

Is that photoshopped? Nevermind. I forwarded it to other places anyway.
I used to love Cracker Barrel. Last two or three times I ate there it was horrible. We have crossed it off our list. My wife was a server there for a couple of years about 25 years ago. Horrible organization to work for then (probably still is). I did some research and learned that much of the food they used to prepare on-site is now prepared off-site and is shipped in frozen to be thawed and served. I don't know why they would mess up the good thing they had going. Google "why has Cracker Barrel's food gotten so bad." There might be some exceptions around but not where I am.

I could go on the same rant with KFC. I think they did the exact same thing. Used to love KFC. I slip up every year or two and stop in. And every time I do I swear I'll never do it again.

This has happened to just about every product that used to taste so good (the original fast-food burgers, restaurant chains, KFC etc). Take a good thing, cheapen it for better profits and totally screw it up.

Rant over.
I worked at the Cracker Barrel out by Newtown Pike in Lexington summer of 1991. Terrible job.

I agree about the food quality. I've noticed it the last 4-5 times that I've eaten at one. I suspected that they were using more frozen foods. One of our last meals from CB was bad enough that I went online and wrote a complaint. Back when I worked there, the cooks would season the food to their liking. Not sure that is done any more.
I haven't eaten at CB since I had a bad breakfast at the Paducah store. We ate at the Alpharetta store once and ordered a peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream. It has been made with a can of spoiled peaches. I didn't not take a bite of mine because I was trying to locate the terrible smell. Instead of comping the entire meal the manager said we'll take the cobblers off. I would have comped the whole thing had I been the manager. How could some one make cobbler with spoiled ingredients and not notice? That is the question.

I bought my favorite UK shirt at the Paducah store. I like it a lot.
What a shock! I looked at the religious services on Fort Campbell and found WICCA and Muslim included! Pagans and Muslims helping to defend our country? Does the Donald know? Does he have a plan to stop it? Does Hilary supply Bill with Cigars? Those are the hardball questions that I wish the reporters would ask?
I worked at the Cracker Barrel out by Newtown Pike in Lexington summer of 1991. Terrible job.

I agree about the food quality. I've noticed it the last 4-5 times that I've eaten at one. I suspected that they were using more frozen foods. One of our last meals from CB was bad enough that I went online and wrote a complaint. Back when I worked there, the cooks would season the food to their liking. Not sure that is done any more.

Good luck with that. When my wife worked there the manager was a real a ... uh, not a nice guy. My wife was in her 40s, but an excellent server. The manager was a guy about 35, married, with several kids. But, boy, he sure liked those young waitresses. He would go out with them after closing. Therefore he gave them the most hours and the better schedule - totally unfair to the older married servers.

CB came up with a sort of "Rat Out Your Manager" program. Any employee who participated would remain anonymous of course. The jist of it was that you would be able to tell corporate about what your manager was doing wrong - with no consequences. Wow. Who wouldn't love to do that? Being the naive sucker she was, she said "I'm telling them!" Bad idea. After she did that , corporate promptly told the manager what each employee said and who said it. I presume to let the manager know who his disgruntled employees were. He didn't fire her (was probably told not to) but he made her life miserable from that time on..

Anywho. The manager didn't know me. I happened to be eating there one day when she was working. The manager came up to her on the floor and I could see he was chewing her out over something. Wellllll ... I jumped up and grabbed him by the collar, lifted him completely off the floor (I was a big strong dude waaaay back in the day. My wife can beat me up now), and said "Listen buster (Maybe a stronger term), that's my wife you're talking to." I had been listening about all his crap for a year or more (as you hubbies can surmise). Now understand, I never use profanities but the stuff I called him (suddenly recalled from my heathern days) would make a sailor blush. I was yelling at him so loud that everybody in that place saw and heard it. No doubt some lunatic was about, I'm sure they thought. I finally caught myself, set him back down and left before I beat the crap out of him. Went home to wait for the cops. The manager knew who I was by then but strangely never called the cops. Obviously that was my wife's last day at CB.

Now I wouldn't repeat something like that again (I hope) but I completely lost it that day. I've tried to muster up being sorry for that episode, being a practicing Christian and all, but I have never been quite able to repent for that. I've never allowed anyone to get away with mistreating my wife verbally or any other way if I found out about it. I guess you can see why she wouldn't tell me everything. [laughing] She has never been mean or rude to me or anyone else in the 54 years I've known her.

100% true story.
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Good luck with that. When my wife worked there the manager was a real a ... uh, not a nice guy. My wife was in her 40s, but an excellent server. The manager was a guy about 35, married, with several kids. But, boy, he sure liked those young waitresses. He would go out with them after closing. Therefore he gave them the most hours and the better schedule - totally unfair to the older married servers.

CB came up with a sort of "Rat Out Your Manager" program. Any employee who participated would remain anonymous of course. The jist of it was that you would be able to tell corporate about what your manager was doing wrong - with no consequences. Wow. Who wouldn't love to do that? Being the naive sucker she was, she said "I'm telling them!" Bad idea. After she did that , corporate promptly told the manager what each employee said and who said it. I presume to let the manager know who his disloyal employees were. He didn't fire her (was probably told not to) but he made her life miserable from that time on..

