evening D
been an eventful few days
Sunday we drove down to Campbellsville for a small going away party. Sunday night I stayed with my son and DIL and then we saw my boy off to BCT yesterday morning. I'm finally used to him not being HERE - but I've been able to talk or text with him every day. It's going to be hard waiting to hear something; it already is.
My DIL really melted down yesterday - but we were all so tired (got about 3 hours of sleep Sunday night) it made it a lot worse than it would have been. I'm glad, though, that while there were a few tears when he actually left, shes did't really break down until later.
All we're waiting for now is to hear what company he's in - not even sure how he'll be able to let us know. We both signed up with FB support groups for FLW soldiers.
I just hope he makes it through basic; several family members on one of the pages talked about how their soldiers did not "zero out."
I'm babbling y'all, and I'm sorry for that -
hope all are well