
need your thoughts and prayers guys
my son called his wife earlier today; he's been injured and may be medically discharged, but we don't know what happened. All we know is it's the same shoulder that he hurt earlier this year. It was fine when he went in though
I'm worried sick right now, and we don't know what is going to happen.
I really hope he can get rehabbed and finish this thing -
Wait until more information arrives. Trainee discharges depend upon injury and history behind it, among other factors. @warrior-cat can provide more info.
need your thoughts and prayers guys
my son called his wife earlier today; he's been injured and may be medically discharged, but we don't know what happened. All we know is it's the same shoulder that he hurt earlier this year. It was fine when he went in though
I'm worried sick right now, and we don't know what is going to happen.
I really hope he can get rehabbed and finish this thing -
They should just put him on medical hold until doctors assess his condition and if minor and or fixable will keep him until healed and then continue his training. If it is a permanent injury that does not allow him to continue service they will medically discharge him with some sort of disability percentage which will give him monthly monetary compensation as long as they do not determine that is was an EPTS (Existed Prior To Service) condition. Meaning it was chronically known before entering service. Would need documented proof for that mostly.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F, humid and overcast. Expecting a high in the low-90s today with more precious, beautiful rain coming later.

I looked at our Cats men's basketball schedule last night. Games scheduled for November 18, 21 and 23 during my visit. Might hit a game at Rupp on the 18th.

That's all for now. Y'all behave.

102°F Sunny, hot, dry.

Good Morning D Happy Hump
77° F here and 91% humidity. I suppose these clouds are from the tropical storm that hit the gulf states last night. We may end up with a lot of rain.

I hope BKO's son gets well and can finish basic. I had a cousin who discovered in Marine basic that he had a heart valve problem. It did not alter his health much and may well have kept him healthy knowing of the problem so it could be treated.

I have a funeral today, so my day is already screwed. Sa la vie!
need your thoughts and prayers guys
my son called his wife earlier today; he's been injured and may be medically discharged, but we don't know what happened. All we know is it's the same shoulder that he hurt earlier this year. It was fine when he went in though
I'm worried sick right now, and we don't know what is going to happen.
I really hope he can get rehabbed and finish this thing -
You have our prayers Bko. Keep us up to date on his progress. We have faith this is going to work out.
Morning y'all. 71 here in the City. Glad Ace and Sawnee survived the storm. BKO please keep us posted. The D is with you. Warrior will be a great help. FCC.
77 this morning and a high of 87 today on my section of the Gulf Coast. Showers expected in the afternoon as usual. Good for my citrus trees.

FCC we didn't have an issue with the Tropical Storm here. It passed us while in the Gulf and nothing abnormal resulted in our area. This is the time of year we watch the weather pretty close as you never know when something is going to start brewing out there. Thankfully we have plenty of time to prepare unlike when my mother was young. A 1929 storm Florida hurricane was extremely deadly because there was no warning. Mom said she was awaken as the roof came off and blew into the orange grove. Nobody hurt but a few barn yard animals disappeared never to be found.

I was raised by a Southern Baptist decon. Dancing was a sin; however, I always was given money to go to the sock hops My sister was allowed to teach me how to dance. I was not allowed to smoke. I was not allowed to drink; however, all the Higginbotham's drank like fish even though they were good Baptist.
Bert, we were raised very similar. My Southern Baptist teachings taught us dancing was a sin because it leads to premarital sex.

Drinking too was prohibited. My grandmother was a tea total Baptist and alcohol was taboo. Exception for a jug of moonshine that she kept in her room for medicine. Grandma stayed sick an awful lot.

I thought pre-marital sex was wrong because it could lead to dancing.
Dad and I had a most excellent adventure today. We decided to go back to the E-Town piddlers mall today and along the way we stopped at the Veterans Park in West Point. I gave him a good haircut along with a beard trim. Ear hair, nose hair, eye brows, the whole shebang. Dude's 87 and be damned if he still doesn't look better than me.

He didn't wear his cap the rest of the day. He knew he was styling with his cool sunglasses and a fat stogie.

He's a cult of personality and I love that old dude.

Please get in contact with this guy. I don't understand the bushy eyebrows on old guys thing at all.

Passed by the Ft. Knox gold depository again today. Still hard to reconcile how small it is. Just sitting there in the middle of a small field. Thinking about contacting the Floyd gang to knock it off but I think I should get a beer first.

I used to pastor a little church that sits on the western edge of Cloverport on old Hwy 60 (before HWY 60 bypassed Cloverport). Know where that is?
hey D
no word - it'll probably be a while before we hear anything
I'm worried sick; my apologies for being so one track minded right now
I won't take up posting space to complain/rant/vent/whatever - so please forgive if I don't post much
I AM thinking of you guys though. Hugs

Prayers sent your way! Venting can sometimes be the best thing to do. I just skipped town but think I'm over the hump. Hardest thing I've done in my life.
Hello. Gotta pick kids up today. It's starting to rain here. Storm finally got here. I mowed yesterday in the dog pen and dust flew everywhere.

Lewinsky, not sure what "skipped town" is but I certainly wish you the best. Let the D know if you need any help. Saving lives. And yes it was Kaiser that started that when he wrote a piece explaining what the D was. It was a very good piece that he wrote. It's back a long way somewhere. I don't have time right now to find it.

Anyway, y'all try to keep 'er between the ditches today. Shalom (wholeness). FCC.

