
actually getting to watch the last little bit of the Wizards/Celtics game
Celts definitely getting calls - makes Rob happy though; they've always been his team
I'm cheering the Wizards - it's kind of strange not being on the same team as my husband
nice run by the fighting John Walls there though
That's a lot of mulch man.

Man I hope Wall can get it done...or his teammates can get it done. Will take a total team effort.

Well they tried hard, but far from a total team effort. Gortat and Morris were unbelievably pathetic. Wall and Beal had stretches, but weren't really clicking at the same time.

Otto Porter is a solid player.

I can't stand watching Isiah Thomas play. I would wrather watch women, no offense. He plays a crap brand of ball, imo.

Like Marcus Smart, tho. He's the anti-Isiah.

If Wall drew fouls when he ran into players, he would shoot 20 FTs a game.
Familiar sight in Ohio and PA.

Sunny, breezy w/a high of 88° today.

Wish the Wizards would've won...glad they didn't come back though. I fell asleep the last 4-5 minutes of the game and woke up a little later with EJ, Kenny, Shaq & Chuck on the TV.

One cup of coffee down the hatch on my way in to work. Getting ready to knock out another one.

Be good, better days are ahead ... (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Good evening D-League! Dumb mistake today. I tried to avoid hitting a trash can while backing up but totaled a mailbox/post on the other side. The homeowners weren't home so I left a note (2 actually). Waiting for a chewing out but I'll make it right.

If it was me, I wouldn't be mad at all, since I would appreciate the fact someone was honest enough to own up to it.