
Home again. The car is his. Dude tried to pull a fast one on him while I was outside. Said he owed him an extra $150 for tax and title. I went and gave dude a run down of how things happened and the different prices he had quoted, including the exact time and location of our convo on the final price of that particular car.

What happened was he had to fix an ABS sensor before we would take the car and he was trying to recoup his expense. He said there must have been a misunderstanding. I told him I didn't misunderstand tax and title included.
Home again. The car is his. Dude tried to pull a fast one on him while I was outside. Said he owed him an extra $150 for tax and title. I went and gave dude a run down of how things happened and the different prices he had quoted, including the exact time and location of our convo on the final price of that particular car.

What happened was he had to fix an ABS sensor before we would take the car and he was trying to recoup his expense. He said there must have been a misunderstanding. I told him I didn't misunderstand tax and title included.

LOL love how some will do that with someone they think doesn't know better. I've had it happen to me on a few occasions - usually, and I hate to say it, by an auto tech. Really enjoy the looks on their faces when I prove I know more than I think they do.
Lunch = my favorite time of the day when I can stuff myself silly.

Life is good.
I just had a sancwich. 1/4lb of roast beef, two slices American cheese, two slices of tomato, Dukes mayo, on white bread. I could have got all pretentious and put some lettuce on there, but it was more of utilitarian effort.
Afternoon D. Very very quiet day. Didn't do much, although that's about to change shortly. Feeling anxious about my son; wondering how his day went, if he enjoyed it, etc. I'll know come 4:15 pm this afternoon.
Finally got the bus thing figured out - they didn't put in all the info on his elink profile. Glad I got to take him this morning though, first day of school and all. He originally didn't want me to, because he's a big kid now, you know, and didn't need me like that anymore. It was a bit frustrating about the bus, but it did make me happy to get to drop him off myself; especially since I got a "love you, Mom, see ya later"
Anyway - called the bus transportation dept, got the issue straightened out, and he'll be on the bus tomorrow morning.
LOL love how some will do that with someone they think doesn't know better. I've had it happen to me on a few occasions - usually, and I hate to say it, by an auto tech. Really enjoy the looks on their faces when I prove I know more than I think they do.

I know, I've had it happen before too. Some of the things I've been told by "mechanics" made me laugh in their face.

Yes please.
I guess I was dehydrated today cleaning up the lot. I had a shooting pain in side of my muscle in back of my neck. Felt like some stabbed the shit out if me

Home now after a shower and I'm scared to stretch the wrong way Scared I might get a lightning bolt of a cramp somewhere them sumabitches hurt
Greetings D, trust this finds every one doing well. I have a cousin who ran off to an Eskimo Village on the Bering Strait with his young daughter after his wife left them while they were living in Alaska. He made a decent life for them by fishing. Married an Eskimo and she grew a up and did the same and he has grandchildren now.

Only time I remember him coming back to the states was in the early nineties to bury his dad. I have never really given much thought about why he took that route but this election year, I've been thinking about a visit to them. I would rather both canidates this year run off somewhere but can't think of a place far enough or even one I would wish them on.
I've always had problems with cramps even when I played sports. Now they seem to hit even more. My triceps lock up now and feel like someone is pinching the tar out my arms. No matter how much water I drink or potassium tablets. Still happens
Like my momma told me one time ......... "just wait until you get to the 70s."
Greetings D, trust this finds every one doing well. I have a cousin who ran off to an Eskimo Village on the Bering Strait with his young daughter after his wife left them while they were living in Alaska. He made a decent life for them by fishing. Married an Eskimo and she grew a up and did the same and he has grandchildren now.

Only time I remember him coming back to the states was in the early nineties to bury his dad. I have never really given much thought about why he took that route but this election year, I've been thinking about a visit to them. I would rather both canidates this year run off somewhere but can't think of a place far enough or even one I would wish them on.
Sittin in primo seats in Wrigley Field. Ticket prices, out the roof, parking at the ballpark and at the navy pier earlier.. 68 bucks. Beer here 9 bucks a pop. Lunch at harry careys on the pier for my son , dil, and bride..75 bucks. Seeing my die hard cub fan son tear up seeing Wrigley for the first time. Priceless and more than worth what the oldman dropped. Cubs up 5 - 0. Go Cubs
well that was an adventure - a scary one to be sure. We had to run our DeeDee to the vet emergency hospital; she had what the doctor believes is an ideopathic epileptic seizure. Scared me to death; poor thing went all rigid and unresponsive.
All her blood work came back normal - good even. Not a lot they can do at this time since it was the first we've seen, we just have to keep an eye on her and if it happens again, we take her back and they'll look at doing an MRI or CT scan.
DeeDee is fine now - all happy and perky. I'm one relieved momma
well that was an adventure - a scary one to be sure. We had to run our DeeDee to the vet emergency hospital; she had what the doctor believes is an ideopathic epileptic seizure. Scared me to death; poor thing went all rigid and unresponsive.
All her blood work came back normal - good even. Not a lot they can do at this time since it was the first we've seen, we just have to keep an eye on her and if it happens again, we take her back and they'll look at doing an MRI or CT scan.
DeeDee is fine now - all happy and perky. I'm one relieved momma

Glad to hear she is ok.
so - before our adventures with the puppy, I made a pretty kick-butt dinner
Youngest requested pepperoni stromboli for his back to school dinner, which I made for him, but I wanted something a little different, too. So, I made a flatbread that turned out rather amazing
rolled out the flatbread - and spread some garlic parmesan sauce from Bdubs on it; added shredded chicken, spinach, mushrooms and onions, then smothered the whole thing with mozzarella; baked it for 12 minutes at 425°. It was DELICIOUS, if I do say so myself
Sittin in primo seats in Wrigley Field. Ticket prices, out the roof, parking at the ballpark and at the navy pier earlier.. 68 bucks. Beer here 9 bucks a pop. Lunch at harry careys on the pier for my son , dil, and bride..75 bucks. Seeing my die hard cub fan son tear up seeing Wrigley for the first time. Priceless and more than worth what the oldman dropped. Cubs up 5 - 0. Go Cubs
Harry Carey called Cardinals' games when I was a kid.
well that was an adventure - a scary one to be sure. We had to run our DeeDee to the vet emergency hospital; she had what the doctor believes is an ideopathic epileptic seizure. Scared me to death; poor thing went all rigid and unresponsive.
All her blood work came back normal - good even. Not a lot they can do at this time since it was the first we've seen, we just have to keep an eye on her and if it happens again, we take her back and they'll look at doing an MRI or CT scan.
DeeDee is fine now - all happy and perky. I'm one relieved momma
Does she have any of those goat friends?
  • Old man get home at last.
  • 4 car pile-up immediately + Braves game traffic.
  • Another jam for road construction at 400 & 285. All those lanes reduced to 2. A real mess.
  • How was your day?

My day was a piece of cake compared to that. Country living does have some good points. The boss lady gets to deal with city traffic tomorrow, This old guy is staying close to home.