What a day. Some imbecile nearly sideswiped me in traffic today, then we had an ugly and juvenile shouting match that nearly escalated to a truly undignified fist fight before he drove off. Then I've had a half dozen unavoidable confrontations at work that stopped just short of bubbling over.

Got at least two more hours of work. If I survive that and a subway ride home, I'm going to try to find some part of that zone Elvis is singing about here.
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  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • Busy morning. Started off at about 70 degrees.
  • Goldfish and Koi fed.
  • OldvilleCat has a new grand girl. Congrats. May God bless.
  • Hope Beverly's son is not hurt too bad. The best to you all. It'll be alright, Mom.
  • Keep up the healing, Sawnee Cat.
  • We haven't heard from Jed in a while. He had hurt his Achilles. @Jed: Tell us how you are.
  • at 55: haven't heard from you in a spell either. How you doin'?
  • I watched some of We Were Soldiers the other night. Rough battle scenes.
  • Take care. Hump Day is over for most of you.
  • As you were. Carry on.
Another day to get it right and have things fall our way, D-Leaguers. Yesterday leaves me only one direction to go.

Good luck with the DNA test Austin. My kids bought me the 23&me kit a few years back and it was a cool experience. No real surprises - no hidden Shawnee in the mix to explain dark hair and eyes - but it was interesting to confirm I am part Neanderthal. Apparently most all former Northern Europeans are.
75° F here also Austin. Overcast and may well rain any minute. I really need to mow if it dries out enough.

The funeral ended up being okay. She would have been 95 years old on October 13. Her brother is now 93, he lives in Tampa and did not make it up. She was always a pretty lady:

My father-in-law always called her Runt. She never married.
I used to pastor a little church that sits on the western edge of Cloverport on old Hwy 60 (before HWY 60 bypassed Cloverport). Know where that is?

What was its name? I don't remember a church right on US 60; however, Cloverport was my old territory when I was the Sales Manager for CSX in Evansville. One of my largest customers was Willamette at Hawesville. Was the church out toward Hawesville?
Another day to get it right and have things fall our way, D-Leaguers. Yesterday leaves me only one direction to go.

Good luck with the DNA test Austin. My kids bought me the 23&me kit a few years back and it was a cool experience. No real surprises - no hidden Shawnee in the mix to explain dark hair and eyes - but it was interesting to confirm I am part Neanderthal. Apparently most all former Northern Europeans are.
I am a really good mix. I am American Indian, Spanish, European Jew, Russian, English/Scot, Irish, Scandinavian, French and Austrian.

Ancestry does not mention Neanderthal as they want to not hurt our feelings.:scream:
Good morning everyone. Sitting in McDonald’s in beautiful SWFL. Sunny as can be this morning, high of 91 today. I have been to, or watched every loss in this 31 year losing streak to Florida. I’ve had three invites to the game. I decided I’m not going and I’m not WATCHING. Maybe I’m bad luck. See how this works out.
75° F here also Austin. Overcast and may well rain any minute. I really need to mow if it dries out enough.

The funeral ended up being okay. She would have been 95 years old on October 13. Her brother is now 93, he lives in Tampa and did not make it up. She was always a pretty lady:

My father-in-law always called her Runt. She never married.
Oh my, what a lovely lady. And you can tell she was a lady. And that smile shows a woman who was content and happy.

My mother lived to be 95 also. There was never a day in her life that she could not get out of the bed until her final day and she just went to sleep. I asked mama what her secret was to good health and she answered, faith and trust in the Lord, being raised dirt poor and having to grow everything you ate and being thankful you had two good hands. Be thankful of everything you have even your cleanest dirty shirt.

This is our Old Home Place and the house I lived in after I was born. Mama was born in it too, in 1912.

  • Good morning, D-League friends and neighbors
  • Looking out of the lanai door and it is a bright sunshiny day.
  • 77 degrees, chance of afternoon shower and high about 89.
  • Said a prayer for Beverly's son, God will work things out
  • Reading and watching TV for Gator comments about our game Saturday. They are confident and expect an easy time of it. They are hoping to play a lot of subs to give them game experience. To say they are overlooking us would be an under statement.
  • I hope those UK fans in attendance can walk out with a big smile as I did in 1977 when we put it to them in Gainesville. That may have been the highlight of my life as a UK fan attending a football game. The Florida fans literally wanted the head of Doug Dickey. He was toast and it was obvious Gainesville would not be his home for very long. Brutal fans.
  • Trust all have a wonderful and safe day. Drive defensively
Oh my, what a lovely lady. And you can tell she was a lady. And that smile shows a woman who was content and happy.

My mother lived to be 95 also. There was never a day in her life that she could not get out of the bed until her final day and she just went to sleep. I asked mama what her secret was to good health and she answered, faith and trust in the Lord, being raised dirt poor and having to grow everything you ate and being thankful you had two good hands. Be thankful of everything you have even your cleanest dirty shirt.

This is our Old Home Place and the house I lived in after I was born. Mama was born in it too, in 1912.

That’s a great story and picture!
I am a really good mix. I am American Indian, Spanish, European Jew, Russian, English/Scot, Irish, Scandinavian, French and Austrian.

Ancestry does not mention Neanderthal as they want to not hurt our feelings.:scream:
I was actually okay with being part thick skulled, low-browed cave creature Bert. The more science learns about Neanderthals, the better the press they are getting. Here's what my report said, by the way:
You have 267 Neanderthal variants.
You have fewer Neanderthal variants than 63% of 23andMe customers.
Your Neanderthal ancestry accounts for less than 4% of your overall DNA.