
I do most of my fishing pond jumping at Ft. Sill. A lot of success with that. Hope your grand kids catch some good ones. It will fuel the fire.

I almost exclusively bass fished. Liked to fish farm ponds (bass barrels) and small lakes. I've hardly fished at all since I moved to the West Coast.
Thank you all
We’re doing okay because we are all together and because of your prayers
Dad was still young, but he went quickly and now he’ll be able to walk again and he’ll be waiting for us.
Love to you all
This earth is overrated anyway, Bev. Things like this make sports completely meaningless. I’ll pray for that peace that passes all understanding for ya.

You’re one of the good’uns.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites.
  • 73º in Johns Creek. Foggy.
  • Condolences to Bev's family. Sad.
  • Hope everybodys company arrived safely.
  • It looks different in our backyard without all of those Leylands. Some were 70' tall. That young Barred Owl is all confused. What happened to my favorite trees?
  • Have a nice safe day.
  • As you were. Do carry on.
Good morning D-lightful people
2nd cup of coffee...
This week should be less "busy" the holiday break on Wednesday
Put my prayer request in for you Sunday morning Bko.
Haven't heard from ATX, ymmot OR Bert...? Should we be worried yet...
We had fun and stayed sober. Ymmot and Bert had steaks and Austin and the girls preferred hamburgers.

Most of you D-League guys were grilled, defamed over and over. It was a cyber-blood letting! :flushed:
Ain't that the truth. My wife doesn't like any of my old girl friends, who knew?
Damn, I would have never guessed that.

P.S. I told my son (20 year Army guy) about you. He said some horrible things about DI's. I told him he did not know what he was saying! [roll]

My son in basic wanted to shoot a machine gun, so the dumb ass volunteered for the machine gun. He lugged it around for twenty miles and never got to shoot it.
Take a guess.

Our favored female poster has been to one of the meeting. That is when we found out that she is a special girl. Plus my wife liked her. That is what is special. Women are rough on likes. We guys are easy.

I once read an article by a cop on how to get out of a ticket. Essentially he told women to cry. He then added, "But, if the cop is a woman, don't bother. You're getting a ticket."
Damn, I would have never guessed that.

P.S. I told my son (20 year Army guy) about you. He said some horrible things about DI's. I told him he did not know what he was saying! [roll]

My son in basic wanted to shoot a machine gun, so the dumb ass volunteered for the machine gun. He lugged it around for twenty miles and never got to shoot it.
The one thing about Drill Sergeants is that you never forget who yours was. I remember all three that were in my platoon as private. Atchley, Paul, and Hawkins. Atchley pretty much hated me because, I could do his voice to a T. So, one night I was mocking him and he had snuck back to the billets to see what we were up to and caught me in his office with his Drill Sergeant hat on. That was not a good night for me, nor for the rest of basic training. Hawkins and Paul thought it was funny and kept the punishment lighter than it could have been.