
Mornin' D. Hope everyone is enjoying the early-fall like weather we're having in the DC area. Ran seven miles this morning and for the first time in a couple months I wasn't staggering from the humidity by the end. Now off to meet some friends for lunch in Baltimore.

Happy Saturday to all.
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • Still summer time in my world.
  • Low 70's and high in 80's. Chance of rain and plenty of sunshine. The Gulf breeze is pleasant
  • Just finished my third large cup of coffee. In the afternoon I switch to sweet ice tea and put the coffee away
  • :football::football::football: One more week. I am ready
  • Checked my citrus trees and they are healthy and loaded with fruit. I had to put a fence around them to keep out the deer and that seems to have worked..
  • Make it a good day and thank the good Lord for this day on earth
  • We are blessed.
Off to the store. Grass to mow when I get home and then it's out to the shop to do some more sanding. A small decision to make the back and inside of my table look as good as the front led to a lot of extra sanding and prep that I hadn't counted on before. I think the end result will be worth it simply because I won't regret not doing it later.
Off to the store. Grass to mow when I get home and then it's out to the shop to do some more sanding. A small decision to make the back and inside of my table look as good as the front led to a lot of extra sanding and prep that I hadn't counted on before. I think the end result will be worth it simply because I won't regret not doing it later.
Love to see a picture of it when finished. I know it is going to look great. No doubt about that.
I was only TallyWacker high on a medium donkey when I heard Mom ask, "How long is he going to play basketball." Dad said, "Until they git too big" . . . He was right. Bubba broke me. He broke you too. Retire and fish as a pro. Got anything better?
Nope, not really. Fishing is what I do a lot of now. BTW, today's fishing report: Large Mouth's 2- Warrior-cat 1. Went to a different place today to see what was there. Need to fish it more to actually see how good it is. Going out again tomorrow with Leroy (old Drill Sergeant buddy) to Jump and Rattler. He was totally excited after the lunker the other day.
Blue bloods! In my opinion there are only 4 true blue bloods. Just so happens they all wear blue. Coincidence? I think not. We play Duke, NC, and Kansas this year. Those three games will have the highest national viewership until the tournament.

I'm happy that Louisville is being brought to bear for their decades of dirty dealing, but I don't like that it has taken some of the luster from the win.

UK fan: We beat Louisville!
Non UK fan: So, what's your point?

I am not cautiously optimistic about this team. I am no doze, industrial strength, no holds barred, balls to the wall, PUMPED! I haven't seen them lose yet. I don't see any reason why I should ever have to. That's right, I implied it.
I've always thought I wouldn't live long enough to see a collegiate basketball team better than the 2015 cats. Looks like that could happen. I'm psyched up too. Not to downplay the gridiron cats but Cal has entered the stratosphere . . .
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(Keith Jackson college football voice) Helllooo everybody!

Went into work this morning. Gotta mow this afternoon. Heading out this evening for some live Blues.
Stayed home last night...pretty boring.

Everybody have a GREAT day! Looks like the bad weather is staying North.
Probably going to be a Grandpa within a week....praying for healthy baby and Mom.

Not much else.

Love me some Samantha Fish @_Rooster...she's going to be in Madisonville KY in October with Johnny Lang. Blues festival.
Scenes from the UK campus. My son bumped into Tyler Herro today. My boy is a legitimate 6'4'', on the slim side at 175. He said Tyler was definitely one and maybe two inches taller and built bigger. So Herro's listed size of 6'5'' 195 appears on the money. My son was a decent HS player in suburban DC. I think he'd be a hand full for UK's walk-ons. Too bad that's not an open competition.
:uzi:Can you imagine the competition for say 2 or 3 walk-on slots? Even one.
Love to see a picture of it when finished. I know it is going to look great. No doubt about that.

I'll get one on here. It's going to look a lot like this one but it will be different in many ways.

ymmot31 I have prayed for your Father and may God Bless him!

Thanks buddy. He's doing fine now.
The Horror!

Should we arrange for a emergency air drop to resupply you?
I returned home alive. Not as bad as 2015 when I got messed up and fell 20 feet down that hill in the rain. Still annoying, though. Damn millennials. No concept of party + good beer. Met up with @Lewinsky3 . He's a good dude.

More beer.
Thanks, nothing but the best here at the shanty.

A two- seater joke my papaw hold me when I was a very young boy more than 50 years ago: Two old men are sitting on the seats. As the first feller is pulling up his pants, the change falls out of his pocket into the hole. He gets a sorrowful look on his face, then takes a five dollar bill out of his pocket and throws it in the hole. The other guy says, "what in the world are you doing?" And the man answers, "If you thought I was going to fish around in there for 35 cents you are crazy."
Okay, it was funnier when I was five.
Hello everyone! Dad had to go to the hospital last night for chest pains. I was there this morning at 0730 and met with the cardiologist at around 1030. They said he would be there early but I guess their idea of early and mine are a little different. Anyway, the doc said, based upon the tests, that he didn't think it was his heart. They were going to do a stress test later but no one has called yet to tell me the results. He was doing fine when they took him down and I left. He's been coughing a lot the last two weeks and his pcp put him on a bunch of prednisone.
Thinking of your Dad ymmot.
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • Still summer time in my world.
  • Low 70's and high in 80's. Chance of rain and plenty of sunshine. The Gulf breeze is pleasant
  • Just finished my third large cup of coffee. In the afternoon I switch to sweet ice tea and put the coffee away
  • :football::football::football: One more week. I am ready
  • Checked my citrus trees and they are healthy and loaded with fruit. I had to put a fence around them to keep out the deer and that seems to have worked..
  • Make it a good day and thank the good Lord for this day on earth
  • We are blessed.
Pretty lady. Wife?
Good News!
When I have heartburn I always think I'm having a f-ing heart attack.
On August 9, 2010 Sherry and I had just finished doing commercial stock with Rand Paul, for his Senate run, and afterwards we went to dinner with them. Came home and watched a movie we had canned on the DVR. At 1:00 am we went to bed.

I got in the bed and got heart burn, bad. I got up and took sodium bicarb and water. The heart burn was gone and then I broke out in a heavy sweat from hell. One minute later I ask Sherry to please call 9-1-1. 30 minutes later I was in the hospital scheduled for a heart cath the next day.

PS I got triple bipass on Friday, August 13, 2010. I survived to this day.

Heart attacks and heart burn go together; if you throw in the sweat just call 911.
Good morning! Coffee is on the way and I feel great. Took the day off yesterday, other than going to the store, and just rested. Weighed 192 this morning. Still losing but it has slowed way down. My theory is that now I'm working on 20 year old fat that's been there since the 90's. It's like union fat. Got lots of seniority. Hard to get rid of.
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • This is the last Sunday before football is kicked off. :football::football::football:
  • Low 70's and high in 80's. Chance of rain and plenty of sunshine.
  • Last night we had a good old fashioned Southern rainstorm with lightning across the sky all night long. We are now 3" over our normal rain fall.
  • Working on my 4th cup of coffee
  • Tomorrow I see the doc and we will come up with a game plan.
  • Make it a good day and thank the Lord we saw the sun come up this morning.