
  • Good Morning, Oasiseanites & D-Leagueans.
  • 66º in Johns Creek. Light rain. No sun. IFR only.
  • 1st mug of Dark Magic gone. Time to reboot.
  • Classic Rock going.
  • Lola inside with QB.
  • #1 bought a new car. Top of the line KIA. Nice.
  • Fish waiting.
  • Not working today except on the phone. Nice.
  • Sinuses pouring. Yuck.
  • Went to bed at 21:00. Rested.
  • Ate at Stoney River last night. Mixed drinks are $12.50. Three Scooby Doos. Rum. Nice little drink. 2.5 hour meal. Good time. I didn't have to pay. #1's treat. It felt funny. That place has it going on.
  • Blue Birds still busy doing their deal in the rain.
  • What are you doing?
Good morning everyone.


Welcome back to the Oasis. You were missed.

What are you doing?
  • Contemplating crossing the road.
  • Watching my JRs chase feral kittens. SD doesn't want me to hurt them. I don't want to either but I need to do something before they catch one. I found & modified their den location yesterday. Today, I'll address the escape cover. I've got a live capture option but then what. I hope the Molly leads them off.
  • 2nd cup in hand.
  • Looking to replace a pump/filter for my Arizona room (135g) aquarium.
  • Preparing for the crazy work week ahead.
  • Watching the POTUS @ the Arab summit.
  • Love the fact you've got nestling bluebirds.
  • Awaiting Hamidou's decision. Like to see him return. He needs to simply follow JC.
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Welcome back to the Oasis. You were missed.

  • Contemplating crossing the road.
  • Watching my JRs chase feral kittens. SD doesn't want me to hurt them. I don't want to either but I need to do something before they catch one. I found & modified their den location yesterday. Today, I'll address the escape cover. I've got a live capture option but then what. I hope the Molly leads them off.
  • 2nd cup in hand.
  • Looking to replace a pump/filter for my Arizona room (135g) aquarium.
  • Preparing for the crazy work week ahead.
  • Watching the POTUS @ the Arab summit.
  • Love the fact you've got nestling bluebirds.
  • Awaiting Hamidou's decision. Like to see him return. He needs to simply follow JC.
Would that big girl scratch you if you picked her up?
If you're referring to the bobcat, if you picked her up, she'd rip you to shreds.
I know. I was just kidding. Dad and I were heading down I-55 South of Memphis one time, and I spotted these kittens on the side of the road. It was deer season, and you could use dogs. I stopped and when I got close to the three kittens (I figured someone had put them out there), I saw that they were baby Bobcats. One bolted across the interstate and almost got hit by an oncoming car. The other two stopped in the median. We left.
"Son, I don't feel like listening to all of that bullshit."
He'd love the modern media.
Good thing you didn't let the dogs out. I when I was twelve my uncle was coon hunting and the dogs ran into a bobcat den then all hell broke loose, they were not in it long and one hound had to be put down. The other two were messed up and badly scarred for life.
He'd love the modern media.

Good thing you didn't let the dogs out. I when I was twelve my uncle was coon hunting and the dogs ran into a bobcat den then all hell broke loose, they were not in it long and one hound had to be put down. The other two were messed up and badly scarred for life.


Amazing bird activity this morning. Eating berries and worms. Fighting amongst eachother. Saw some sort of brown birds learning to fly down by the pond on our walk. There's a gang of em in my yard now hunting. Got a young one with him. Dog just scared em off.