
Mornin D
Happy Tuesday; it's taco night - going to make regular and shrimp tacos. Good eatin
Leaving here soon to pick up some paperwork for school at Dr. Office, then drop at school, then take youngest for a hair-cut, then go to the grocery. Jamie starts middle school tomorrow - and he's pretty scared. Big change for him (and he doesn't adapt well to change, usually) so I'm going to keep him busy today so he doesn't dwell too much. Have a feeling it's going to be a difficult time getting him to go to sleep tonight
Hope all are well today
  • Good Morning, y'all.
  • 73º in Johns Creek. VFR. Visibility about 20 miles.
  • Blood Sugar = 92. Weight = 227.
  • iHeart behavin'. Tom Leach going.
  • Are you ready for some football? I hope we're better. I'm excited. Can't help it.
  • Alex Poythress in the D-League at Ft. Wayne. Good for him if that's what he wants.
  • Fish waiting.
  • That's it.

I'm always going to be optimistic about UK football, until I have reason not to be - so I'm excited about it, hoping that the reports are proving accurate
AP is going to be fine regardless; he'll make some money this year - he's a smart guy with a degree in finance (I think, or something similar?), so he'll be smart with the money, do some investing. He's in a better place than most players who are borderline as he is, IMO
I think indiana is a great place for Poythress. He'll stick around. Idk what he'll be exactly, but he'll be around. If he wants to. I guess that is the question. How bad does he want it.

I like Indianapolis because it's close enough to run up wkd catch some cats vs Pacers games.

Louisville the city is stupid for not pursuing an nba team if they have the structure in place to do that. That's a no brainer. I hope it happens, or Cincinatti just gets one.
I think indiana is a great place for Poythress. He'll stick around. Idk what he'll be exactly, but he'll be around. If he wants to. I guess that is the question. How bad does he want it.

I like Indianapolis because it's close enough to run up wkd catch some cats vs Pacers games.

Louisville the city is stupid for not pursuing an nba team if they have the structure in place to do that. That's a no brainer. I hope it happens, or Cincinatti just gets one.

Louisville is a perfect location for an NBA team - it doesn't have any other NBA team close enough to worry about fans; except those who are already established. I think the closest teams are Indiana and Cleveland?
Question is - create an entire new franchise, or move one here?
So ready for fall weather not just for obvious reasons

I hate taking out the trash when you cooked shrimp/fish and the smell of the outside trash a few days later. Will wake you up/ knock ya down in the mornings

I'm tired of mosquitos, flies ,sweat bees ect

I'm tired of going somewhere and getting back it my truck and it's like an oven

Mowing the yard and having to almost use a hazmat suit because of the dust and pollen

Grilling outside with sweat and flies. I would rather sit outside with a good bourbon in chilly fall weather smoking some good meat

Oh did I mention I'm ready for some football and big blue madness :)

@wildcatdonf did you frequent any of these places in your day
Our go to place for dinner when we lived in Lexington was Berea College at their Hotel Management setup. Love that birds nest and the spoon bread.

I worked in Covington for a couple of years. I used to play at Devou Park golf course some. The guy at the clubhouse served a heck of a good breakfast with homemade biscuits and gravy, thick sliced bacon. It was great. That has only been 46 years ago. Damn, I'm old.
I think indiana is a great place for Poythress. He'll stick around. Idk what he'll be exactly, but he'll be around. If he wants to. I guess that is the question. How bad does he want it.

I like Indianapolis because it's close enough to run up wkd catch some cats vs Pacers games.

Louisville the city is stupid for not pursuing an nba team if they have the structure in place to do that. That's a no brainer. I hope it happens, or Cincinatti just gets one.
Louisville would have an NBA team if it wasn't for those pesky kids! Pitino and Jurich are the reason we don't have one.

Think if Louisville had a team and they stocked it with UK players like Phoenix has done. Do you really think they would have a problem filling the Bucket for every game? I remember when ex UK players played for the Colonels. It was a big deal and it would be again.
Louisville would have an NBA team if it wasn't for those pesky kids! Pitino and Jurich are the reason we don't have one.

Think if Louisville had a team and they stocked it with UK players like Phoenix has done. Do you really think they would have a problem filling the Bucket for every game? I remember when ex UK players played for the Colonels. It was a big deal and it would be again.
I think you're right.
Our Mexican was El Chico's. Recently we did Gus's. It was A-1. I think I remember Topps. Not sure. I have always loved Starnes in Paducah for my BBQ, We loved going to Rendezvous for those ribs at Underground.

I loved el chicos the one in memohis on highland shut down few years back
I worked at the one in Paducah back in college Is it still there? I heard it burnt down some years back didn't know if they rebuilt

Rendezvous has over cooked their ribs the last few times I've been. BBQ shop on Madison and central BBQ are my two favs then commissary. They use the St. Louis cut. I like more meat:)
Proud to say I ate at commissary and got the tshirt. Also took home an awesome coconut meringue pie. The meringue was piled high and smelled of smoke. It was awesome.

This was during the trip when we got beat by fn WVU and I blamed it all on myself for taking that trip, away from my home court, in damn Memphis no less, Calipari hate oozing, and I sat there in that damn hotel room and watched us jack 3 after 3 after 3 after 3 after 3 as WVU rack-attacked us to death. Gonna be a while before I can go back to Memphis. I don't really want to. I much prefer east TN. It's much prettier as long as you don't see too much of that ugly ass orange.
I have lived out West for most of the last 40 years (CA, OR and AZ). I hate cold winters.

