
Regrets. Regrets. Regrets

Have you ever had a sick feeling in your stomach and regretted doing something the minute you did it. Unfortunately for me I have had this feeling several times in my life after selling one of my prized automobiles. I fall in love to easy with the old classics. My latest example, my little 1950 Ford. She was a frame off restoration and built back to stock including the interior. It looked the same as it looked when bought new. Same Flat Head V8 engine totally rebuilt. The little Ford would get up and go. Regrets


Sorry. I know you are feeling bad about not having it any more.
I had a '61 like this when we got married. It did not take long to figure out that I could not afford to keep this beauty. I sold it and bought a 1950 Ford from my barber for about $100. It smoked like crazy, but even when the temperature in 1963 was -18º that old car started. I traded it in on a '57. Wish I had that one back.
Morning D
Two cups (well mugs) of coffee have been drunk. I’m trying to cut down or it would’ve been 3-4.
Sears repair is coming today to look at our washer. Hope they can fix it reasonably.
Granddaughter’s Birthday was yesterday. Can’t believe my sweet girl is already four. Her party is Saturday. Mawmaw MIGHT have gone overboard a little on presents.
My daughter and SIL to be are looking at venues for their wedding next year. Looking like it will be BTD. That does not hurt my feelings a bit.
Spent time at Moms yesterday; found a flash drive that had about 2500 pictures on it. We opened them up and wow...needless to say there were a lot of tears. Also found a video where Dad was talking. That hit hard. I sure do miss him.
Fishing report with my old Drill Sergeant buddy: Warrior-cat and Bear (his nickname from privates) 2- Large mouths 3. He hooked 2 but did not land them, I hooked 3 and landed 2. He is normally a cat fisherman but after today he is going to do both after the catch pictured below.

Going again Sunday morning.
That is a nice lookin' fish! WC
I'm not much of fisherman....more of a golfer. I should probably go fishing instead.... If I suck at fishing, I can at least blame the fish...

Daughter #2 is due in 4 weeks...the baby isn't growing very much. They said she (baby) seems healthy, just little. She has an ultra-sound today..."soon to be Grandma" thinks we will have a baby by the weekend. I just think "soon to be Grandma" WANTS a baby this weekend.

My Dad had an old 51 Nash restored. I wish he would've kept it. It was cool looking in it's own way. Looked like the one below except it was black. I just remember the back seat was YUGE!
I had a '61 like this when we got married. It did not take long to figure out that I could not afford to keep this beauty. I sold it and bought a 1950 Ford from my barber for about $100. It smoked like crazy, but even when the temperature in 1963 was -18º that old car started. I traded it in on a '57. Wish I had that one back.
Don the 61 Chevy Impala was a beautiful car. My fraternity brother had a red convertible and it was loaded. I had the little 56 Ford below when I was a UK student. Bought it in 1961 for $750. I saw one at a local car show a few months ago selling for $60,000. Inflation is out of control.

Fishing report with my old Drill Sergeant buddy: Warrior-cat and Bear (his nickname from privates) 2- Large mouths 3. He hooked 2 but did not land them, I hooked 3 and landed 2. He is normally a cat fisherman but after today he is going to do both after the catch pictured below.

Going again Sunday morning.
That looks like a 7 or 8 pounder. Definitely a lunker.
Don the 61 Chevy Impala was a beautiful car. My fraternity brother had a red convertible and it was loaded. I had the little 56 Ford below when I was a UK student. Bought it in 1961 for $750. I saw one at a local car show a few months ago selling for $60,000. Inflation is out of control.

I always liked those. I had a friend whose Dad had one.
Good morning D-league. Don hate to here about QB , I hope she heals quickly. Seems like Sawnne Cat seems to be filling better.

Don give your Bride all the help she needs. Cool drinks and go to the bakery and pick up her favorite cake or pie. That would please her and keep you as the man I respect.
I offered to change the bandage this morning, but she said that #4 was coming by to do it later this afternoon. It is real sore. Poor baby.
That was fun catching up. Oldest car I ever owned was a 67 Chevelle and like you guys, sure wish I still had it. My favorite car I ever owned was a 76 Triumph TR6. Fun car.

Went with a good friend to the fair today. We had a good time and saw some things but didn't stay much over two hours. I had been there Tuesday and he had gone yesterday.

Stopped on the way home and bought a new saw blade for my other table saw. I'm re-sawing boards to use to wall in my table. The raw boards are .900" thick. The saw blade is .100". Thats leaves me with 3 slats from each board that are .233" thick. That's plenty enough for what they have to do, which is not let light shine through.
That was fun catching up. Oldest car I ever owned was a 67 Chevelle and like you guys, sure wish I still had it. My favorite car I ever owned was a 76 Triumph TR6. Fun car.

Went with a good friend to the fair today. We had a good time and saw some things but didn't stay much over two hours. I had been there Tuesday and he had gone yesterday.

Stopped on the way home and bought a new saw blade for my other table saw. I'm re-sawing boards to use to wall in my table. The raw boards are .900" thick. The saw blade is .100". Thats leaves me with 3 slats from each board that are .233" thick. That's plenty enough for what they have to do, which is not let light shine through.

