
gooD morning...
Spent the half the Day yesterDay with Mom & Dad then DiD some volunteer work at a Blues event. It was gooD Day...a long one.
We haD a ranDom canaDa goose walking arounD in our garage yesterDay....weirD. My son was senDing me viDeos. Not even sure how it enDeD up in there? We have a few lakes nearby anD corn/soybean fielDs, I've seen them many times...but one has never enDeD up by the house. It just seemeD lost....not right.
Cleaning out the garage toDay...obviously. Not much else going on toDay for me. My wife volunteereD to work...13 hours. Maybe she's trying to tell me something!
GlaD to see Sawnee Cat back.
Cats football DiDn't get off to a stellar start...but overcoming 4 TO's anD still winning by 2 TDs has to be somewhat of gooD sign....right?

Daughter goes in tonight at 7 pm...phase #1 of Project granDbaby. Please say a small prayer for her when you reaD this. Thanks.

Amazing how many D's get useD in a message....
Have a great Labor Day!
Hmmm, a little play on the D there. Got it.

Fishing report: Large Mouths 2--Warrior-cat and friend 0. They just did not want to be reeled in. Went to Lake George to scope out possible new hole. Buddy is retired and going to spend a couple of days this week trying to find a spot there for us this weekend.

Man, it needs to be Friday already again or, i need to retire.
I went to DC in late October, 1963, on my honeymoon. White House, U S Mint, Smithsonian, Annapolis, Fort McHenry, Liberty Bell, Gettysburg etc. Kennedy was assassinated one month later (I had no involvement).
Going to FT. Belvoir in the DC area week of the 17th of this month to re-certify as a passport agent for FT. Sill. Have to do it every 2 years. First time was at FT. Campbell and the second was at Belvoir during Trumps inauguration week. Have to re-certify before 2 years is up and the next available before March is this one or one in late November. Did not want to chance weather screwing things up so, this one will do.
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Going through family photos and found one I would like to share with the D League. This plane landed in my grandfather's bottom and it was the very first airplane my grandfather and father saw. Grandpa is the man leaning on the right side of the plane in a black coat with the hat. Daddy is the boy to his right dressed in a dark jacket with a hat. This was taken when daddy was 7 years old which would make it in 1923. Daddy said they heard a noise on the other side of the mountain and it scared the day lights out of them. Down came the plane sputtering and shaking and landed right in their corn field. First time for everybody else in the photo too. They are neighbors who came running when they heard the noise. The pilot is on the left near the cockpit.

Going through family photos and found one I would like to share with the D League. This plane landed in my grandfather's bottom and it was the very first airplane my grandfather and father saw. Grandpa is the man leaning on the right side of the plane in a black coat with the hat. Daddy is the boy to his right dressed in a dark jacket with a hat. This was taken when daddy was 7 years old which would make it in 1923. Daddy said they heard a noise on the other side of the mountain and it scared the day lights out of them. Down came the plane sputtering and shaking and landed right in their corn field. First time for everybody else in the photo too. They are neighbors who came running when they heard the noise. The pilot is on the left near the cockpit.

The stall speed on that old timer was probably about 48 knots. Probably why the pilot did not die. He just dropped it in. Tore a wing off.
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The stall speed on that old timer was probably about 45 knots. Probably why the pilot did not die. He just dropped it in. Tore a wing off.
That's right Don, daddy was out by the barn when he saw it come over the hill and he said the pilot just laid her down. I think the right wing may have been damaged when it crash landed.
Happy Labor day you scoundrels! We went over to the other coast Friday and stayed until this morning. Left out early today and had breakfast, just got home. Sure is a lot of money in the Delray Beach area. Saw a massive home for sale on the Intercoastal. Looked it up on the internet, it was only 16 million, Told the wife I might buy it. She said we couldn't afford the taxes. That's not the first dream of mine she has crushed,:smiley: Had the privilege this morning to drive 3 hours in a tropical storm. Eyes feel like they have sand in them. Have a good day!
Kennedy was assassinated one month later (I had no involvement).

Exactly what a guilty man would say. Come clean, we're mostly Republicans here.

Sure, vowels are important. But the English language would be in a bad place without the letter "D" Think about it.

A ba place inee.
Hey y'all. Got a new faucet installed with very little trouble.

Don, man I hate it that your hurting like that. Do you need to go see a Dr.?

Sawnee, sure enjoyed that picture of your Grandaddy and Dad. Thanks.

