
They don't fit their political aims. And Obama is from Chitown, currently run by his butt buddy Rahm Emanuel. Most of those deaths are gang/drug related so yeah, those black lives don't matter.

Ding ding ding. You are correct, sir.

Root problems are something the left doesn't want to solve. Because if there isn't racial division…then they lose a big chunk of their platform.

Same with income equality. Hillary claims to be the champion for income equality. What a freaking joke. Her hiring practices and employee salary record as senator and with the Clinton Foundation is laughable when it comes to income equality…with her in charge of helping set the salaries. What a freaking joke. But she skates free on that issue…because the media lets her skate. Most of the country only gets her sound bite mumbo jumbo. Tis the world in which we live.

But again, the left doesn't actually want to solve income inequality…they just want to perpetuate it as a battle cry for their platform.
What up league!

Celebrated grandmas bday today so yes I splurged. I ate cake but I hit the track tonight so not all is lost.

Gotta work in the am so that blows

I feel sorry for anyone who went and saw ghostbusters.

Prayers to Louisiana. Again

I leave you with this nugget I posted on rafters. I found and had to share. Feel free to comment lol.

Ding ding ding. You are correct, sir.

Root problems are something the left doesn't want to solve. Because if there isn't racial division…then they lose a big chunk of their platform.

Same with income equality. Hillary claims to be the champion for income equality. What a freaking joke. Her hiring practices and employee salary record as senator and with the Clinton Foundation is laughable when it comes to income equality…with her in charge of helping set the salaries. What a freaking joke. But she skates free on that issue…because the media lets her skate. Most of the country only gets her sound bite mumbo jumbo. Tis the world in which we live.

But again, the left doesn't actually want to solve income inequality…they just want to perpetuate it as a battle cry for their platform.

Obama has been the biggest sick joke ever perpetrated on the black community. 93% of the black vote handed to him and what did he do for us? Nada, zilch, not a damn thing except food stamps and Obamaphones. But THIS gentleman said it best when I asked him (tongue in cheek).

Me: "Mr Foley, what did Barack Obama actually do for the black community like he did for the gay/lesbian/transgender community?

Mr Foley:

Obama has been the biggest sick joke ever perpetrated on the black community. 93% of the black vote handed to him and what did he do for us? Nada, zilch, not a damn thing except food stamps and Obamaphones. But THIS gentleman said it best when I asked him (tongue in cheek).

Yep. And it's unbelievable…but Obama has skated on that as well. The media refuses to expose that tragedy. Huge moment in our country's history to elect a black man as POTUS…HUGE...and he absolutely squanders a golden opportunity. Which is a nicer way of saying that he shit the bed….completely. But…make no mistake about it…if he was able to run again…he would still get that same 93% of the black vote…if not higher.

Ghost, you need to join the :americanflag:WILLY4POTUS:americanflag: ticket as his VP. He already had my vote…but with you as his running mate I believe we can really get things ramped up.

OK…I'm done with my political rants. Carry on, jackals.
Yep. And it's unbelievable…but Obama has skated on that as well. The media refuses to expose that tragedy. Huge moment in our country's history to elect a black man as POTUS…HUGE...and he absolutely squanders a golden opportunity. Which is a nicer way of saying that he shit the bed….completely. But…make no mistake about it…if he was able to run again…he would still get that same 93% of the black vote…if not higher.

Ghost, you need to join the :americanflag:WILLY4POTUS:americanflag: ticket as his VP. He already had my vote…but with you as his running mate I believe we can really get things ramped up.

OK…I'm done with my political rants. Carry on, jackals.
In all seriousness...way back in 1988, Lonnie Hamilton (black Democrat, NOT a Marxist like the Dems of today) was trying to recruit more blacks to get involved in the political process in Charleston. Three young black men did get involved. One was Tim Scott, the current junior United States Senator from South Carolina. Tim was a Republican tho. One was me. I forget the other guy. I wasn't a born and bred Charlestonian tho, so my chances of rising in the ranks went by the wayside, and frankly, I'm not good at lying. Tim Scott is a good man, and I respect him greatly. A good friend once asked me: "Mack, do you look at Tim Scott and ask yourself 'That could have been me?' For real, I do. But I'm glad it wasn't. Tim's life is politics, even when he was a county councilman (his first elected office). Mine isn't, and I'm glad.
so sick of all the political ish
actually saw a meme on my FB feed - posted by an 18 yr old no less, that said:
"In this country, American means white; everyone else has to hyphenate"

I was like wtf??????
I've never used that hyphenated AA term in my life. And won't. My preferred term is black, since I was a child of the 60's and 70's. But Negro is on my birth certificate. And if Negro was good enough for Dr King, it's good enough for me. But my community has abandoned his teachings years ago, just as we have abandoned being Negro. Nowadays, his teaching is boiled down to sound bites and "I Have A Dream". Me, I'm an American that just happens to have a permanent tan.
I've never used that hyphenated AA term in my life. And won't. My preferred term is black, since I was a child of the 60's and 70's. But Negro is on my birth certificate. And if Negro was good enough for Dr King, it's good enough for me. But my community has abandoned his teachings years ago, just as we have abandoned being Negro. Nowadays, his teaching is boiled down to sound bites and "I Have A Dream". Me, I'm an American that just happens to have a permanent tan.

