
I just wanna know why they seem to think we can hang with South Carolina. They will be physically superior to us in every way and their coaches will be better than us. They are low tier SEC. We are mid-high tier Sun Belt. We could overcome the difference with very smart coaching, but that's probably our biggest flaw. If we can get lined up and motivated, I think we can keep it to a respectable 14-21pt loss. Don't totally embarrass yourselves. Really, I would be pleased if we completed a game without celebrating like wild men every time we tackle a player after he just gained 7 yards. A little self awareness would do wonders.

+1 on the celebrating. It's embarrassing. FCC.
Golf sucks and it's a stupid game! A person would have to be an idiot to go around a field hitting a little round ball with any hope it would go where he wanted it to. If you need to get out and see nature, take the cart and a suitable amount of beer and enjoy yourself at your own pace. Forget the whacking the ball aspect of the whole deal. SHIT!
Golf sucks and it's a stupid game! A person would have to be an idiot to go around a field hitting a little round ball with any hope it would go where he wanted it to. If you need to get out and see nature, take the cart and a suitable amount of beer and enjoy yourself at your own pace. Forget the whacking the ball aspect of the whole deal. SHIT!
Now. Now.
Golf sucks and it's a stupid game! A person would have to be an idiot to go around a field hitting a little round ball with any hope it would go where he wanted it to. If you need to get out and see nature, take the cart and a suitable amount of beer and enjoy yourself at your own pace. Forget the whacking the ball aspect of the whole deal. SHIT!

Awwwwwwww. Poor baby.
If only I was a democrat. I wouldn't have had to accept responsibility for the bad holes I had and I could have taken credit for the scores of the people I was playing with. I could have shot a 68 and felt good about it because I "deserved" it.

Don't get down on yourself loser. Remember golf is totally unfair.
Golf sucks and it's a stupid game! A person would have to be an idiot to go around a field hitting a little round ball with any hope it would go where he wanted it to. If you need to get out and see nature, take the cart and a suitable amount of beer and enjoy yourself at your own pace. Forget the whacking the ball aspect of the whole deal. SHIT!

Hell I bet you were still under a 100.

Don't come to me with your golfing woes. You just had a typical Bert game of cow pasture pool and are pissed off.
A good late morning. Austin is up really early, hell he is probably already half done with work by now.

Already 66 here. It will be over 90 again.

CatfaninSC hope you stay above water. After a rainy year, we are behind normal for the month of September.

Problems in Charlotte. I have not seen this since 1968. Our political leader had better take up for their cops or we could have a meltdown. Some folks hate authority.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers.
  • 73º in Johns Creek. Sunny. VFR.
  • Racial unrest in Charlotte is bothering me.
  • Silence from TPOTUS is puzzling.
  • My back is terrible. Sore. Stiff. Misery.
  • Hope y'all never have this trouble.
  • That is all.

Been having back trouble for 30 years. Really bad the last 4 years. Sciatic pain for the last 2 years. Not fun. Effects everything. Sorry Don. Catfan is telling you right. Meds will help a little. For me, the doc said I needed surgery, but at my age he said he would wait until I couldn't stand it any more. It's almost there. Bummer big time. FCC.