, we were raised very similar. My Southern Baptist teachings taught us dancing was a sin because it leads to premarital sex.

Drinking too was prohibited. My grandmother was a tea total Baptist and alcohol was taboo. Exception for a jug of moonshine that she kept in her room for medicine. Grandma stayed sick an awful lot.
My Maternal Grandmother lost her last son, Bobby Joe, to Leukemia at age 6. A little tow-head. That might test your faith. She always kept a little wagon of his on a whatnot shelf. We were not allowed to touch it.
My grandson was killed in a car wreck when he was 9 and ½ years old. Very similar. We have created sanctuaries for him.

The pain will not go away. I lost my father when he was 73, my mom when she was 89, my sister when she was 53. What we can’t cope with is losing my Owen when he was 9 years old. I pray for him daily, but I am pissed off that I can't hug him any more and I can’t follow him in school (he was brilliant).

Life is not easy, so the pain makes us better; however, it does not make us more comfortable. I loved my grandson, so I protect his borders. We have to build these fences so we can try to understand our loss.


See the little fellow at the bottom. That is Owen. The boy never made a "B". He was straight "A's". We lost him. My life has been lessened for three years now. I can not get over it.
My grandson was killed in a car wreck when he was 9 and ½ years old. Very similar. We have created sanctuaries for him.

The pain will not go away. I lost my father when he was 73, my mom when she was 89, my sister when she was 53. What we can’t cope with is losing my Owen when he was 9 years old. I pray for him daily, but I am pissed off that I can't hug him any more and I can’t follow him in school (he was brilliant).

Life is not easy, so the pain makes us better; however, it does not make us more comfortable. I loved my grandson, so I protect his borders. We have to build these fences so we can try to understand our loss.


See the little fellow at the bottom. That is Owen. The boy never made a "B". He was straight "A's". We lost him. My life has been lessened for three years now. I can not get over it.
Bert, I don't know how your little family has survived this tragedy. My heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine. This makes a lump in my throat.
My grandson was killed in a car wreck when he was 9 and ½ years old. Very similar. We have created sanctuaries for him.

The pain will not go away. I lost my father when he was 73, my mom when she was 89, my sister when she was 53. What we can’t cope with is losing my Owen when he was 9 years old. I pray for him daily, but I am pissed off that I can't hug him any more and I can’t follow him in school (he was brilliant).

Life is not easy, so the pain makes us better; however, it does not make us more comfortable. I loved my grandson, so I protect his borders. We have to build these fences so we can try to understand our loss.


See the little fellow at the bottom. That is Owen. The boy never made a "B". He was straight "A's". We lost him. My life has been lessened for three years now. I can not get over it.
Having to bury a child is a parent's greatest fear. At least it is mine. My family has also gone through this. There are no good answers as to why. He was such a nice looking boy and as you told us, brilliant. There is nothing sadder in life than to see a small child taken away

What a beautiful family Bert.
I've missed a lot and am just now catching up reading
What day is @AustinTXCat supposed to be up? I'd love to join you guys if at all possible

I've missed y'all - we've been busy all weekend; my DIL and I are scouring every FB page dedicated to FLW, and, of course, the website. We're talking to families who have SITs in our company, etc. I'm sure @warrior-cat understands this, LOL. I'm sure the rest of you guys do, too.

Recorded our game Saturday, but haven't gotten a chance to watch it just yet.

@Lewinsky3 - you're welcome here. We don't talk JUST sports. I personally have a deep, abiding indifference to UofL; but my daughter and two of my brothers are fans. You're cool enough - just be prepared when our games occur :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hope all are well and that those who are sick/injured are healing.

Appreciate it. Way to late in life to switch sides now lol I'd lose half my family and friends. Theirs idiots in both fanbases.
I've watched Louisville fans fight Louisville fans and Kentucky fans fight Kentucky fans lol I use to care alot about sports but the hiring back of petrino and the basketball scandals have made me lose alot of interest.
That will do it and it would for me also. The only favor I would ask regarding Pitino is for someone in authority to order his jersey removed from Rupp rafters. He should not be honored no matter what he did at UK. There is no honor in this man.
I received some very good news from my doctor today. I had surgery Thursday to repair my bladder and a TURP procedure. It was non evasive surgery but lasted 3 hours and I was out the entire time. I also had this dang urinary catheter to deal with. First time for that and I hope to never see one again. Unless of course it is absolutely needed

Well today after the examination the doc said he was shocked at the progress and told me to come back in 3 months. No more catheter to deal with and just take it easy and let my body do the rest. You don't know how relieved I felt hearing that. He also said they tested the fragment tissues for cancer (routine) and all is clear. No worry there.

So back to the swimming pool for me and I am tempted to head to Gainesville Saturday for the game. Good sense says don't push it so I will watch on TV. I have a trip to Europe scheduled in December and the doc said I should be good to go. No problem.

Thanks D-League for your prayers and thoughts. God heard you and answered your prayers. Love y'all
My grandson was killed in a car wreck when he was 9 and ½ years old. Very similar. We have created sanctuaries for him.

The pain will not go away. I lost my father when he was 73, my mom when she was 89, my sister when she was 53. What we can’t cope with is losing my Owen when he was 9 years old. I pray for him daily, but I am pissed off that I can't hug him any more and I can’t follow him in school (he was brilliant).

Life is not easy, so the pain makes us better; however, it does not make us more comfortable. I loved my grandson, so I protect his borders. We have to build these fences so we can try to understand our loss.


See the little fellow at the bottom. That is Owen. The boy never made a "B". He was straight "A's". We lost him. My life has been lessened for three years now. I can not get over it.
How awful. I can't imagine what you and your family have had to go through after such a horrific tragedy. Really sorry Bert.
I received some very good news from my doctor today. I had surgery Thursday to repair my bladder and a TURP procedure. It was non evasive surgery but lasted 3 hours and I was out the entire time. I also had this dang urinary catheter to deal with. First time for that and I hope to never see one again. Unless of course it is absolutely needed

Well today after the examination the doc said he was shocked at the progress and told me to come back in 3 months. No more catheter to deal with and just take it easy and let my body do the rest. You don't know how relieved I felt hearing that. He also said they tested the fragment tissues for cancer (routine) and all is clear. No worry there.

So back to the swimming pool for me and I am tempted to head to Gainesville Saturday for the game. Good sense says don't push it so I will watch on TV. I have a trip to Europe scheduled in December and the doc said I should be good to go. No problem.

Thanks D-League for your prayers and thoughts. God heard you and answered your prayers. Love y'all
Excellent news Sawnee!!!!
I received some very good news from my doctor today. I had surgery Thursday to repair my bladder and a TURP procedure. It was non evasive surgery but lasted 3 hours and I was out the entire time. I also had this dang urinary catheter to deal with. First time for that and I hope to never see one again. Unless of course it is absolutely needed
I have gone through that one. and it is not one bit funny. My sympathy to you.
So back to the swimming pool for me and I am tempted to head to Gainesville Saturday for the game. Good sense says don't push it so I will watch on TV. I have a trip to Europe scheduled in December and the doc said I should be good to go. No problem.
Very wise decision unless you could do a wheelchair,
with any luck I'll be there

Good deal! We can race down.

I've watched Louisville fans fight Louisville fans and Kentucky fans fight Kentucky fans lol I use to care alot about sports but the hiring back of petrino and the basketball scandals have made me lose alot of interest.

Excellent! That shows you have a soul. That's the first step to ridding yourself of the commuter school chicanery. Jump on in, the water's fine.

Thanks D-League for your prayers and thoughts. God heard you and answered your prayers. Love y'all

That's what we do here at the D. Save lives.