
I am the old fart in the chair with white beard and white shirt. Ymmot is the dude hitting on BKO. Don is the old fart behind the counter. 55 is directly behind the stove. CatfaninSC is to the right of the stove daydreaming about the collider in his yard. Starchief is the old man sitting next to BKO. He is having really bad thoughts. Look at him!

Geeze, BKO you are hanging around with a bunch of old farts with evil minds.
enjoying a fresh cup of coffee, and some truly entertaining posts - thank you all for that

feeling a little tired today - I think it's the weather change. Or, maybe getting up at 6 am did it, who knows?

Feeling anxious for football - I'm going to go all out positive and say 7-5 for this year's Cats.
I am the old fart in the chair with white beard and white shirt. Ymmot is the dude hitting on BKO. Don is the old fart behind the counter. 55 is directly behind the stove. CatfaninSC is to the right of the stove daydreaming about the collider in his yard. Starchief is the old man sitting next to BKO. He is having really bad thoughts. Look at him!

Geeze, BKO you are hanging around with a bunch of old farts with evil minds.
Me, Austin, & KS got left out. :cry:
Me, Austin, & KS got left out. :cry:

You young whippersnappers will have your turn soon enough. Gives you something more to look forward to. Social Security, Medicare and a seat around the D-League stove ranting about far music has gone downhill since Tiny Tim and K C and the Sunshine Band..
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Science Break:

This is an ALMA image of T W Hydrae. A star that lies 175 light years from earth. Its status as a veritable newborn (about 10 million years old) and the fact that it has a face-on orientation as seen from Earth allows us to see a rare undistorted view of the complete disk surrounding the star. Disks of dust and gas that surround young stars are the formation sites of planets.

It is a Sun-like star that includes a tantalizing gap at the same distance from the star as the Earth is from the Sun. The new ALMA images show the disk in unprecedented detail, revealing a series of concentric dusty bright rings and dark gaps, including intriguing features that suggest a planet with an Earth-like orbit is forming there

Other pronounced gap features are located at distances from the central star of 3 billion and 6 billion kilometers, similar to the distances from the Sun to Uranus and Pluto in our own Solar System. They too are likely the result of particles that came together to form planets, which then swept their orbits clear of dust and gas and shepherded the remaining material into well-defined bands.

The above image is at the very center of the previous image. A planet with the same orbit as Earth is forming there. A duplicate of our solar system may be forming 175 light years from us.
Science Break:

This is an ALMA image of T W Hydrae. A star that lies 175 light years from earth. Its status as a veritable newborn (about 10 million years old) and the fact that it has a face-on orientation as seen from Earth allows us to see a rare undistorted view of the complete disk surrounding the star. Disks of dust and gas that surround young stars are the formation sites of planets.

It is a Sun-like star that includes a tantalizing gap at the same distance from the star as the Earth is from the Sun. The new ALMA images show the disk in unprecedented detail, revealing a series of concentric dusty bright rings and dark gaps, including intriguing features that suggest a planet with an Earth-like orbit is forming there

Other pronounced gap features are located at distances from the central star of 3 billion and 6 billion kilometers, similar to the distances from the Sun to Uranus and Pluto in our own Solar System. They too are likely the result of particles that came together to form planets, which then swept their orbits clear of dust and gas and shepherded the remaining material into well-defined bands.

The above image is at the very center of the previous image. A planet with the same orbit as Earth is forming there. A duplicate of our solar system may be forming 175 light years from us.
No doubt we'll be getting timeshare offers from there any day
Another day another dollar. Glad to be at home. Tailgaters are usually terrible at all phases of driving.
I don't hit the brakes on em, I just start going slower and slower. Not all at once, I like to ease them into it. Once we're going about twenty mph less than we were, I'll speed up quickly and put distance between us. If they get right back up there, I repeat the process.
I don't hit the brakes on em, I just start going slower and slower. Not all at once, I like to ease them into it. Once we're going about twenty mph less than we were, I'll speed up quickly and put distance between us. If they get right back up there, I repeat the process.
You'd wear yourself out here in Atlanta. I have never seen so many bad drivers in my life as we have here. I don't hope they get killed or anything like that, but I love it when they have those multiple pileups. The body shops and Brake-Os love those sumbritches.