
I was making Smore's over the firepit for my daughters when she said she would like to catch lightning bugs and it made me remember this. So I wanted to share this with everyone:

Nothing political here, just nice thoughts, if you’re old enough.

Close your eyes……and go back….

…..before the internet, or PC or the MAC….

Before semi-automatics and crack

Before Play Station, Sega, Super Nintendo, even Atari

Beore cell phones, CD’s, DVD’s, voice mail and E-mail

…..way back…..way…way… way back…..

I’m talking about hide and seek at dusk

Red light, Green light

Red rover….red rover

Ring around the Rosie

London Bridge

Hot Potato

Jump rope



Whiffle ball


When getting a gun meant a Roy Rogers or Gene Autry cap pistol or if you were at least 12 a Red Ryder B.B gun

Parents stood on the front porch and yelled (or whistled) for

You to come home-no cell phones or pagers

Mother may I?

Hula Hoops

When it took the TV 5 minutes to warm up

Party lines on telephones

Seeing shapes in the clouds

Endless summer days and hot summer nights (no A\C) with the windows open

The sound of crickets, frogs and whip-poor-wills

Running through the sprinkler

Cereal boxes with that great prize in the bottom

Cracker Jacks with the same thing

Ice pops with 2 sticks you could break and share with a friend

……but wait…….theres more…….

Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30-minute commercials for action figures?

Watching Sunday morning oldies(Abbott andCostello, 3 Stooges)

Wonder Woman & Superman underoos

Catching lightning bugs in a jar

Catching Minnows and Crawdads out of the creek

Christmas mornings........

Your first day of school

Swinging as high as you could to try and reach the sky

Getting ice cream off the Good Humor truck

A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers

Jumpin’ down the steps

Jumpin’ on the bed

Pillow fights


Runnin’ till you were out of breath

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt

Being tired from PLAYING

WORK: meant taking out the trash or doing the dishes

Your first crush

Your first kiss( I mean the one that you kept your mouth CLOSED and your eyes OPEN)

Rainy days at school meant playing “Heads up 7 up or Hangman

In the classroom….remember that?

Oh….I’m not finished yet…..

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time? And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot? Kool Aid was the drink of summer

So was a swig from the hose

Giving your friends ride on your handlebars

Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school

Class field trips with soggy sandwiches

When nearly everyone’s mom was at home when their kids got there

When a quarter seemed like an fair allowance; and another quarter a miracle

When ANY parent could discipline Any kid, or feed him or use him to

Carry groceries…..and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it

When being sent to the principals office was nothing compared

To the fate that awaited you at home

Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn’t because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.

Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat, and some of us are still afraid of them

Didn’t that feel good? Just to go back and say, “Yeah, I remember that!”

Well, lets keep going!!!

Ler’s go back to the time when….

Decisions were made by going”eeny-meeny-miney -mo”

Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening

It wasn’t odd enough to have 2 or 3 “best” friends

Being old, referred to anyone over 20(CRAP! I’m, officially OLD!)

The worst thing you catch from the opposite sex was cooties

Nobody was prettier than mom

Scrapes and bruises were kissed by mom or grandma and made better

It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the “Big people” rides at the amusement parks

Abilities were discovered because of a “double dog dare”

Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles

The worst embarrassment was being picked last for the team

Water ballons were the ultimate, ultimate weapon

Older siblings were your worst tormentors , but also your fiercest protector

Drive in movies

Candy cigarettes Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside.
Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles.
Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes. If you can remember most or all of these, then you have


I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do.
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Your first day of school

Swinging as high as you could to try and reach the sky

Getting ice cream off the Good Humor truck

A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers

Jumpin’ down the steps

Jumpin’ on the bed

Pillow fights


Runnin’ till you were out of breath

Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt

Being tired from PLAYING

WORK: meant taking out the trash or doing the dishes

Your first crush

Your first kiss( I mean the one that you kept your mouth CLOSED and your eyes OPEN)

Rainy days at school meant playing “Heads up 7 up or Hangman

In the classroom….remember that?

Oh….I’m not finished yet…..