I'll bet you never saw a saw saw like that saw saws.
I offered to change the bandage this morning, but she said that #4 was coming by to do it later this afternoon. It is real sore. Poor baby.

Don I'm happy some one came to see and help her. Being sore is my specialty. I wanted to wish her well!
FCC stopped to see me the other day and pushed me in the chest and I'm wondering where his head was!?!
Good morning D-League :football::football::football:

It will soon be here. Perfect day for football in the Southland. Temps same as yesterday and the week before. low in 70's high in high 80's chance of shower at 4:00

The picture below was taken on Lake Lanier, GA a little spot I once lived at. Cumming is the hometown of Junior Samples and no that was not an act. It was Junior, genuine Jr.

Have a great day and thanks for all of your well wishes the past few weeks. I am almost there. Take care

67.5° F here now and I did not even think to look at the temp when I first got up.

Friday folks. Going to a friends house for beef stew tonight. Most of the veges are from their garden.

Got our grave stone put in yesterday. Now we are ready to die. Hopefully it will be a little later!
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites. Slept well. Hope you did.
  • 64º in Johns Creek. Feels like Fall to me. Pretty morning.
  • QB's shin is very, very sore. She woke up several times because of the pain. It looks rough.
  • Would you have a problem with a woman shooting a stalker dead who was bothering her on her jog? It's bound to happen sooner or later.
  • Also, would you allow your 8 year old to walk your dog around the block. I would not. It is a sign of the times.
  • That is all. As you were.
  • Carry on.
67.5° F here now and I did not even think to look at the temp when I first got up.

Friday folks. Going to a friends house for beef stew tonight. Most of the veges are from their garden.

Got our grave stone put in yesterday. Now we are ready to die. Hopefully it will be a little later!
Bert, praying the Lord will grant you many more days on earth. In the next few weeks the wife and I are going to sit down and draw up our final plans. We have our grave sites already set, just a few yards away from my 3rd g-grandfather. I like the idea of selecting a marker before the Lord takes me home.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites. Slept well. Hope you did.
  • 64º in Johns Creek. Feels like Fall to me. Pretty morning.
  • QB's shin is very, very sore. She woke up several times because of the pain. It looks rough.
  • Would you have a problem with a woman shooting a stalker dead who was bothering her on her jog? It's bound to happen sooner or later.
  • Also, would you allow your 8 year old to walk your dog around the block. I would not. It is a sign of the times.
  • That is all. As you were.
  • Carry on.
Prayers for QB your way Don,

You are correct it a different world than you and I grew up in. A few years back the horror of horrors hit our family in a case you may have heard about. My first cousin's grand daughter, Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped while at a school bus stop. Her story is heart breaking and it destroyed the family. Her poor step father was the main suspect by the police and he was falsely accused and it caused so much friction in the family it ended in divorce. My first cousin was so upset by the way things were handled by the authorities in California he moved to Mississippi and vowed to never return to California. Here is a little information on her story.
We called that the " stack train " I used to take it from Cincy to Washington Indiana where another crew would get on and continue west until it reached the Pacific Coast. There, those containers would be put on a barge to go to Japan. The one i moved was always going to the Honda plant in Marysville Ohio loaded with car parts. And then take back the empties. 60 mph train for us
Prayers for QB your way Don,

You are correct it a different world than you and I grew up in. A few years back the horror of horrors hit our family in a case you may have heard about. My first cousin's grand daughter, Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped while at a school bus stop. Her story is heart breaking and it destroyed the family. Her poor step father was the main suspect by the police and he was falsely accused and it caused so much friction in the family it ended in divorce. My first cousin was so upset by the way things were handled by the authorities in California he moved to Mississippi and vowed to never return to California. Here is a little information on her story.
Truly horrible.
Below is a picture of the SEC Kickoff Picnic taken in 2016. Event cancelled last year due to hurricane.

2015 event was the year I served the beer ("one for you, one for me"), got totally wasted, fell off my bicycle trying to ride home, and then later fell 20 feet down the slope of a hill before trying to ride across a bridge. Wife had to rescue my drunk ass, as I'd planned on sleeping under a bridge. Anyway, just a 3-beer limit tomorrow.

Below is a picture of the SEC Kickoff Picnic taken in 2016. Event cancelled last year due to hurricane.

2015 event was the year I served the beer ("one for you, one for me"), got totally wasted, fell off my bicycle trying to ride home, and then later fell 20 feet down the slope of a hill before trying to ride across a bridge. Wife had to rescue my drunk ass, as I'd planned on sleeping under a bridge. Anyway, just a 3-beer limit tomorrow.


Have fun.

“ Anyway, just a 3-beer limit tomorrow. “. Oh no, say it ain’t so!
67.5° F here now and I did not even think to look at the temp when I first got up.

Friday folks. Going to a friends house for beef stew tonight. Most of the veges are from their garden.

Got our grave stone put in yesterday. Now we are ready to die. Hopefully it will be a little later!

Well, that is just not acceptable. Especially from you. Now buckle down and do better young man. We’re counting on you.
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