You remind me of a good friend of ours; you two are so much alike that I almost asked you, once, if you were he, LOL
He's a black man who also refuses to use AA, has been blasting the BLM movement and and also mentioned Dr. King in his rant.

The media has helped and encouraged this divide. Or maybe it's just meant to be a distraction from other issues? I know, very conspiracy theory, but sometimes the thought does cross my mind. I don't recall it being like this when I was growing up; my particular neighborhood was nearly equal in black and white population and we ALL ran around together.
Want a $4 dollar meal?

Trust me on this one.

Find your favorite sausage ( I like spicy or extra sage). Brown 3/4 done. Remove with scoop but don't drain. Leave all juices in pan

Roughly chop a head of cabbage and add to grease. Cook until wilted ( I like a little crisp to mine. Salt and pepper to taste ( I use a lid to quicken the cooking process

Easy little meal and is so flavorful. Feeds 2-3 people per roll of sausage
You remind me of a good friend of ours; you two are so much alike that I almost asked you, once, if you were he, LOL
He's a black man who also refuses to use AA, has been blasting the BLM movement and and also mentioned Dr. King in his rant.

The media has helped and encouraged this divide. Or maybe it's just meant to be a distraction from other issues? I know, very conspiracy theory, but sometimes the thought does cross my mind. I don't recall it being like this when I was growing up; my particular neighborhood was nearly equal in black and white population and we ALL ran around together.

I'd love to meet him. There aren't many of us who successfully escaped the plantation.
Pork burgers are my favorite

Use Hawaiian hamburger buns( same brand as the rolls

Season ground Pork with Greek seasoning ( I drain a little pineapple juice in there

Grill pork burgers and some pineapple slices

I like sauté onions on mine ( use sugar to help Caramelize and sweeten your onions. Sprinkle some in and deglaze with beer

I toast my buns for 30 seconds

I use Munster cheese but any rich thick cheese will work

Use favorite toppings and condiments
Bobs steak sauce goes well or sweet baby rays Hawaiian BBQ sauce
Best golf shot I ever made was my seven iron skipping twice half way across a pond at a course in Mesa, Arizona after I threw the SOB backhanded after skulling three shots in a row.

I've found that high velocity lead aimed at live targets (or not live) yields a more satisfying result

Mine was a short par 3. Pulled it way to the left of the green where it hit a crawdad hole, kicked about 20 feet right and went in the hole.
Dice evenly in 1/4 inch carrot celery onion. Equal part

Sauté in butter

Boil whole chicken in pot covered with water. 2 bay leaves. Celery stalks and onion Until falling of bone

Pull chicken and debone. Season with salt pepper and garlic salt. Cool in fridge

Cool stock water in fridge for an hour.

Skim off fat after an hour. Add one thing of Swansons chicken broth

Bring to a boil reduce heat.

Take four cans(or make your own) of PLAIN. Biscuits

Flour table and pinch off little pieces and add to pot. Keep pushing down until done (15minutes) add back veggies and chicken For ten minutes

10$$$$$ chicken and dumplings

I add garlic powder White pepper sage to taste
For the Donster......I re-introduce the Pullman Car

Want a $4 dollar meal?

Trust me on this one.

Find your favorite sausage ( I like spicy or extra sage). Brown 3/4 done. Remove with scoop but don't drain. Leave all juices in pan

Roughly chop a head of cabbage and add to grease. Cook until wilted ( I like a little crisp to mine. Salt and pepper to taste ( I use a lid to quicken the cooking process

Easy little meal and is so flavorful. Feeds 2-3 people per roll of sausage
Sounds good.
Pork burgers are my favorite

Use Hawaiian hamburger buns( same brand as the rolls

Season ground Pork with Greek seasoning ( I drain a little pineapple juice in there

Grill pork burgers and some pineapple slices

I like sauté onions on mine ( use sugar to help Caramelize and sweeten your onions. Sprinkle some in and deglaze with beer

I toast my buns for 30 seconds

I use Munster cheese but any rich thick cheese will work
Granddaddy went to town just about every Saturday, so when I was visiting I went with him. A guy had a tiny little hamburger jernt near the Ford place. The burgers were about 50/50 hamburger and pork sausage. Smelled so good frying. He toasted the buns on the grill. Onions. Goooooooood. This was before fast-food chains.

