
Well, it was anything but that, wasn't it BKO. I was at the unemployment office at an interview. The lady that was interviewing me answered her phone and I still remember what she said. In a panicked voice she said to the caller, "We've got ourselves a real emergency don't we!" She hung up, looked at me and told me they were closing all government offices in Paducah. She was fighting back tears and I really didn't get it. When I got home though, Diana met me at the door and was talking 90 to nothing. I caught up in a hurry and ran the gambit of emotions. Still difficult to talk about. FCC.

Yes, it was anything but that
I had decided to go back to school - was 31 years old and wanted to do something more. I had classes that morning (JCTC) and my sister and I drove in together. We got to school early - about 7:30 am and stood around outside chit-chatting with people. I remember there was a religious group handing out New Testaments.
Anyway, after the first plane hit as we were walking into the building - someone yelled that the WTC had been hit and everyone (going to say probably 75-100 students) gathered around the television in the lobby. As we were watching, we saw the 2nd tower hit, and someone (I don't know who) said "Dear God, we're under attack"
At that moment, every single person in that lobby grabbed someone's hand - we all stood there together watching, holding hands, until both towers had fallen. After the 2nd one came down, everyone - and least I'm sure it was everyone - knelt together at the same time and prayed. When we finished we all stood, most of us crying, and hugged. No one went to class
I don't know whose hand I held, and it doesn't matter
I was at a golf course in Vidalia GA when the attack occurred. We had just got on the tee at number 10 when we saw a woman driving a Ford Explorer come across the golf course at break neck, leave the ground on bumps, speed. She slid to a stop next to us and shouted at us "we're under attack! They've bombed the White House, the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon". She then sped off out of sight. We joked about her and teed off on ten. Around number 13 or so, I remarked about the lack of people on the course. We played on.

After we finished our round we headed in to the club house to find people shoulder to shoulder. I glanced over at the tv and saw a WTC building crumple to the ground. I turned to my guy and said "we've got to go". We went back to the motel bar and joined our friends who were already there glued to the tv.

I was there to work at a nuclear plant. We had been there for a week going through classes that are necessary to gain access. Needless to say, our admittance was delayed due to the situation. For the next two weeks, we all met in the bar and watched the coverage non stop. We didn't need to be told who was responsible, or which entity they worshipped. We wanted them dead. I still do. I pay taxes to kill them but if I need to do it myself, I could. Without remorse.

That particular religion needs to be wiped off the face of this earth. All traces of it should be destroyed. The "good ones" are merely seeds for bad ones. Name me one "good" cancer.
If any muslim wants to worship peace, let them worship Christianity and Christ. That's good enough to give them direction in how to treat other people and not strap bombs to themselves. If the muslim religion was superior to christiantiy as far as people treating other people was concerned, I would encourage Christians to convert.
Ha Ha, Don, you've been a lot of places and done a lot of things. Why didn't you tell us you used to be a 7 foot tall black man? You tell us about sugar and weight, I think you losing the height and melanin is more impressive. You're one of those shapeshifter dudes.

Guy that picked me up for golf this morning was driving a brand new Denali. Didn't realize he was rich until then.
Ha Ha, Don, you've been a lot of places and done a lot of things. Why didn't you tell us you used to be a 7 foot tall black man? You tell us about sugar and weight, I think you losing the height and melanin is more impressive. You're one of those shapeshifter dudes.

Guy that picked me up for golf this morning was driving a brand new Denali. Didn't realize he was rich until then.
Shaq is a big big man.
If any muslim wants to worship peace, let them worship Christianity and Christ. That's good enough to give them direction in how to treat other people and not strap bombs to themselves. If the muslim religion was superior to christiantiy as far as people treating other people was concerned, I would encourage Christians to convert.

Islam is actually not a religion. It is a form of government; strongman rule with social requirement that are retrogressive to civilization. Muhammad was a total ****tard. Evil, evil.

Wahhabi Islam should not be allowed to be practiced in the U.S. It is that evil and most of the mosques in the U.S. have Wahhabi Imams, furnished by Saudi Arabia. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama are the three Presidents responsible for the bastards being here. They let the flood gates open by taking all of those poor mistreated Muslims. The thing that was not explained was that they were refugees from Islam. An Islamic dominate society will constantly produce refugees because the ideology is so f***ed up.

Now we have a fifth column in the U.S. to worry about. A true Muslim will not integrate into our society.

Hillary would call me a racist, Islamophobe, xenophobe and a few other choice names. I openly admit to being all of the above. I just never figured out how hating a religion was racist, but the left wing nutjobs see it that way.
It's a sad situation Bert. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that allowing anyone who is unhappy with their country to come to this one, with no visible means of support, is not the right answer. If we aren't going to respect the laws that are on the books, then we need to stop letting people in until we can figure out how we are going to do it.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers.
  • 81º already in Johns Creek. Sunny. VFR.
  • Not one positive word about Kentucky Football.
  • A poster blames this mess on Mack Jones (for not standing up for hiring Bobby Petrino.)
  • We do not have a go-to play. Not one. HTF does that happen?
  • We have some super fast receivers, but you cannot expect to connect with them on every passing down.
  • Our OL gets whipped every play.
  • Drew Barker has no time to pass. Some player is about to knock his head off every play.
  • Our coaches should have realized this in the Spring.
  • What's on your mind?
  • How you doin?
  • Mack Jones going.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Mitch Barnhart may be a lot of good things. Hiring good coaches is not one of them. And yet he is not held accountable.
It's a sad situation Bert. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that allowing anyone who is unhappy with their country to come to this one, with no visible means of support, is not the right answer. If we aren't going to respect the laws that are on the books, then we need to stop letting people in until we can figure out how we are going to do it.
Our leadership has made some of the most stupid decisions with regard to the Muslims in the history of mankind. Everything.