
Did you ever hear this story that happened back in the day? Buck Owens and the Rolling Stones were performing maybe in New Orleans. Mick Jagger and one of Buck Owens' band members got in a fight. And the Buck Owens guy whipped MJ's azz. I heard this one night on Willie's Roadhouse, so you know it must be true.
My sister could prolly whip Jagger's butt
That's it
Arthur McArthur won the Medal while leading his command up Lookout Mountain. The attack was faltering and he rallied his men to take the Confederate positions.

The son, Douglas, was awarded the medal, the only after/son to be done so.
You gave excellent clues. I would not have gotten the answer without the clues.
Coming to you now from the picnic table on the patio. Both eggs are fired up. Large holding steady at 220°F and medium rocking at 250°F. Large has almost a nine lb butt in it for other people that I will cook all night, medium has a four pounder for me and my wife that I will eat tonight. Might wrap it in foil later to speed the process or put it in the oven at 350° for a bit to finish it up.

It is windy out here, sunny, blue sky, beautiful. Tunes are rolling, beer is flowing.
Coming to you now from the picnic table on the patio. Both eggs are fired up. Large holding steady at 220°F and medium rocking at 250°F. Large has almost a nine lb butt in it for other people that I will cook all night, medium has a four pounder for me and my wife that I will eat tonight. Might wrap it in foil later to speed the process or put it in the oven at 350° for a bit to finish it up.

It is windy out here, sunny, blue sky, beautiful. Tunes are rolling, beer is flowing.
Is it stinking out there yet?