
Gained 40 pounds in past year. Need to do something quick. Retaining fluid. I have the bulging belly I never thought I would have. Starting to cause health problems. Worked outside today with a shovel cleaning up debris. Made myself sick. Drank 2 gallons of water throughout today and still felt funny and cramped up. Hours later I feel like I'm getting over a stomach bug. Just exhausted. Any recomondations would be appreciated. I was 185 year ago. 220-225 now. I know the whole carb, sugar beet thing. But that is only temporary. Need results

I suggest the Atkins diet. You get to eat good food and good volumes. It is the only way I have ever been able to lose weight and keep it off without being hungry all the time.
Gained 40 pounds in past year. Need to do something quick. Retaining fluid. I have the bulging belly I never thought I would have. Starting to cause health problems. Worked outside today with a shovel cleaning up debris. Made myself sick. Drank 2 gallons of water throughout today and still felt funny and cramped up. Hours later I feel like I'm getting over a stomach bug. Just exhausted. Any recomondations would be appreciated. I was 185 year ago. 220-225 now. I know the whole carb, sugar beet thing. But that is only temporary. Need results
Try to have a super stressful situation pop up. You'll lose pounds while you lose sleep. I dropped close to 25 lbs that way last spring. Unfortunately, I gained it back since this winter.
garage not quite big enough - maybe should be two levels?
but - I like this floor plan
Two problems with this plan:
  • No bathroom attached to the master bedroom. I don't want to have to stumble through the garage at 3 AM to take a leak.
  • No closets in either bedroom.
Both could be fixed though.
Two problems with this plan:
  • No bathroom attached to the master bedroom. I don't want to have to stumble through the garage at 3 AM to take a leak.
  • No closets in either bedroom.
Both could be fixed though.
the master bath situation was the first thing I saw as well. Funny that I didn't notice the closets so much
As you said, both easily fixable

Garage needs to be bigger, however - I have 5 or 6 vehicles that I want, myself - doesn't include hubby's collection.
  • 2nd mug of Dark Magic going.
  • The Donald won't accept Ted's endorsement if he offers it. LOL.
  • TGIF. 2 more days.
  • My business is truly horrible.
  • Say something.
  • Over.

sorry bout the business, Don
Cruz really screwed himself
Coffee is always good

Just got the insurance quote for my son on his car. OUCH is all I can say. We refuse to go to one of those knock off insurance companies; all they're good for is saying you have insurance. He's a bit freaked - I said welcome to adulting. He complained that he didn't make enough money - said he should probably get a 2nd job.
Gotta love 19 yr old boys
Just got the insurance quote for my son on his car. OUCH is all I can say. We refuse to go to one of those knock off insurance companies; all they're good for is saying you have insurance. He's a bit freaked - I said welcome to adulting. He complained that he didn't make enough money - said he should probably get a 2nd job.
Gotta love 19 yr old boys
Wait until he gets some speeding tickets.
sorry bout the business, Don
Cruz really screwed himself
Coffee is always good

Just got the insurance quote for my son on his car. OUCH is all I can say. We refuse to go to one of those knock off insurance companies; all they're good for is saying you have insurance. He's a bit freaked - I said welcome to adulting. He complained that he didn't make enough money - said he should probably get a 2nd job.
Gotta love 19 yr old boys
Not looking forward to that increase when my daughter starts driving. In Kentucky, I had to be 16 to get a license. In Iowa you can get a license at 14. That is much to young IMO. It will not happen in my household.

Cruz = meh. Politics in general = meh. I should care, but I don't. I watched about 5 min of Trumps speech. I think he said police are good. Bad people are bad. Hillary is bad. America is bad. Gotta make America great. Blah, blah, blah.

Don't care one bit about the plagiarized speech. They all say the same things for the most part. The other party has ruined the country. I have a plan to make us great again. Rah Rah for police, teachers, and military. Those guys work hard. I'll work hard too. My opponent is a terrible person. Crack one liner. Gotta fix things for the working class. Need a bright future for our young people. God bless 'Merica.

Same formula every damn time.
  • If we keep doing what we are doing, we will continue to get what we are getting.
  • Stop wasting money. We waste a ship ton of money. All the time.
  • Law and order. I can't speak for areas other than Kentucky and Georgia, but it has been my experience that one has to commit several felonies before they go away. Courts are way too liberal.
  • If they do go away, they get 3 squares, AC/Heat, clean clothes and color TV.
  • ISIS is a real threat right here in our country. This is a dirty rotten shame. Almost nothing is being done about it.
  • Illegal Mexicans. I love the work ethic of Mexicans, but we must get them signed up and paying taxes and speaking English. It can be done.
  • HRC is not the answer.
  • I hate to trust our well being to someone that has never had a job. That has not worked well, has it.
Not looking forward to that increase when my daughter starts driving. In Kentucky, I had to be 16 to get a license. In Iowa you can get a license at 14. That is much to young IMO. It will not happen in my household.