Anywho. The manager didn't know me. I happened to be eating there one day when she was working. The manager came up to her on the floor and I could see he was chewing her out over something. Wellllll ... I jumped up and grabbed him by the collar, lifted him completely off the floor, and said "Listen buster (Maybe a stronger term), that's my wife you're talking to." I had been listening about all his crap for a year or more (as you hubbies can surmise). Now understand, I never use profanities but the stuff I called him (suddenly recalled from my heathern days) would make a sailor blush. I said it so loud that everybody in that place saw and heard it. No doubt some lunatic was about, I'm sure they thought. I finally caught myself, set him back down and left before I beat the crap out of him. Went home to wait for the cops. The manager knew who I was afterwards but strangely never called the cops. Obviously that was my wife's last day at CB.

Now I wouldn't repeat something like that again (I hope) but I completely lost it that day. I've tried to muster up being sorry for that episode, being a practicing Christian and all, but I have never been quite able to repent for that. I've never allowed anyone to get away with mistreating my wife verbally or any other way. She has never been mean or rude to me or anyone else in the 54 years I've known her.

100% true story.
Good for you. I like your spunk. He obviously did not know that you were from Middlesboro. Would you have pardoned John Hinkley? I would not have. He would have never gotten out as far as I am concerned. I might let him hike around in Syria maybe.
Chief - CB corporate sent me a card for 2 free meals. We used it on our trip to KY a few weeks ago. Food was ok, (we ordered different items than the ones that caused the complaint), but not great like it used to be.

Good for you on sticking up for your wife. I've tried to feel sorry for my wife's former boss too, but I don't. He is a miserable SOB. He had better stay away from my family.
Chief - CB corporate sent me a card for 2 free meals. We used it on our trip to KY a few weeks ago. Food was ok, (we ordered different items than the ones that caused the complaint), but not great like it used to be.

Good for you on sticking up for your wife. I've tried to feel sorry for my wife's former boss too, but I don't. He is a miserable SOB. He had better stay away from my family.
Whup his damned azz.
Releasing 61 year old John Hinckley into the custody of his 90 year old mother is beyond irresponsible. I wonder what this cost and who got the money. Something stinks to high heaven about this. I wonder what James Brady thinks about this release. Hinckley ruined that poor man's life.
Brady's dead
Doubt he gives it much thought
Releasing 61 year old John Hinckley into the custody of his 90 year old mother is beyond irresponsible. I wonder what this cost and who got the money. Something stinks to high heaven about this. I wonder what James Brady thinks about this release. Hinckley ruined that poor man's life.

Maybe it's a "russian ploy" to "off" a presidential candidate..Got to be more politically to it than just face value....manchurian candidate for instance..Jus Sayin
mowed today..piddled around with a few other things
had a cheddar's chicken wrap for dinner...
came home and walked a few laps
checked chemicals in pool
played with dog a while
gettin ready to hit the shower and watch big brother
laundry tomorrow then maybe service mower
going to street rod nationals a week from Friday..hope it cools off a bit
WITF pardoned Hinckley?

He wasn't pardoned. More to the point…he was never incarcerated in the 1st place. He was found "not guilty by reason of insanity" and was thusly in a mental hospital all these years. The doctors recently said he is no longer a threat to society and has recovered from his depression and whatever the hell else makes you bat ish crazy enough to shoot the POTUS.

Soooo…the docs said he was fit for society and a federal judge has granted his conditional release from the mental hospital.

Our wonderful legal system at work.
He wasn't pardoned. More to the point…he was never incarcerated in the 1st place. He was found "not guilty by reason of insanity" and was thusly in a mental hospital all these years. The doctors recently said he is no longer a threat to society and has recovered from his depression and whatever the hell else makes you bat ish crazy enough to shoot the POTUS.

Soooo…the docs said he was fit for society and a federal judge has granted his conditional release from the mental hospital.

Our wonderful legal system at work.
Thanks. I was just reading all of that stuff. He was not punished at all. He was crazy as ****. Rich family. And Jodie was a lesbian.
Happy Late Birthday, Donfather. Been an insanely busy week for me but I'm checking into the 'D'. Got home, turned on the TV, saw Obama bashing Trump, and turned the channel. I'm looking forward to Mz Clinton's address tomorrow...her voice after 20 minutes will cost her votes!
  • Good Morning, DLers.
  • 75º in Johns Creek. Very nice temperature. VFR. Some clouds up there. We need some rain. 4 inch deficit for the year.
  • Dark Magic going. Good. Waking up.
  • Blood Sugar = 103. Weight = 228. Late night piece of chocolate cake. Should not have eaten it.
  • DNC = Trump hatefest.
  • RNC = HRC hatefest.
  • I'm ready for some football.
  • Over.
Happy Late Birthday, Donfather. Been an insanely busy week for me but I'm checking into the 'D'. Got home, turned on the TV, saw Obama bashing Trump, and turned the channel. I'm looking forward to Mz Clinton's address tomorrow...her voice after 20 minutes will cost her votes!

"So these Lybians are out walking one night and decide to kill some Americans. At this point in time what difference does it make"

I am paraphrasing. Too old to remember it verbatum. Now I am worried.

So: I googled it and this is the exact words from Sect. Clinton.

"Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?"

My version was better!