
I think Bert broke that one.
Doing the week trial of Sling and will cut the cord by the end of the month. Had to pay a little more than normal sling for the sports package, can't miss the games. Thought I was going to stick it to dish but, find out they own sling. Well, it is still cheaper.
I'm using Playstation Vue. It's more expensive but it has the channels that my wife must have. So far I have no problems and shouldn't miss any UK games.
Bert, you now have the top 100 from 1950 through 2003 along with 41 Beatles albums and a bunch more stuff that I'll let you see for yourself. 32 gigs is a lot. Might take you a couple of days to listen to it all. I'll put it in the mail tomorrow, or today if you read this on Monday, or yesterday if you read on Tuesday.
Evening D
been a very busy weekend; my daughter's best friend from middle/high school got married. She married an Indian guy so there was a Hindu ceremony on Friday - one of the coolest things I've ever seen. So inclusive, warm, friendly and open with everyone. The American wedding was Saturday and it was a PARTY! They had it at Buffalo Trace Distillery - and arranged for an abbreviated tour plus bourbon tasting. Loved that Eagle Rare. We also bought a bottle of Bourbon Cream to add to things like coffee - that was some tasty stuff too. Rob tasted the White Dog - that'll clear your sinuses right up
Hope all are well and that the sick/injured ones heal quickly
Hugs to you all
What was also fascinating about WWI is that the Spanish flu epidemic was going on at the same time.
A great book written about the flu was "The Great Infulenza". It killed 50,000,000 worldwide and the movement of the troops help spread the rna virus. He, Barry the writer of the book, concludes that it started in Kansas. Interesting that new flu starts with three different animals, pigs, fowl and humans.

Also, Abraham Flexner won the Nobel prize for inventing the flu shot. He was a Louisville drug store guy and used the money to start Jewish Hospital.
Good morning D League from the Florida West Coast. Low today 73 degrees with a high of 89. Lots of sunshine. Perfect for a day at the beach getting your toes in that sugar white sand.

About midway through football season we will start our seasons of perfect weather. Cool evenings, temps under 85 and plenty of sunshine with little or no rain until the Spring. A steady Gulf breeze will keep the air clean.

I admit I am a computer illiterate moron. As I read the various posts on the D League I see a lot of posters who are not. Would I be out of line in asking for some help on how I could post photos, etc. to share with the group? It doesn't appear to be that hard if you know what the heck you are doing. I don't. Thanks everybody and have a great day.
Of course not, I'm at work but will answer any question you ask after i get home and out of the heat. Others will chime in.
Thanks, I think I have come to the right place to ask computer questions.

Now just because I am a computer illiterate don't think bad of me. :sunglasses: I can skin a gator, field strip a deer and carry in a bucket of coal. I was born before TV was invented when we were in the Big War. I survived all of that and even survived growing up in Florida without A/C. Another invention after I came on the scene.

As they say a Country Boy Will Survive so put more water in the soup there are better times a comin'
Good morning. I had a doctor appointment early this morning that I had completely forgot about since yesterday. Went to sleep early last night too. Oh well, made it on time and on paper I looked good. bp 110/65, pulse 64, 197lbs with clothes on. Really happy about that resting pulse rate.

Listening to the Jones show and preparing to go out to the shop. I've got the bottom screwed together and solid and I'll do the top today and move on to making the drawers. Looking forward to that.

See ya later.
Good morning D League from the Florida West Coast. Low today 73 degrees with a high of 89. Lots of sunshine. Perfect for a day at the beach getting your toes in that sugar white sand.

About midway through football season we will start our seasons of perfect weather. Cool evenings, temps under 85 and plenty of sunshine with little or no rain until the Spring. A steady Gulf breeze will keep the air clean.

I admit I am a computer illiterate moron. As I read the various posts on the D League I see a lot of posters who are not. Would I be out of line in asking for some help on how I could post photos, etc. to share with the group? It doesn't appear to be that hard if you know what the heck you are doing. I don't. Thanks everybody and have a great day.
I take the easy way out. I load my pictures to FaceBook. If I want to post one of those here I click on the picture to bring up the complete picture, then right click my mouse and click on "copy image address". Come back to your post on rivals, click the rectangular box with the mountain and sun. That will give you a box with "image URL" and a blank box. Paste (CTRL & V) the image address into the small box. Then click insert.

I use FaceBook because they don't charge me or make me look at advertisements.

A great book written about the flu was "The Great Infulenza". It killed 50,000,000 worldwide and the movement of the troops help spread the rna virus. He, Barry the writer of the book, concludes that it started in Kansas. Interesting that new flu starts with three different animals, pigs, fowl and humans.

Also, Abraham Flexner won the Nobel prize for inventing the flu shot. He was a Louisville drug store guy and used the money to start Jewish Hospital.
I read that book about 8 years ago. Very informative. I saw a documentary that was good but it didn't cover the 2nd wave which was even deadlier. It's scary because the Spanish flu can come back and there's no cure.
Good morning D League from the Florida West Coast. Low today 73 degrees with a high of 89. Lots of sunshine. Perfect for a day at the beach getting your toes in that sugar white sand.

About midway through football season we will start our seasons of perfect weather. Cool evenings, temps under 85 and plenty of sunshine with little or no rain until the Spring. A steady Gulf breeze will keep the air clean.

I admit I am a computer illiterate moron. As I read the various posts on the D League I see a lot of posters who are not. Would I be out of line in asking for some help on how I could post photos, etc. to share with the group? It doesn't appear to be that hard if you know what the heck you are doing. I don't. Thanks everybody and have a great day.
If you're trying to post photos from your hard drive then you'll need to use a photo storage service. I use Shutterfly. It's free to sign-up. I just download photos to my Shutterfly page then copy and paste. If there's an easier way to share personal photos then I'm not aware of it.
Howdy doo D!?
Met my brother & his wife for their anniversary dinner Saturday night.
Went to church yesterday, then went over to daughter #2 and mowed, weed eated and sprayed weed killer around her house and fence. Also hung up a picture for her. Got home from that and MCT (maximized couch time) for the rest of the day. Capped the night off with a big ol bowl of ice cream.
It's work.

Picture of myself & Evansville Aces Coach Walter McCarty
Good morning. I had a doctor appointment early this morning that I had completely forgot about since yesterday. Went to sleep early last night too. Oh well, made it on time and on paper I looked good. bp 110/65, pulse 64, 197lbs with clothes on. Really happy about that resting pulse rate.

Listening to the Jones show and preparing to go out to the shop. I've got the bottom screwed together and solid and I'll do the top today and move on to making the drawers. Looking forward to that.

See ya later.

Do as I do. Strip down to your skivvies. Sure, it upsets all the women back there but it can trim off an extra pound or two.
Just learned to use Shutterfly (thanks UK82). Here I am heading for 8th grade graduation. First time I ever wore a tie. I was a stand-in for Howdy Doody for extra money. Talk about a runt. I started 1st grade (no kindergarten back then) at well under the age of 6 and not developed as well as my classmates. I weighed a whopping 135 lbs out of high school but I assure you I made up for it later.

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Howdy doo D!?
Met my brother & his wife for their anniversary dinner Saturday night.
Went to church yesterday, then went over to daughter #2 and mowed, weed eated and sprayed weed killer around her house and fence. Also hung up a picture for her. Got home from that and MCT (maximized couch time) for the rest of the day. Capped the night off with a big ol bowl of ice cream.
It's work.

Picture of myself & Evansville Aces Coach Walter McCarty

LSU and the greatest comeback. Oh my............