
So my 14 year old daughter met a boy back on 4th of July at our BBQ in KY. They have been texting and talking nonstop since. Well school started and I'm about to open my own restaurant in a month. Times have been tough and time is getting ready to be limited.
These two kids are head over heals. I'm glad a good Christian KY boy has made my daughter feel so good. He is the cousin of my step sister new fiancé. He is a great kid. I almost want to reinforce this long distant relationship because of the boys down here 30 Miles outside Memphis are not comparable. My wife feels The same because she wants her to find a guy like me :). She is not my biological daughter but raised her since 18 months old. Her dad is a drunk. I told my sister and fiancé to come down and see the new bass pro pyramid headquarters and my restaurant and to bring him. Good idea or bad idea????
So my 14 year old daughter met a boy back on 4th of July at our BBQ in KY. They have been texting and talking nonstop since. Well school started and I'm about to open my own restaurant in a month. Times have been tough and time is getting ready to be limited.
These two kids are head over heals. I'm glad a good Christian KY boy has made my daughter feel so good. He is the cousin of my step sister new fiancé. He is a great kid. I almost want to reinforce this long distant relationship because of the boys down here 30 Miles outside Memphis are not comparable. My wife feels The same because she wants her to find a guy like me :). She is not my biological daughter but raised her since 18 months old. Her dad is a drunk. I told my sister and fiancé to come down and see the new bass pro pyramid headquarters and my restaurant and to bring him. Good idea or bad idea????
As long as you're careful it's not a bad idea; I'm sure she's been well taught to be a young Lady (capitalized intentionally). Just set the limits and trust her with the rest. It's bound to be fleeting, at this age, anyway (although you never know). If he IS a good Christian boy, he'll be a gentleman and he'll follow your rules with respect due you and her.
Oh, and btw - doesn't matter if she's biological or not. She is your daughter
Both dogs to the vet today..not as bad as I thought, actually went pretty good. No issues with either dog..6 yr old Sayde weighed in at 82 pounds...12 week old Maggi tipped em at 27 pounds..Vet says I should have Maggi "fixed" at 6 months. will also have them to "tack" her tummy. Large chested dogs run a risk of having their stomachs "flip"..It can be deadly, a police dog in Kentucky just recently died from that very thing happening..Pretty simple thing to do while they are being spayed. Sayde had hers tacked when she was fixed.

Not much else shakin today..First day back to school for kids today, wife surly will be a raw nerve when she gets home

Cops shot and killed a man Monday morning. Based on police video, I thought they was very quick with the trigger and in this case (IMO) a taser would have served the purpose. The guy had a knife and some sorta saw but never seemed to be making a move toward the police..JMO but again, if you don't heed to the warnings to stop or drop the weapon, a price is paid..

Erbodies air conditioners rackin up the miles these days too!
If their stomach flips you're looking at a 4 to 5 grand vet bill to save them. Happened to a friends standard poodle and it was $5000
So my 14 year old daughter met a boy back on 4th of July at our BBQ in KY. They have been texting and talking nonstop since. Well school started and I'm about to open my own restaurant in a month. Times have been tough and time is getting ready to be limited.
Where are you opening your own restaurant? I'm visiting KY for 2 weeks this coming November. May stop in for food sampling. No worries, I tip decent.
Morning d league!

Humidity sucks!
Reds lose again can't wait till football

Only one more day till the weekend!

Apparently some women like to have sex with their dogs. Just glad she wasn't from Kentucky

After my bday this week I refused to weigh myself. I gave in last night. I'm down to 233. I started at almost 290! I'm happy, but still 34 to go. Target weight is 199. Come hell or high water I'll reach that!

Have a great day! Press on league
Morning d league!

Humidity sucks!
Reds lose again can't wait till football

Only one more day till the weekend!

Apparently some women like to have sex with their dogs. Just glad she wasn't from Kentucky

After my bday this week I refused to weigh myself. I gave in last night. I'm down to 233. I started at almost 290! I'm happy, but still 34 to go. Target weight is 199. Come hell or high water I'll reach that!

Have a great day! Press on league

awesome on the weight brother..I'm down about 75 since February..
  • Good Morning, DLers.
  • 79º in Johns Creek. VFR. Pretty morning.
  • Blood Sugar = 102. Weight = 227.
  • Fish fed.
  • Slept well. I sleep in 2.5 hour segments. Pee. Sleep. Pee. Sleep. Etc. Diabetic sleep.
  • @W2B: let the kid visit. What kind of restaurant are you doing? Watch DD&D. I love those chefs.
  • Congrats to all of the weight losers. The older you get the harder it is to lose.
  • Had a favorite 1st cousin that lived in Olive Branch for years. A stroke got him. He was a neat guy. Very smart. We played together when we were little boys. He rode me over to see EP's first house one time on his bicycle.
  • That's it.
I think I got confused. So W2R has a restaurant and W2B is opening one.

Anyway, I assume both you fellars cook the good stuff. Full spread. The fixins. The pies and cobblers and such.

I miss the Breakroom stories, tbh. I could read those posts and smell the stuff, dang near taste it. I'm full right now but I'll still salivate over some good food stories.