

Somewhere in Iowa probably.
I went with my daughter on a field trip to an old threshers reunion site in Iowa. We saw a lot of equipment like that. There used to be hundreds of tractor manufacturers in the US. Only 5 or so still survive under their original name.
The bachelorette /bachelor and women who live and die with that show crack me up.

99% of the women that love that show would have a totally different attitude in the real world.
Most think a woman that leads 2-3 men on and sleeps with 2out of3 a week before an engagement is a whore/slut/tramp. Instead on reality tv they feel sorry for her because she is torn. Boo hoo.
Same for the bachelor. Most would think the guy is a player and using the women in the real world. But on there he is trying to find his true love by sampling multiple girls a week before proposal

Give me a break Yeah who wouldn't want to do that if they were single. But number one, that isn't how it works.
I must be in the 1%
I think those shows are stupid. If you're torn - you don't sleep with them to figure it out. Sex is great, but it's better if it's the right relationship - it's meant to be a confirmation of that relationship, not the basis of it. Pure idiocy, but folks eat it up.
Just my opinion.
Morning league!

Last 3 days have been brutally hot in the tristate
Work is going slow so far this morning
Watching Jeff Ross roasting criminals(my favorite comedian along with Chris Rock)
Big job interview today(I am keep my radio job, but I want a 2nd job to finish my degree which is 1.5 years away)
The two raccoons I accidentally killed have been removed from the road, may they rest in peace.

Happy Tuesday leagures! Check back in later!
good luck on your interview :)
Afternoon D
Been up for hours, but first opportunity to hop on here
Getting ready to head out shopping with the daughter and granddaughter
Just realized that my youngest has not only gained 2 inches in height the last couple of months, but he's also put on 10 pounds. It's a good thing - he needs the weight. However, that also means none of his jeans or shorts fit properly now (too short mostly) and most of his tshirts don't fit. No sweatshirts at all. And it looks like he's decided to outgrow his shoes, too - the ones we bought at the beginning of summer. This means a huge clothes shopping trip in the next week or so.
freaking hot n muggy out there, again - thank goodness for AC
y'all be good, or try to
I must be in the 1%
I think those shows are stupid. If you're torn - you don't sleep with them to figure it out. Sex is great, but it's better if it's the right relationship - it's meant to be a confirmation of that relationship, not the basis of it. Pure idiocy, but folks eat it up.
Just my opinion.
That's just it. The 99 that love it think like you and I do in the real world when in come to that. But for some reason they think it's ok in the show and make excuses why
Had to take dad to an appointment this morning and then go to his van place to drop off a seat. There is a little grocery there that has very good meat. All their steak is choice. Had the guy cut me two inch and a quarter ribeyes. Got them going sous vide at the moment. Later they will be finished in the green egg but not the normal way.

I figured I could save some lump if I fill up a charcoal starter and set it in the egg and then put the cast iron grid on some bricks directly over it. I'll let it get blistering hot and then char the steaks one at a time. Will probably burn the first side because it will be over 1,000°F right over the inferno. Wish me luck.
afternoon D
enjoyed the afternoon with my girls. Bought stuff - mostly for the granddaughter, of course
Little one is still here for a bit - her mommy and daddy went up to Planet Fitness to work out together, but they'll be home soon. Will be keeping her overnight for the first time this Friday. Looking forward to that :)
Older son has a job interview tomorrow - he really wants this; starts at $11 an hour, full time. He plans on working and saving up some money, then starting part-time, evening classes in the spring. Hope he follows through. Gotta let him make his own choices (and mistakes) though
Hope everyone is doing well, and staying cool
Had to take dad to an appointment this morning and then go to his van place to drop off a seat. There is a little grocery there that has very good meat. All their steak is choice. Had the guy cut me two inch and a quarter ribeyes. Got them going sous vide at the moment. Later they will be finished in the green egg but not the normal way.

I figured I could save some lump if I fill up a charcoal starter and set it in the egg and then put the cast iron grid on some bricks directly over it. I'll let it get blistering hot and then char the steaks one at a time. Will probably burn the first side because it will be over 1,000°F right over the inferno. Wish me luck.
I think you'll do fine. 'bout 5 minutes a side.
afternoon D
enjoyed the afternoon with my girls. Bought stuff - mostly for the granddaughter, of course
Little one is still here for a bit - her mommy and daddy went up to Planet Fitness to work out together, but they'll be home soon. Will be keeping her overnight for the first time this Friday. Looking forward to that :)
Older son has a job interview tomorrow - he really wants this; starts at $11 an hour, full time. He plans on working and saving up some money, then starting part-time, evening classes in the spring. Hope he follows through. Gotta let him make his own choices (and mistakes) though
Hope everyone is doing well, and staying cool
Grandparents can be handy to have.
Science Break:

A recent subject of Hubble is the galaxy cluster Abell S1063 as part of the ongoing Frontier Fields program. The galaxy cluster is 4 billion light years from us. It is near the bright center of this image. Because of it's gravitational mass, about 100 trillion times the mass of our sun, it acts as a gravitational lens showing galaxies that are much, much farther in the distance. A consequence of warped space-time.The fainter bluish arcs are magnified images of galaxies that lie far beyond Abell S1063.

(click image to expand)
One of the galaxies is about 12.7 billion years old, or only 1 billion years younger than the universe's formation during the Big Bang. These galaxies would otherwise be too faint to be observed if not for the gravitational lensing effect.
I think you'll do fine. 'bout 5 minutes a side.
I'd say flip them often. I tried steaks on my ceramic smoker Sunday. I ruined them. Had the grill up to about 500. My plan was 2 min each side to wear, then shut down the grill, give them a few more min to cook. My wife likes her steak well done, & suggested 7 min each side. I followed her advice and completely charred one side. Over cooked, tough.

Oh well. I shoulda trusted myself.