
Happy Mothers Day...
Gonna mow sometime today...
pool is lookin good..
lost my favorite aunt Friday morning..Very blessed I could spend some time with her before left us...
some family coming from out of town to aunts wake..gonna stay with me. I'm sure we will catch up on a few things
If you get a chance, watch the movie "A dogs purpose" and make sure to have a box of Kleenex
Who needs a metal detector when you got Austin?
Awesome memories UK FAN, but I would add putting pennies on the train track...and who can forget ..spin the bottle!

Not much else ease/carry on!
I hope all the moms out there had a good Mama's Day. Treated my lady friend to breakfast in bed this morning. Fried ham steak, cheese omelet, orange juice and a biscuit with strawberry jam. Will do dinner tonight as well. Meatloaf, baked potato, and peas. A classic meat and two meal! She's not a bread person but does like a biscuit with jam.

SURVIVED last night. Held myself to 6 drinks, spaced out over 3 hours. Actually behaved myself, but literally got dragged out on the dance floor by two 20-somethings. With photographic evidence. When it's posted, I'll give a link!

For Beverly, et al. Have a great day.
Thank you Don
Our Mother's Day festival is over. Back home safe and sound. Everyone made a fuss over cute little Lola. We have 84º this afternoon. Too hot for her.

Our menu:
  • Starnes pork barbeque. (Niece)
  • Baked beans (QB)
  • Deviled eggs (QB)
  • Crispy salad (Our daughter)
  • Potato salad (QB's sis)
  • Macaroni & Cheese (didn't know her)
  • Strawberry Short Cake, SBs and Whipped Cream (Niece)
  • Lemonade Cake (?)
Delicious food.
Glad to be at work so I can relax...busy weekend.

Had a good day spending time w/Mom. My wife spent time doing what she like's to do...talking to our kids and spending time outside fiddlin' in the yard. I left her alone most of the day. She said it was a great Mothers Day!? o_O

Daughter pulls in the drive way...Dad I think I need new brakes, they sound funny. I got to do that after I got home.

Hope all is well...enjoy the day. Do some bird watching, find a quarter, drink more coffee. Gonna be a warm one - high of 86°
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans.
  • 66º in Johns Creek. It is a beautiful day. VFR.
  • Lola with me enjoying the morning.
  • Woke up at 0700. Should not have turned over. Slept another two hours. It was good.
  • Hope you have a good work week and overcome all of the problems you encounter.
  • Be safe. Take care.
Birdy was alive and well at 7:00am. Hopping pretty good. He's got the hop down. Last night he was able to hop and flap himself about 1 ft in the air. He's gonna lift off this week. Hope I see it happen.

Saw a skunk in the neighbor's yard last night. They get in my fence somehow and scratch up my mulch eating bugs. Also saw the cat, but no evidence he's been in my yard recently. He's probably there now, that bastard. Better not touch that bird. It's a wonder any birds survive with so many cats in my neighborhood.

Our football team is a beautiful thing. They keep impressing me.

Hope John Wall can will his team to victory in the Garden tonight. That would be magical.
Birdy was alive and well at 7:00am. Hopping pretty good. He's got the hop down. Last night he was able to hop and flap himself about 1 ft in the air. He's gonna lift off this week. Hope I see it happen.

Saw a skunk in the neighbor's yard last night. They get in my fence somehow and scratch up my mulch eating bugs. Also saw the cat, but no evidence he's been in my yard recently. He's probably there now, that bastard. Better not touch that bird. It's a wonder any birds survive with so many cats in my neighborhood.

Our football team is a beautiful thing. They keep impressing me.

Hope John Wall can will his team to victory in the Garden tonight. That would be magical.
used to follow the Celtics - and generally wish them well
but agree, would love to see Wall pull it off tonight