
Sorry about your loss.

Thoughts and prayers for your family.

Same here . . .
gotta re gel coat the pool after 14 yrs...a smooth 35 hun...gonna get to it in 4 weeks
laid my aunt/second mom to rest to see many family members I have not seen in a while
garden growing good...(where has FCC been?)

storms are a coming....not much else shaking
Condolences and sympathy.
Good. Tell you neighbor to get a chip implanted and to keep that dog on a leash. They are notorious about running off.
Wife and I drove by there on the way back from grabbing some Tex-Mex takeout. Little Dachshund was outside at the time chained up to the porch. I later walked there. Car gone. Nobody answered the door. Heard the dog barking. According to the owner last night, dog is chipped. Still, you're right. Rather than risk another prison break, they need a better system.
Wife and I drove by there on the way back from grabbing some Tex-Mex takeout. Little Dachshund was outside at the time chained up to the porch. I later walked there. Car gone. Nobody answered the door. Heard the dog barking. According to the owner last night, dog is chipped. Still, you're right. Rather than risk another prison break, they need a better system.
You might tell them that there is this new invention called a dog crate.
evening again
was feeling better, but now - ugh; have a dry cough (probably due to the cold meds and not enough fluids) and a tightness when I breathe. Hope this cold thing hasn't moved down into my chest. I have to work tomorrow
Drinking a hot herbal tea now - really want some nicotine but thinking it's probably best to skip it for now.
been a very long day; but stuff got done so I'm pleased.
gotta re gel coat the pool after 14 yrs...a smooth 35 hun...gonna get to it in 4 weeks
laid my aunt/second mom to rest to see many family members I have not seen in a while
garden growing good...(where has FCC been?)

storms are a coming....not much else shaking
Prayers and condolences to you and your family.
Monday & Tuesday will be staycation.
Wed-Sat visiting my sister in Little Rock, big bro going also. Should be a good time....

Trying to talk the women into stopping at Beale Street in the way back...never been.

I was passing through Memphis one year during the Memphis Blues Festival. Decided the wife and I would go. Got to the gate and they were not letting any more people in (fire regulations). I told my wife (who always says, you're crazy) that we're going in anyways. Walked right through the gate. Some guy finally caught up with us and told us we couldn't go in. I said:'I tried to buy tickets and you wouldn't sell me any. I've come from too far to miss this now, so we're going in." He thought about it for a little bit and said: "Well I don't guess there's not much I can do to stop you" - then turned around and walked away.. TS.
OK I lied a little bit...I'm on vacation after I get off work around noon today.

Rain, thunderstorms off & on all day today.
Perseverance Bko...tomorrow is another day.
Sorry for your loss 55 :pray:
Golden Retriever pup heading back home with daughter this evening...finally! I forgot what having little kids was like...

Everybody set aside some time and enjoy the day...