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Good morning D League. Weather report is a carbon copy of yesterday. 72 low 88 high with sunshine. I have a doctors appointment this morning to check labs and come up with a plan of action for surgery if needed. The truth is I would rather be kayaking on the lake behind my house but maybe soon. I pray.
Everyone have a great day and watch for the little school kids as you travel down the road.
Oh warrior-cat, there are some big large mouths and catfish in this lake. It is spring fed from the Weeki Wachee.
I have not seen any but as they say any body of water in Florida has a gator or two. A man who lives across the lake did see one and reported it and it was moved to the wildlife preserve you can see on the other side of the lake. This preserve runs about 11 miles to the Gulf of Mexico and has about every kind of varmint found in Florida. Deer, coons, armadillos and black bear are common in the neighborhood but the worst pest or problem we have are the wild hogs. We have killed 18 this year. The picture below is of a Florida Panther (endangered species) chasing one through the swamps that are nearby. It is always open season on hogs in Florida.Beautiful. Any gators ever find their way in there?
I have not seen any but as they say any body of water in Florida has a gator or two. A man who lives across the lake did see one and reported it and it was moved to the wildlife preserve you can see on the other side of the lake. This preserve runs about 11 miles to the Gulf of Mexico and has about every kind of varmint found in Florida. Deer, coons, armadillos and black bear are common in the neighborhood but the worst pest or problem we have are the wild hogs. We have killed 18 this year. The picture below is of a Florida Panther (endangered species) chasing one through the swamps that are nearby. It is always open season on hogs in Florida.
Looks like that hog's hind end is in some serious trouble. FCC.
Lots of folks are eating it. Wild pig meat is much leaner than commercially-raised pork, and far richer-tasting. It's widely accepted that pigs that are allowed to roam and forage will taste better than pigs kept in pens. A free-range animal grazing on a wide variety of forgeable food gets more muscle-enhancing movement, which generates a deeper, more flavorful meat than an animal confined and raised solely on grain; and there are no antibiotics or hormone supplements to worry about with wild animals. LinkyAnybody know if wild hog tastes like regular pork?
Anybody know if wild hog tastes like regular pork?
Living on the Gulf coast gives you some beautiful colors at night. A few sunset pictures taken from the lanai
Beautiful!Living on the Gulf coast gives you some beautiful colors at night. A few sunset pictures taken from the lanai
Gotta do some practice driving with my 17 yr old son. His phone crashed Sunday at 12:41 am. I know that cause he's told me 14 times. His mother, my lovely wife, told him he couldn't get a new phone until he got his license. So the boy has took a sudden interest in obtaining his driver's license. Should be fun. FCC.
OK Swanee, luv your hood
Stunningly beautiful. Fantastic photography and fabulous colors. You have it made man.OK Swanee, luv your hood. . .
. . . Now chew on this. Harsh yet mystical.
Sonoran Desert Sunrise
Sonoran Desert Sunset
This ole boy would agree with you.Not sure, but I'm guessing it tastes better than unleaded pork....![]()
I will find out at 2pm.
Not sure, but I'm guessing it tastes better than unleaded pork....![]()
Not sure, but I'm guessing it tastes better than unleaded pork....![]()
They put on a great show.
You might like an eggless omelet.Breakfast was a big sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, but without the biscuit.
Thanks Ymmot.Check your mailbox when you get home. Your package is supposed to arrive today.
It looks like you are between Evansville and central Pennsylvania.Afternoon everyboDy!
Took this picture last week....see if you can guess where I am?
Thank you for the report railroadkat_1, our prayers continue and our faith is strong.Good Afternoon D-league. Bloodwork was good enough for the bone marrow extraction, hurt like heck. Scheduled back in two weeks but I may get a phone call sooner but I hope not. Everyone have a good relaxing evening.