

Can you name this ship? What President visited here in November of 1963?
No, but is that a Polaris missile?
You folks have been sailing along. Proud of you. Just brewed a mug of that vile Dark Magic, Just delicious. PB&J sandwich to keep from starving a death. Gene Wilder was in Bonnie & Clyde also. Small role.

Gene Wilder was one of the funniest folks God ever created.

Young Frankenstein was absolutely fantastic.

"What knockers"
Frau Kreeble.

I love it and have a Blu-ray copy I watch every year or so.

Can you name this ship? What President visited here in November of 1963?
I can. Just caught up on the posts. I didn't get upset about my trivia question at. I had to be at out patient surgery today at 10:30 am, so I wanted to end the question. The surgery went well but was delayed, so I'm just getting in.

The D is rocking, the trivia questions are great and appreciated. Donfather, for extra credit Guess who the helmsman was on some of those missile shots and depending on the date, maybe that one? A hint is that he posts in the D.
Science Break:

Young suns show themselves in this image of NGC 7129.
Only a few million years old they light up this stellar nursery located about 3,000 light years from us. Most notable are the blueish dust clouds lit up by these suns.

(click image to expand)
The compact, pinkish red crescent shapes are also markers of energetic, young stellar objects. Their shape and color is characteristic of glowing hydrogen gas shocked by jets streaming away from newborn stars. Paler, extended filaments of reddish emission mingling with the bluish clouds are caused by dust grains effectively converting the invisible ultraviolet starlight to visible red light through photoluminescence.
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I can. Just caught up on the posts. I didn't get upset about my trivia question at. I had to be at out patient surgery today at 10:30 am, so I wanted to end the question. The surgery went well but was delayed, so I'm just getting in.

The D is rocking, the trivia questions are great and appreciated. Donfather, for extra credit Guess who the helmsman was on some of those missile shots and depending on the date, maybe that one? A hint is that he posts in the D.
  • Home at last.
  • No business.
  • Leaning 70 footer gone. Happy.
  • Sawdust all over our deck. Unhappy. Should I call them to come and lick their calf again? Mr. Gomez's crew will get it when they do the yard tomorrow. Nevermind.
  • Atlanta has the most rude drivers. Also the worst drivers. There was a rearender just as soon as I left for Lawrenceville this morning.
  • On those I-phones.
  • Damn it.
  • That is all.
No, but is that a Polaris missile?

It is indeed. The Observation Island EAG 154 test fired the first one ever and then monitored the Polaris subs shots also. I left the ship just after they test fired the A2 Polaris for the first time. Dependng on the date that picture is of the A1 or the A2. Lots of good memories from that tour, Got to meet all the orginal astronauts. I was on another ship when Kennedy visited it to watch a sub launch. One of best friends piped him aboard.