
Good evening D-League! Dumb mistake today. I tried to avoid hitting a trash can while backing up but totaled a mailbox/post on the other side. The homeowners weren't home so I left a note (2 actually). Waiting for a chewing out but I'll make it right.
Just got off the phone with the guy. GREAT GUY! The only thing he asked is that I give him a hand when replacing the mailbox. Talked to his wife too, so nice. I'll pay for everything because it's only right. Hey, it's always inspiring to see the good side of people and that happens more often than most are willing to admit.
Just got off the phone with the guy. GREAT GUY! The only thing he asked is that I give him a hand when replacing the mailbox. Talked to his wife too, so nice. I'll pay for everything because it's only right. Hey, it's always inspiring to see the good side of people and that happens more often than most are willing to admit.
I am nearly 71 years old and having worked for the Railroad 32 years and in an elected office for 10 years; I can honestly say that 95% of folks are really fine.

I have faith in humans.
Didn't get selected for the federal jury. (Whew) it is 40 bucks per day plus mileage.

Missed a half day of work then had a meeting today that basically went like this: your are one of the best guys we got so we are gonna give you some more work that's gonna mean some travel but we are paying you the same. AWESOME!!!

Carry on D leagueans (from Don who stole it properly)
Rise and Shine 62°F high of 84°F.
Haven't seen the birdy since yesterday morning, but he's probably OK. Probably flying a bit. I see young squirrels in the trees this morning. Can't help but my think my dog killed their mama on Mother's Day. They'll be alright, they have a pretty big family. Beautiful morning. 67° and fair.
  • Thanks for the wake up call Rooster
Been up since 5:30...
The Golden Retriever(Miles) has been let out and fed and let out again and played with and let out one more time and ....
Got my hair cut (did it myself with the clippers...3 minutes and I'm good to go)
Showered, clothes ironed, stopped for gas & a cup of coffee
Finally got to work ... now that I'm here I wish I was home!
Golf night tonight ...

Procrastination - don't do today what you can oh nevermind, I'll finish this later...
Today was awards day for my 7th grade daughter, and she did great. She got an award for reading, for having straight A's all year, a Duke Tip ACT/SAT award, distinguished scholar, and 2 for Beta club. She had taken the ACT in February and got a 21 on it. She had chances for a week long educational camp at Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, and Western Kentucky. I'm starting to doubt she's my kid now.
Today was awards day for my 7th grade daughter, and she did great. She got an award for reading, for having straight A's all year, a Duke Tip ACT/SAT award, distinguished scholar, and 2 for Beta club. She had taken the ACT in February and got a 21 on it. She had chances for a week long educational camp at Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, and Western Kentucky. I'm starting to doubt she's my kid now.
Put your chest out. That is a very brainy daughter you have there.
Today was awards day for my 7th grade daughter, and she did great. She got an award for reading, for having straight A's all year, a Duke Tip ACT/SAT award, distinguished scholar, and 2 for Beta club. She had taken the ACT in February and got a 21 on it. She had chances for a week long educational camp at Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, and Western Kentucky. I'm starting to doubt she's my kid now.
You should definitely be proud! Quite an accomplishment.