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time? And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot? Kool Aid was the drink of summer

So was a swig from the hose

Giving your friends ride on your handlebars

Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school

Class field trips with soggy sandwiches

When nearly everyone’s mom was at home when their kids got there

When a quarter seemed like an fair allowance; and another quarter a miracle

When ANY parent could discipline Any kid, or feed him or use him to

Carry groceries…..and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it

When being sent to the principals office was nothing compared

To the fate that awaited you at home

Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn’t because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.

Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat, and some of us are still afraid of them

Didn’t that feel good? Just to go back and say, “Yeah, I remember that!”

Well, lets keep going!!!

Ler’s go back to the time when….

Decisions were made by going”eeny-meeny-miney -mo”

Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening

It wasn’t odd enough to have 2 or 3 “best” friends

Being old, referred to anyone over 20(CRAP! I’m, officially OLD!)

The worst thing you catch from the opposite sex was cooties

Nobody was prettier than mom

Scrapes and bruises were kissed by mom or grandma and made better

It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the “Big people” rides at the amusement parks

Abilities were discovered because of a “double dog dare”

Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles

The worst embarrassment was being picked last for the team

Water ballons were the ultimate, ultimate weapon

Older siblings were your worst tormentors , but also your fiercest protector

Drive in movies

Candy cigarettes Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside.
Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles.
Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes. If you can remember most or all of these, then you have


I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do.
Very good job. You could add:

DDT sprayers.

Building TeePees in that field behind the house.


Building Tree Houses

Smoking your daddy's cigarettes in secret

Don't shoot your eye out.

Charging groceries.

Going to school barefooted when it was warm enough.

Damming up the creek so you could swim in it.
What a wonderful railroad. Good people worked there! [banana]
My gut is telling me you're the doing fine. The little robin is just that a little robin and sometimes things don't work out the way you intend. For example, a lady friend of mine was having an issue with a Rock Squirrel acting like one in her garden. I got out one of my live capture traps. Caught the rascal and took it to a local park in NDN Bend wash where the resident squirrels are fat.

Upon leaving about 200 yards away from the release, I ran over one just like it. Saw it coming and quickly decided I could not run over the kids on bicycles. It sucked but ish happens.
I love squirrels. God worked overtime designing them.:grimace:
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans.
  • 55º in Johns Creek. The rain is gone. Sunny. Pretty day in store.
  • Likes applied.
  • Lola enjoying the deck and the cool morning. QB proclaims: "Don't let her off of the deck." (just foo fooed yesterday.) Taking her to the MD party to show her off to the relatives.
  • This is the earliest I have been up on a Sunday in a long time.
  • Thanks to UK_fan for the trip down Memory Lane.
  • Enjoy the day off.
  • Be careful. Be safe.
  • Tell us what you are doing today.
Morning all. 63 sunny-high of 84.

Golden Retriever pup crapped in his crate last it out so my wife doesnt do it. Happy Mother's Day!!

She said she doesnt want to do anything or go anywhere today. The kids got her something and are gonna spend some time with her today.

I'm going to my brothers house for dinner...spend a few hrs w/Mom.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans.
  • 55º in Johns Creek. The rain is gone. Sunny. Pretty day in store.
  • Likes applied.
  • Lola enjoying the deck and the cool morning. QB proclaims: "Don't let her off of the deck." (just foo fooed yesterday.) Taking her to the MD party to show her off to the relatives.
  • This is the earliest I have been up on a Sunday in a long time.
  • Thanks to UK_fan for the trip down Memory Lane.
  • Enjoy the day off.
  • Be careful. Be safe.
  • Tell us what you are doing today.
Thanks Don, I found that on another website a few years ago. I remember doing some of the things you mentioned too.
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A birdy is born, and a squirrel dies in the mouth of my dog. Happy for her. Only her second one, and chasing squirrels is really all she cares about. Sad for the squirrel. He rests one foot deep under the pine tree now. :( A crowd of grackles went wild when they saw it. Hope squirrel wasn't a mama. Circle of life.
Shocker this morning. Our big dog, Summer, ate a whole, unopened loaf of butter bread while we weren't watching her last night.

Anyway, hiked to the supermarket for more bread and milk. Found 30 cents (2 dimes, 1 nickel, 5 pennies). Problem with several coins is various establishments might not accept them due to damage. No biggie, as Federal Reserve branches in Dallas or San Antonio will. Just gotta turn 'em in next time I visit one of those places during a weekday.