Use favorite toppings and condiments
Bobs steak sauce goes well or sweet baby rays Hawaiian BBQ sauce
Dice evenly in 1/4 inch carrot celery onion. Equal part

Sauté in butter

Boil whole chicken in pot covered with water. 2 bay leaves. Celery stalks and onion Until falling of bone

Pull chicken and debone. Season with salt pepper and garlic salt. Cool in fridge

Cool stock water in fridge for an hour.

Skim off fat after an hour. Add one thing of Swansons chicken broth

Bring to a boil reduce heat.

Take four cans(or make your own) of PLAIN. Biscuits

Flour table and pinch off little pieces and add to pot. Keep pushing down until done (15minutes) add back veggies and chicken For ten minutes

10$$$$$ chicken and dumplings

I add garlic powder White pepper sage to taste
That sounds good too. "A chicken in every pot." Herbert Hoover.
In all seriousness...way back in 1988, Lonnie Hamilton (black Democrat, NOT a Marxist like the Dems of today) was trying to recruit more blacks to get involved in the political process in Charleston. Three young black men did get involved. One was Tim Scott, the current junior United States Senator from South Carolina. Tim was a Republican tho. One was me. I forget the other guy. I wasn't a born and bred Charlestonian tho, so my chances of rising in the ranks went by the wayside, and frankly, I'm not good at lying. Tim Scott is a good man, and I respect him greatly. A good friend once asked me: "Mack, do you look at Tim Scott and ask yourself 'That could have been me?' For real, I do. But I'm glad it wasn't. Tim's life is politics, even when he was a county councilman (his first elected office). Mine isn't, and I'm glad.

Cool story. Might have missed your calling there, ghost. Just think of all the tail you could have chased ( read as: caught ) as a politician. Haha. Just kidding. You would have made a fine senator though.
Ghost, your take on things reminded me of an incident that happened to me when I came back from Nam in 1969. I was given light duty for nine months on a reserve ship tied up in downtown Detroit. The head medic was an E-6 with a year round tan also.

In those days we had medical cards with a block for race. THe navy decided to change them or not to use them. so the doc was collecting them. I handed him mine and he cracked up. He said "You're nuts!" I said "Did you expect me to admit to being a slow white boy?" In that section for race I had white outed Cau and written (Fast) in it.
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mornin D
Granddaughter here - she's in the lovely terrible twos stage. Sure brings back memories of her mother [laughing]
Only 74° here right now, overcast. Had some rain already and looks like more coming. Going to get up to about 90°
At a loss for words regarding current events. Makes me sad, but also makes me very angry. Some of these people do not understand what they are supporting - only that it's the "in" thing to do. All we can do is watch, wait, and be vigilant.
I only get depressed about things that affect me personally. Like something bad happening to a close family member. Stuff in the national headlines just doesn't move me much one way or the other anymore.

I don't recall being depressed for more than a couple days at a time when something catastrophic happens to my family. However, being a Vietnam era guy national headlines really make a difference. I remember the National trauma of the death of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. It got rough in 1968.

The NCAA and Black Lives Matter are inciting riots. That used to be illegal. The NCAA wants police forces to lose funding. Black Lives Matter is simply a bunch of anarchists. Apparently they want 1968 all over again and the bastards apparently have short memories because 1968 sucked.

The attacks on police in the US, initiated by Obama, are dangerous as hell. Do black people understand they need police? Why would they want civil discourse stopped?
I couldn't get on CatPaw for awhile, Kept getting 404 message that said it didn't exist.

I'm sitting here listening to mildly loud classic rock music and enjoying a hand crafted mug o joe and I'm happy as can be. Time was, in my youth, I would have a cold beer and a tasty bud. Same sentiment, different route.
Not sure what the answer is to the racial unrest, but I know killing policemen and rioting isn't the answer. Where are people like MLK, JFK and Robert Kennedy at in today's world?

Did we kill them off like their ideas about equality in this country has been? People find a way to live off the system without working and self pride is destroyed and the entitlement and victim person is reproduced in mass. Fear of being persecuted because of your skin color in some cases are part of your environment. Being a policeman in those areas would put them on edge. Programming to fail at its very best, in my mind.

Law enforcement in this country is a must, law and order in this country is a must. Change that comes from violence is not the kind we need because it takes more violence to sustain it.

Rant over, thanks.
Here's how you get rid of racism. First you get rid of these things...greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, and anger. You have to start off walking before you can learn to run.

The next step is going to take a little longer. We will need to interbreed the entire human race until we all look the same. Same color skin, hair, eyes. This step will take several thousand years. We need to coordinate body mass indexes as well so we won't have skinny people hating on the fat people and vice versa.

If we put our minds to it, we can build ourselves a perfect society where the only major problem will be those filthy heathens who insist on breaking their eggs from the small end. If we kill them all now, we can prevent future war. Just sayin...