Our daughter is 26 now; her insurance wasn't nearly as bad when she got her license. Boys' rates tend to be much higher, although, in our experience, it seems more girls are in accidents.
Agree on age 14 for a license - that's crazy.
Don, I've always been of the opinion that if we enforced the strictest penalties for felonies from the get-go (none of this plea deal crap) then we'd have fewer problems by far. Heard enough stories from hubby working in corrections about what they get - Mom always said that perhaps she should commit a felony and go to prison when she gets old, rather than having to end up in a nursing home. Prisoners are better treated than our elders.
Nothing wrong with what I call social liberalism -but it's not workable in the running of a government.
Work ethic - we keep giving people everything, there will BE no work ethic. My kids never understood why we always made them pay for extra stuff that their friends' didn't have to pay for. If they didn't have the money, then they could earn it - nothing for free, here.
Worn out. Time for bed. 2 more days.
sorry bout the business, Don
Cruz really screwed himself
Coffee is always good

Just got the insurance quote for my son on his car. OUCH is all I can say. We refuse to go to one of those knock off insurance companies; all they're good for is saying you have insurance. He's a bit freaked - I said welcome to adulting. He complained that he didn't make enough money - said he should probably get a 2nd job.
Gotta love 19 yr old boys

I'm just curious how much a 19 year old is charged for insurance these days. How much was the quote if you don't mind telling?
I'm just curious how much a 19 year old is charged for insurance these days. How much was the quote if you don't mind telling?
it's pretty steep. For a 2004 Neon SXT - with liability and comprehensive, it was 195.00.
He doesn't understand why so high - tried to explain part of it is that he's male, a teenager and technically has no driving experience. Had he gotten his license at 16 (he simply had no desire to do so) he'd have 3 years experience and his insurance would be less.
it's pretty steep. For a 2004 Neon SXT - with liability and comprehensive, it was 195.00.
He doesn't understand why so high - tried to explain part of it is that he's male, a teenager and technically has no driving experience. Had he gotten his license at 16 (he simply had no desire to do so) he'd have 3 years experience and his insurance would be less.

Kind of curious why you would get comprehensive on a 12 year old car. That car can't be that valuable.
sorry bout the business, Don
Cruz really screwed himself
Coffee is always good

Just got the insurance quote for my son on his car. OUCH is all I can say. We refuse to go to one of those knock off insurance companies; all they're good for is saying you have insurance. He's a bit freaked - I said welcome to adulting. He complained that he didn't make enough money - said he should probably get a 2nd job.
Gotta love 19 yr old boys
thanks - thought so too
the comprehensive is on MY car, btw
Found out long ago about paying a little extra for the UM when my car was hit by someone without insurance.

It's bad out this way with so many illegal immigrants driving with no insurance.
Im insurance poor BUT ya gotta have it. Full coverage on 97 S10 cause I gotta lot of money in custom stuff bought it new. ( have special policy on it ) 80000 miles Full coverage on 03 Rav4. 40000 one owner miles. Full coverage on 07 mountaineer I bought new. 70000 miles. Full coverage on 2015 hd. 800 miles. Throw in my house and 28x38 garage plus inground pool. All of that = 's Ima poor bastard paying mega bucks on insurance. Was much worse when my boys were on our policies. So call me the happy insurance broke 55. Jus sayin
yep, insurance is necessary
Before I got my new car, insurance on our three vehicles (95 Neon, 98 Intrepid, and 2002 Dodge Ram truck) was only about a 140/month, but only hubby and I were on the policy. The Intrepid and 95 Neon are now gone, we now have the truck, my 15 Charger and now a 2004 Neon (one of the drivers is the son) our insurance has jumped to 375/month Not too bad, considering almost 200 of that is for our son.
Thanks to dondaddy. Gettin ready to grill a 80/20 chuck blend 50/50 to brisket. Hope that came out right. Final is a half pd burger ( no bun ) with fresh outta my garden maters, onions, and frischs tarter sauce. If you never had frisches tarter on a burger I feel major sympathy for you. After to which I will walk three miles to calorie burn. fatman down 75 with NO flab. Figure that you ****in health gurus!
Thanks to dondaddy. Gettin ready to grill a 80/20 chuck blend 50/50 to brisket. Hope that came out right. Final is a half pd burger ( no bun ) with fresh outta my garden maters, onions, and frischs tarter sauce. If you never had frisches tarter on a burger I feel major sympathy for you. After to which I will walk three miles to calorie burn. fatman down 75 with NO flab. Figure that you ****in health gurus!

Lap-Band, if I may ask?
Thanks to dondaddy. Gettin ready to grill a 80/20 chuck blend 50/50 to brisket. Hope that came out right. Final is a half pd burger ( no bun ) with fresh outta my garden maters, onions, and frischs tarter sauce. If you never had frisches tarter on a burger I feel major sympathy for you. After to which I will walk three miles to calorie burn. fatman down 75 with NO flab. Figure that you ****in health gurus!
I've used Don's recipe for burger, it's great.
Made my world famous tacos today for my crew and a couple of police friends. Everyone enjoyed them.
Something happened today ... let me tell you about it ......... a young female came in to tell me that we would have to move our cars to whereever at 17:00 (we have already paid to park on the lot where the City of Atlanta is throwing a party.) I thought about it and said "I don't think so. I'm not moving my automobile." She asked me if I wanted to talk to a policeman. I said thanks but no. Just tell your boss that I'm being an asshole about it. In a few minutes she walked in accompanied by a police officer. Ruh roh I tought. Turns out that he is an old friend of mine (about 30 years), and he fixed things with the Fire Marshal and the parking problem went away. And he ate tacos with us. Happy.
Made my world famous tacos today for my crew and a couple of police friends. Everyone enjoyed them.
Something happened today ... let me tell you about it ......... a young female came in to tell me that we would have to move our cars to whereever at 17:00 (we have already paid to park on the lot where the City of Atlanta is throwing a party.) I thought about it and said "I don't think so. I'm not moving my automobile." She asked me if I wanted to talk to a policeman. I said thanks but no. Just tell your boss that I'm being an asshole about it. In a few minutes she walked in accompanied by a police officer. Ruh roh I tought. Turns out that he is an old friend of mine (about 30 years), and he fixed things with the Fire Marshal and the parking problem went away. And he ate tacos with us. Happy.
You gotta great crew there in Catlanta, Donfather.