
This is Tamara Ecclestone. Her father is Bernie Ecclestone who owns the Formula One group. She is personally worth 3.9 BILLION dollars. I'm not materialistic, I would find her attractive is she was only worth 1 billion.
Fred, I hope you're still awake. I'm getting sleepy also. If you are working on a question this long, it will be too difficult.

Had honey do stuff. Here is my trivia question.
What pro football coach made this comment. "Last year we knocked on the door, this year we will kickit in!" Not sure if that is the exact quote or not. Extra credit if you know if his team did or not. He was referencing the Super Bowl.
Had honey do stuff. Here is my trivia question.
What pro football coach made this comment. "Last year we knocked on the door, this year we will kickit in!" Not sure if that is the exact quote or not. Extra credit if you know if his team did or not. He was referencing the Super Bowl.
You must have forgotten to wash the dishes or something.
Good morning D
on 2nd cup o coffee - it's delicious. Thinking about a third
quiet morning - hubby asleep, youngest at school, the older son at work - his g/f went back to school. I could get used to this
Daughter and granddaughter are coming to visit this afternoon.

Love this trivia stuff - even if you don't know the answer, you learn something new. This is a good thing
Good morning D
on 2nd cup o coffee - it's delicious. Thinking about a third
quiet morning - hubby asleep, youngest at school, the older son at work - his g/f went back to school. I could get used to this
Daughter and granddaughter are coming to visit this afternoon.

Love this trivia stuff - even if you don't know the answer, you learn something new. This is a good thing
I agree. Credit stevo.
I'm gonna miss the first game of the season. We have had plans to go out Saturday for a couple of months now. Back when she started asking me about doing all this stuff I didn't realize the days she was talking about. I'll have to watch on Sunday and there is no way I make it through the night and not hear the results. I don't like that.