
Not sure what the answer is to the racial unrest, but I know killing policemen and rioting isn't the answer. Where are people like MLK, JFK and Robert Kennedy at in today's world?

Did we kill them off like their ideas about equality in this country has been? People find a way to live off the system without working and self pride is destroyed and the entitlement and victim person is reproduced in mass. Fear of being persecuted because of your skin color in some cases are part of your environment. Being a policeman in those areas would put them on edge. Programming to fail at its very best, in my mind.

Law enforcement in this country is a must, law and order in this country is a must. Change that comes from violence is not the kind we need because it takes more violence to sustain it.

Rant over, thanks.

You nailed it buddy.
Good to see some rant about how times are nowaday's.
Not much going on here
Now on two waiting list for new german shepherd pup. These are k-9 quality pups. Can't wait.
Replaced one of the two arch's above my windows. Easier than I thought. Hoping to install the 6 ft long arch tomorrow then things will be caught up (for now)
Good seeing KS and Ghost posting. U2 Fred
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I don't recall being depressed for more than a couple days at a time when something catastrophic happens to my family. However, being a Vietnam era guy national headlines really make a difference. I remember the National trauma of the death of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. It got rough in 1968.

The NCAA and Black Lives Matter are inciting riots. That used to be illegal. The NCAA wants police forces to lose funding. Black Lives Matter is simply a bunch of anarchists. Apparently they want 1968 all over again and the bastards apparently have short memories because 1968 sucked.

The attacks on police in the US, initiated by Obama, are dangerous as hell. Do black people understand they need police? Why would they want civil discourse stopped?
Bert, you're getting what the media spoon feeds John Q. Public. You will NEVER get an interview of a guy like me, because I don't fit the narrative. And we black folk are like the other folk in America. It's pretty easy to rail at the police until you need them. THEN, you want them with the quickness.
Where is Ross Perot when you need him.

Looking back the past 30 years
Walter Mondale , bob dole , al gore, mitt Romney , McCain. Perot All seem mild compared to these two running

Or Pat Paulsen, if a clown is to be elected lets get a real clown. Jmo

SMH. Media having a field day about Mrs Trumps (
) speech!
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Bert, you're getting what the media spoon feeds John Q. Public. You will NEVER get an interview of a guy like me, because I don't fit the narrative. And we black folk are like the other folk in America. It's pretty easy to rail at the police until you need them. THEN, you want them with the quickness.

Hell Ghost I did not know you were black. It does not matter, but I never picked that up. My best friend is a black man who happens to be 6'8". I think he keeps me as a friend so he can lord over me.[eyeroll]

But he is like you Ghost, just normal folks, well in fact he is not normal folks he is a lot better than normal folks. But he and I remember how bad it got in 1968. A bunch of my friends were in the Guard and got called up for riot duty. A couple of them got hurt and I am confident that they handed out some pain also. We need unity not divisive crap. "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now." in my book is anarchy.
  • Good Morning, D-League.
  • 84º in Johns Creek. Clear with VFR.
  • 2nd mug of Dark Magic going. Effective way to wake up.
  • Blood Sugar = 70. Weight = 227. Eating too much food.
  • Lawn Service doing their deal. The Zoysia looks like a golf green.
  • Getting your vehicle washed causes rain.
  • Golfers, stay hydrated.
  • #1 is in NYC all week.
  • I wish it was Sunday.
  • Have a good Tuesday. Stay safe.
  • I need a few days on the farm.
  • Over.
Hell Ghost I did not know you were black. It does not matter, but I never picked that up. My best friend is a black man who happens to be 6'8". I think he keeps me as a friend so he can lord over me.[eyeroll]

But he is like you Ghost, just normal folks, well in fact he is not normal folks he is a lot better than normal folks. But he and I remember how bad it got in 1968. A bunch of my friends were in the Guard and got called up for riot duty. A couple of them got hurt and I am confident that they handed out some pain also. We need unity not divisive crap. "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now." in my book is anarchy.
I like Ghost a lot.
Hell Ghost I did not know you were black. It does not matter, but I never picked that up. My best friend is a black man who happens to be 6'8". I think he keeps me as a friend so he can lord over me.[eyeroll]

But he is like you Ghost, just normal folks, well in fact he is not normal folks he is a lot better than normal folks. But he and I remember how bad it got in 1968. A bunch of my friends were in the Guard and got called up for riot duty. A couple of them got hurt and I am confident that they handed out some pain also. We need unity not divisive crap. "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now." in my book is anarchy.

Bert, there are a lot more of us than you think. The media will not mention we black folk who just try to live our lives and not use race as a crutch. One day, I'll tell y'all about being the only Negro child in my 1st grade class in 1966. And being a bewildered 3rd grader in the turmoil after Dr King got assassinated in 1968.
Had a nice conversation with one of the chaplains here at the hospital. BTW, he's black. The most important point he made was the following:

"Terry, I think Hilary is in for a big surprise in November. There's going to be a lot more black people voting for Trump than you expect. I voted for Obama, and I regretted it ever since. How can I as a chaplain condone same sex marriage and boys using girls restrooms? It seems like Barack is supporting the sinners more than the faithful."
Science Break:

The deepest and most comprehensive view ever of the Orion Nebula is seen in this composite image from the ESO very large array telescope in Chili. It uncovered 10 times more planet-mass objects and nearly planet-mass failed stars called brown dwarfs than ever seen before.

(click image to expand)
The Orion Nebula is a gigantic star-forming region located about 1,350 light-years from us. As its clouds of gas collapse to form stars, the new stars' ultraviolet radiation ionizes the surrounding and causes the nebula to glow. It visible from Earth with the naked eye, and offers a spectacular sight when viewed through a telescope.
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Science Break:

The deepest and most comprehensive view ever of the Orion Nebula is seen in this composite image from the ESO very large array telescope in Chili. It uncovered 10 times more planet-mass objects and nearly planet-mass failed stars called brown dwarfs than ever seen before.

(click image to expand)
The Orion Nebula is a gigantic star-forming region located about 1,350 light-years from us. As its clouds of gas collapse to form stars, the new stars' ultraviolet radiation ionizes the surrounding and causes the nebula to glow. It visible from Earth with the naked eye, and offers a spectacular sight when viewed through a telescope.
I'm not saying I've been everywhere and I've seen everything, but this is a pretty amazing planet we live on and a man would be a damned fool to think we're alone in this universe. "Have you paid your dues"? 'Yessir, the check is in the mail"!
Bored at work, let's play Disasters. Which of the following have you experienced, just cut paste:

  1. Witnessed a tornado: Yes, several
  2. Actually felt an earthquake beneath you: No
  3. Been in a hurricane: No, (almost, had just been downgraded to a Tropical Storm)
  4. Flood: Yes
  5. Aircraft/helicopter crash: yes, twice
  6. Bad car accident: yes
  7. Major boating accident: No
  8. Major fire: No
  9. Civil Unrest or War: No
  10. Tsunami: No
  11. Others?
  1. Witnessed a tornado: Yes, several, one 500 yards from funnel.
  2. Actually felt an earthquake beneath you: Yes, including Coalinga.
  3. Been in a hurricane: Yes, Hurricane Dennis just prior to Katrina.
  4. Flood: Yes
  5. Aircraft/helicopter crash: no
  6. Bad car accident: yes
  7. Major boating accident: No
  8. Major fire: No
  9. Civil Unrest or War: No
  10. Tsunami: No
  11. Obama administration. Yes