Ace, wish I could have seen the storm. Like to watch storms. I've always been awed by storms. And that house, I could come down to 15 million being as it's you. Let me know.

Oldeville, we have two Canadian geese that stay at a pond or 2 year round here by the house. They fly real low. Pretty neat.

So, hello to all. Love me some D. FCC.
Exactly what a guilty man would say. Come clean, we're mostly Republicans here.

A ba place inee.

I am no longer a person of interest in either the JFK assassination (I was not on that grassy knoll - and had an alibi to prove it) nor the Golden State Killer (although I was accused in that thread) cases.

We sent the Kennedy's an invitation to our wedding. We did receive a generic response which we still have. Even though I think they did, I am not absolutely certain that they read or pondered our invitation,
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Thanks guys for the videos. Lots of memories on shows and music. Me and my mother was waiting for weeks of build up, of a new dance called the twist. Chubby came on and me and my young mother got up and gave the twist a go. Not sure how old I was but I watched Bandstand every week. FCC.

My teenage friends and I thought dancing was a sissy thing. We were the cool guys hanging out in the corner of the gym, sneering, while the "sissy" guys got all the girls. :cry: But we were cool. I was never coordinated enough to do the twist,

Was dancing a sin for old-timey Methodists? I think it was for Baptists (smoking was OK) and certainly for Pentecostals. Most things were sinful for Pentecostals.
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Hey Don, my best friend in HS had a band and played all soul music. Sam and Dave, Otis, Pickett, Percy Sledge, and of course James Brown. You could turn your back to him when he sang and he sounded just like those named and others I've forgot. White guy. He still does music around Paducah. Heard him not to long ago and the guy can still sing. Put chills on you. Indeed, those were the days.

Had a 69, brand new camaro, canery yellow, first one in Paducah that color, 350 automatic,SS, with RS equip., 8 track between the bucket seats as big as a suitcase, hide away headlights. That thing would burn a hole in the wind. Man o man. My beer never tasted better. FCC.
Hey Don, my best friend in HS had a band and played all soul music. Sam and Dave, Otis, Pickett, Percy Sledge, and of course James Brown. You could turn your back to him when he sang and he sounded just like those named and others I've forgot. White guy. He still does music around Paducah. Heard him not to long ago and the guy can still sing. Put chills on you. Indeed, those were the days.

Had a 69, brand new camaro, canery yellow, first one in Paducah that color, 350 automatic,SS, with RS equip., 8 track between the bucket seats as big as a suitcase, hide away headlights. That thing would burn a hole in the wind. Man o man. My beer never tasted better. FCC.

OK, let's hear it - the lamentation of all us old guys.. "Boy, I wish I had held on to that car."

What we fail to remember was that those beautiful old cars turned into rust buckets after 7-8 years and we were looking to get rid of them after 5 years.
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OK, let's hear it - the lamentation of all us old guys.. "Boy, I wish I had held on to that car."

What we fail to remember was that those beautiful old cars turned into rust buckets after 7-8 years and we were looking to get rid of them after 5 years.
Or you could hit a slick spot in the road and slam your 69 GTO against the bridge abutment and total it :cry:. That was a bad night.
Went out to the shop with the full intention of making a drawer. Instead, I put together and tested my double burner and did some more sanding on the stainless steel insert that my good friend Bert procured for me. It will eventually have a satin finish because if I make it a mirror and slide a cast iron dutch oven on it and make scratches, I would be sad.

This is the burner I bought...

  • It worked fine on the bench. Each burner is 15,600btu. That's a lot of heat.
I broke one of the big rules for a Big Green Egg owner. Always burp the Egg when dealing with high temps if you value your face. Flash fire. Fortunately I only lost some eyebrows and lashes.

When my friend and I were cooking the beef tenderloin last week it happened to me, again. I thought I burped it good enough but I didn't. He saw the whole thing happen and couldn't believe I didn't drop the lid. I told him that's why you're supposed to drink beer when you grill. So it doesn't hurt as bad.
Evening, the D. Anna’s Nana informed me that Hurricane Anna is coming this weekend. Her uncle wanted to know why I always refer to Anna as Hurricane. She gives me warning that she is on her way; when she arrives, she is a whirlwind of activity; she totally disrupts my normal routine; and when she is done, everything is clear and calm...except for the cleanup afterwards! Just like a hurricane.

And I wouldn’t want it any other way.