What I miss most is the beauty of the mountains in the summer, being able to get fresh farm produce or good meat just about anywhere and good SOUTHERN COOKING in restaurants. You just don't find that out here.

I married a Yankee girl who never liked cooking at all (her only downside) and especially the Southern dishes I grew up eating (rough grub, my brother called it). :cry: It was a hassle to get her to learn to make those dishes (which she never did) and she never put any effort in doing them right since she wasn't going to eat any of it.

Is that grounds for divorce after almost 53 years together?
I loved el chicos the one in memohis on highland shut down few years back
I worked at the one in Paducah back in college Is it still there? I heard it burnt down some years back didn't know if they rebuilt

Rendezvous has over cooked their ribs the last few times I've been. BBQ shop on Madison and central BBQ are my two favs then commissary. They use the St. Louis cut. I like more meat:)

Ate once at Rendezous. Not impressed. Liked Corky's better. Lived there for 4 years during Seminary. Memphis Theological. FCC.
I have lived out West for most of the last 40 years (CA, OR and AZ). I hate cold winters.

What I miss most is the beauty of the mountains in the summer, being able to get fresh farm produce or good meat just about anywhere and good SOUTHERN COOKING in restaurants. You just don't find that out here.

I married a Yankee girl who never liked cooking at all (her only downside) and especially the Southern dishes I grew up eating (rough grub, my brother called it). :cry: It was a hassle to get her to learn to make those dishes (which she never did) and she never put any effort in doing them right since she wasn't going to eat any of it.

Is that grounds for divorce after almost 53 years together?
afternoon D
errands run - kid is shorn, groceries being put away
chilling for a few, then need to mark all of J's school things. He had to have binders - not 1", not 2", but 1 1/2", and, of course, the only color they had was black. I don't like using labels on binders because they peel off so easily. So, picked up a white paint-marker to put his name and subject on each one, plus on his back-back and lunch-bag (both also black). Then dishes, a load or two of laundry and dinner.
Found out when J got his haircut he hasn't been rinsing his hair very well after shampooing. This means, of course, that it dried on his hair, which is so thick it wasn't noticeable until we buzzed it. I love 11 yr olds
Probably ought to fix me some lunch - have a bad habit of not eating all day until dinner (I blame coffee). For a change, though, I'm hungry - go figure
  • Good Morning, y'all.
  • 73º in Johns Creek. VFR. Visibility about 20 miles.
  • Blood Sugar = 92. Weight = 227.
  • iHeart behavin'. Tom Leach going.
  • Are you ready for some football? I hope we're better. I'm excited. Can't help it.
  • Alex Poythress in the D-League at Ft. Wayne. Good for him if that's what he wants.
  • Fish waiting.
  • That's it.

If I come back to earth as a carp, I hope that I am in Don's pond.[smoke]
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Afternoon, the D. Haven't forgotten about y'all, it is still vacation time here. I've been working evening shift to cover for the shift supervisor. It's been 15 years since I've done evenings, and it shows! The evening guys were stunned when I pitched in to help them unload the overnight truck from Owens and Minor. I told them the earlier we finished, the earlier we could relax. What a concept!
Afternoon, the D. Haven't forgotten about y'all, it is still vacation time here. I've been working evening shift to cover for the shift supervisor. It's been 15 years since I've done evenings, and it shows! The evening guys were stunned when I pitched in to help them unload the overnight truck from Owens and Minor. I told them the earlier we finished, the earlier we could relax. What a concept!

I have missed my misguided Tennessee friend.

How are you and all the single women?
Oh my Don, we have so much in common. Hall's in Richmond is fantastic. I met Ms Hall.

Edit: I don't know if it is still open or not.

It is, but I doubt it's as you remember. It was a special place in the 90's, but went downhill from there. it had been temporarily closed by health department (roaches) and it's reputation was pure trash years leading up to the closing - circa 2005ish? It supposedly recovered and got some new blood in there, but it's not a place people talk about anymore. Haven't for a long time. The roaches seemed to hurt what little reputation was left.

I think people probably just go to hamburg and eat. Did y'all ever get to experience that modern day hell hole? Take every store/restaurant you've ever known and shove it in a small box. It is the most certain sign of social decline, imo.
Better, thanks. Coughed up very little blood this morning. Looking great compared to last week. Still have a tiny cough, but nothing like earlier.
glad to hear that you're healing, my friend

Made tacos tonight for dinner - but not just any tacos. For my boys, they got the traditional taco (seasoned beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese) but for my son's g/f and me: shrimp tacos. Lemme tell ya, for something soooo easy to make it was incredibly tasty.
Simply got a bag of pre-cooked medium shrimp; thawed and well drained; added two tablespoons of taco seasoning, two teaspoons of minced garlic and some lime juice - today I made up about an hour ahead of time to let it marinate well. Heated a skillet with some olive oil and cooked the shrimp for about 4-5 minutes until heated through. Made some mexican rice to go with it. Used whole wheat shells, rice first, then the shrimp, then some pico de gallo and sour cream. nom nom nom
I have lived out West for most of the last 40 years (CA, OR and AZ). I hate cold winters.

What I miss most is the beauty of the mountains in the summer, being able to get fresh farm produce or good meat just about anywhere and good SOUTHERN COOKING in restaurants. You just don't find that out here.

I married a Yankee girl who never liked cooking at all (her only downside) and especially the Southern dishes I grew up eating (rough grub, my brother called it). :cry: It was a hassle to get her to learn to make those dishes (which she never did) and she never put any effort in doing them right since she wasn't going to eat any of it.

Is that grounds for divorce after almost 53 years together?
Minnie Pearl would say, yes it sure is.