
storm movin through..laying it down in sheets..
about 35 pounds of pork on the smoker..(using apple wood chunks )
mowed the back yesterday... wuz gonna do the front today BUT IT"S WET AGAIN!
not much else going on...smh at the Dallas attack...just a matter of time before there is a all out war the ways things are going ..

storming here
reading some of the stuff that happened that lead up to all this; the Minnesota case looks to be as presented I think? The Louisiana case, no - it wasn't at all as presented by the media. Then Dallas - what I can't believe is that there are those JUSTIFYING those shootings.
could ask what is wrong with people - but it's obvious, to me.
So heartbroken today over it all.
These five innocent police that died their blood is on the hands of our leaders, mainly our president. He has turned his back on law enforcement. That is absolutely despicable. He definitely doesn't mind his secret service. The only thing he took away from this was gun control. It's not a gun control issue. The police that shot two men earlier I absolutely refuse to judge them yet because I don't know all the details. The POTUS rushed to judgement on those cops but he didn't make the same judgement in the Dallas events, he said and I quote "still gathering facts." He has absolutely divided this country and he continues to do so each time he speaks and tells us it's our fault.
Not once have I felt that our President was talking to me in any of his addresses and statements. I need to hear the right things from our President right now. It is an emergency.

I wouldn't hold my breath. All you'll get is the same ol' talking points. Oh, he'll seem sympathetic for a bit. Then the talking points will take the wheel capped off with the main emphasis of his speech…"we need more gun control".

Best speech you will hear today is the replay of the presser by Dallas Police Chief, David Brown.
The following is a transcript of President Obama's remarks (6AM EST) in Warsaw, Poland, on the shooting of police officers in Dallas.

"Good morning, everybody.

Let me begin by thanking Presidents Tusk and Juncker for the opportunity to meet today. With your understanding, I want to begin with a few words about the situation back in the United States, specifically the situation in Dallas, Texas. My team has been keeping me updated throughout the morning on the evening in Dallas. I spoke this morning with Mayor Rawlings of Dallas to convey the deepest condolences of the American people. I told him that the federal government will provide whatever assistance Dallas may need as it deals with this tremendous tragedy.

We still don't know all the facts.

What we do know is that there has been a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement. Police in Dallas were on duty doing their jobs keeping people safe during peaceful protests. These law enforcement officers were targeted and nearly a dozen officers were shot. Five were killed, other officers and at least one civilian were wounded; some are in serious condition. We are praying for their recovery.

As I told Mayor Rawlings, I believe I speak for every single American when I say we are horrified over these events and we stand united with the people and the police department in Dallas.

According to police, there are multiple suspects. We will learn more undoubtedly about their twisted motivations.

Let's be clear: There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement.

The FBI is already in touch with the Dallas police and anyone involved in these senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done.

I will have more to say about this as the facts become more clear. For now, let me just say that even as yesterday I spoke about our need to be concerned as all Americans about racial disparities in our criminal justice system, I also said our police have an extraordinarily difficult job.

The vast majority of them do their job in outstanding fashion. I also indicated the degree to which we need to be supportive of those officers who do their job each and every day, protecting us and protecting our communities. Today is a wrenching reminder of the sacrifices they make for us.

We also know when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately, it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic.

In the days ahead, we will have to consider those realities as well.

In the meantime, today, our focus is on the victims and their families. They are heartbroken. The entire city of Dallas is grieving. Police across America, it is a tight-knit family, feels this loss to their core and we are grieving with them.

I ask all Americans to say a prayer for these officers and their families. Keep them in your thoughts. As a nation, let's remember to express our profound gratitude to our men and women in blue, not just today, but every day.

With that, I want to thank Presidents Tusk and Juncker for their work."
I hope you took real measures to avoid this. Also, I hope you were honest in your dealings.

it was one of the most painful decisions I've made, but I was 100% upfront and honest, and I truly think more than fair (he admitted this as well). i'm just sad because there was a better conclusion for us all had he made different choices.

I actually ended up reading up on how cal told players to transfer before going down this path, it was one of the closest analogies I could think of to what I was doing.
Folks, until race relations get much better, we will see Baton Rouge, Minnesota and Dallas over and over and over, Black people are angry about their own getting shot and killed while being arrested, confronted and chased by the police, and you cannot blame them for feeling like that. You've got policemen that are just terrified of black arrestees. It is a bad situation. If you can't see it, you had better open your eyes.

And I repeat ......... until the we/they references to Blacks and Whites changes, things are not going to get better.

Heaven help us.
Folks, until race relations get much better, we will see Baton Rouge, Minnesota and Dallas over and over and over, Black people are angry about their own getting shot and killed while being arrested, confronted and chased by the police, and you cannot blame them for feeling like that. You've got policemen that are just terrified of black arrestees. It is a bad situation. If you can't see it, you had better open your eyes.

And I repeat ......... until the we/they references to Blacks and Whites changes, things are not going to get better.

Heaven help us.

It will not get better.
I wouldn't hold my breath. All you'll get is the same ol' talking points. Oh, he'll seem sympathetic for a bit. Then the talking points will take the wheel capped off with the main emphasis of his speech…"we need more gun control".

Best speech you will hear today is the replay of the presser by Dallas Police Chief, David Brown.

David Brown is special.
it was one of the most painful decisions I've made, but I was 100% upfront and honest, and I truly think more than fair (he admitted this as well). i'm just sad because there was a better conclusion for us all had he made different choices.

