
It's a nice watch, believe me, but it is just a little too heavy to wear while playing golf. I prefer to keep my golf watches down to around 53 to 57 grams to prevent a draw bias on my driver.

Hot air balloons fly over our house all the time. They take off from a field not too far from here sometimes…and sometimes they come from somewhere near Metro and land in fields near here.

Twice in the last 14 years or so they have missed their mark and landed in my yard. Damn near hit my house on one of those occasions.
My lady friend's son visited this week from Alabama. His 2 sons loved me on sight. I'm Uncle Terry now to them. Once he and I figured out we have music in common, he pretty much gave me his blessing to his mom if I ever decide to ask for her hand in marriage. He asked me if I had heard of Slipknot. I asked him if he had heard of Avenged Sevenfold. After that, we knew we were on the same page!

I'd like to do this.
I had a buddy that used to crew for guys that did this. He knew some guys with $$$$$ living in Chicago. Several flew helium balloons, not just hot air.

I know another guy that owns a balloon, but he hasn't flown it during the time that I've known him.

Early fall we will see them fly over our house. Cool site.
morning D
watching Finding Nemo with the granddaughter.

Hubby took younger son to a place called the Dirty Turtle yesterday; it's an off roading park. Had a great time on the Polaris - but there was a little accident. This one particular hill was kind of steep, so hubby had the boy get off the four wheeler before trying it. Our son was wearing this helmet that made him a little top heavy, so he tumbled down the side of the trail when he turned around - foot slipped and he lost his balance; got all scraped and bruised up. Kid's a warrior though - think he's kind of proud of what he calls his "battle scars." Hubby feels bad about it, but our son is fine. He didn't fall off the atv - it was just an unfortunate misstep.

Took the older son and his gf to Lexington yesterday - visited her church to see her niece dedicated. Spent some time with her parents and siblings. Found out there was road construction just outside of Shelbyville (we cut across Hwy 53 to I64) and had to backtrack and go a different way. Fun times - but found out I really do love my car! :)

Hope everyone is well this fine morning