
Mac Jones just said on the Jones Show that Nintendo stock has increased because of this new Pokémon Go thing. Dude called in and said the stock had increased 25% since it broke out. Matt said it had gone from $14/share to $21/share for an increase of 33%. Don't lawyers have to take math classes? I should have been a lawyer, it would have been much easier.
Mac Jones just said on the Jones Show that Nintendo stock has increased because of this new Pokémon Go thing. Dude called in and said the stock had increased 25% since it broke out. Matt said it had gone from $14/share to $21/share for an increase of 33%. Don't lawyers have to take math classes? I should have been a lawyer, it would have been much easier.
[winking] Good call Don, it's a Lionel.



I still can't figureout why the police don't use tranquilizer darts for those who resist arrest. It is so simple.

had someone tell me once that it's because they don't know if the person resisting is already on something that would be made worse by the tranquilizer

don't know how true that is, but it kind of makes sense
FCC, type in the brand name and model number of your tiller in google and you will find way more than you need to diagnose the problem. Old motor like that, just buy a new carb and you'll probably be fine.

OK, thanks. Little bit has a tournament game in Metropolis at 630 tonight. So gotta go for now. Uh, saving lives we are saving lives. (havn't said the saving lives thing in a while.) FCC.
Science Break:

Hubble glimpses the heart of the Crab Nebula. Hubble captured a stunning image of the central neutron star of the Crab Nebula, which spins at a rate of 30 times per second with a visible pulsating appearance, much like a heart beat, breathing life into the expanding cloud of gas and debris surrounding it.

Near the center of the picture are two bright stars. The one to the upper right is the neutron star at the center of the nebula. This super dense star spews beams of radiation and particles into the cloud of gas and debris that surrounds it causing the ripple effect. Containing roughly the same mass as our sun, it's extremely small and dense, with a diameter that's just a few miles across. Such fast-spinning neutron stars are called pulsars: as they rotate and radiate, they look as though they're pulsating from our perspective here on Earth. The neutrons are so densely packed that a tablespoon of it would weigh 10-15 tons.

The Crab Nebula is 6,500 light years from earth and spans a distance of about 10 light years.