I actually ended up reading up on how cal told players to transfer before going down this path, it was one of the closest analogies I could think of to what I was doing.
Without going into much detail, my wife went thru a job loss a year ago. No discipline in her record. All of her reviews were good and she had several awards from her employer. Out of the blue, she was out of a job. After a year long fight, it ended in a settlement. Her employer (intentionally, IMO) drug things out which caused her to settle for much less than she should have. There was a lot of dishonesty on the part of her former employer.

We are still left with guessing the real reason why her boss and/or her wanted her gone. She has told me numerous times that if he would have talked to her, that she could have transferred to a different area or would have quit.

Its been 15 months and I relive the situation in my head every day. I know that it is an unhealthy obsession, but I don't know how to turn it off. It just seems like there was never a chance to sit down as reasonable people and work things out.
Been about 10 hrs on smoking pork. Just pulled , foil wrapped , basted with apple juice n appple sauce then back on the for about three more hours. Will towel wrap in cooler then onto a warmer for tomrrow. Bologna turned out awesome. Sliced and wrapped for tomorrow as well. Nuttin better than a hoagy roll with smoked baloney covered with sweet unjuns and a glob of my cooled cole slawthen a dah of mustard. Honeymoon stuff.
We got our storms, now it's hot and extremely muggy out there. We had gotten into the habit of sitting on the front porch to talk and people watch; don't really want to do that this evening.
My faithful Intrepid has made her final journey to the junkyard; she was a good car, drove her for 17 years. But, too much work needed to be done to make it worthwhile to keep her. Feeling a little sad about it, but not too sad, because, you know.....Charger
Don't want to cook tonight; although I should be good and do so. Debating on whether to send hubby out for take out or not.
Hope all are well today
Without going into much detail, my wife went thru a job loss a year ago. No discipline in her record. All of her reviews were good and she had several awards from her employer. Out of the blue, she was out of a job. After a year long fight, it ended in a settlement. Her employer (intentionally, IMO) drug things out which caused her to settle for much less than she should have. There was a lot of dishonesty on the part of her former employer.

We are still left with guessing the real reason why her boss and/or her wanted her gone. She has told me numerous times that if he would have talked to her, that she could have transferred to a different area or would have quit.

Its been 15 months and I relive the situation in my head every day. I know that it is an unhealthy obsession, but I don't know how to turn it off. It just seems like there was never a chance to sit down as reasonable people and work things out.

i'm sorry for your wife UKGrad93. My dad got laid off a number of years ago from a company that he worked without warning. they asked him back a little later when they realized they needed him. it sent him into a depression, and honestly fundamentally changed my view on good corporate practice. people should always be treated with dignity. without going into detail in my case, I started my company with the mindset of transparency and ethicial behavior on part of all of us (myself included). those are principles I could not or cannot waver on.
We got our storms, now it's hot and extremely muggy out there. We had gotten into the habit of sitting on the front porch to talk and people watch; don't really want to do that this evening.
My faithful Intrepid has made her final journey to the junkyard; she was a good car, drove her for 17 years. But, too much work needed to be done to make it worthwhile to keep her. Feeling a little sad about it, but not too sad, because, you know.....Charger
Don't want to cook tonight; although I should be good and do so. Debating on whether to send hubby out for take out or not.
Hope all are well today

Bev, you jogged a memory. Where and when I grew up, every house had a big front porch (and often a big back porch as well), even the shacks. They were usually pretty close to the only road that went through our community (Noetown Road for ATX). Almost everybody had a front fence or hedge. Seems like someone was always sitting out on the porch just watching people walk and drive by. The walkers would often stop to chat for a few moments. Nobody had AC so there was no advantage to being inside. Everybody pretty much knew everybody else going up and down the road. Everybody waved at each other, whether you knew each other or not. It makes this old man sad that that kind of life is gone Best thing I ever did was leave but I miss living in those mountains so much. :cry:.I married an Indiana girl who never had any attraction to going back there very often.

*This the kind of drivel that drives non D-Leaguers nuts.
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Wish my d league buddies could be here tomorrow to enjoy this chaotic feast. I know you would love it. Bev I know you are close Iffinya wanna drive to louiville for some awesome food and live music message me. Invite is there... Pool is open and thongs only. ( my wifey says bullshit on that)
i'm sorry for your wife UKGrad93. My dad got laid off a number of years ago from a company that he worked without warning. they asked him back a little later when they realized they needed him. it sent him into a depression, and honestly fundamentally changed my view on good corporate practice. people should always be treated with dignity. without going into detail in my case, I started my company with the mindset of transparency and ethicial behavior on part of all of us (myself included). those are principles I could not or cannot waver on.

Good on you. If what you are saying is true, your breed is few and far between from my observations.
Wish my d league buddies could be here tomorrow to enjoy this chaotic feast. I know you would love it. Bev I know you are close Iffinya wanna drive to louiville for some awesome food and live music message me. Invite is there... Pool is open and thongs only. ( my wifey says bullshit on that)
would love to message ya - but since I'm not a paying member here, I can't send them out, but you can send one to me, if you'd like (and can)
otherwise - email me @aol :)
Science Break:

If your sitting on the porch this evening enjoying a cup o joe, a bourbon or maybe both and have a clear evening take a moment. Jupiter will shine brightly with the crescent moon.

Look to the west-southwest sky around mid-twilight,about an hour after sunset, and you will see the moon and Jupiter. The planet will look like a bright silvery star about 4 degrees to the upper left of the moon. Your clenched fist held out at arms length will approximate 10 degrees.

Both will appear to descend in the western sky, finally disappearing beyond the western horizon.The moon first, about 11:15 p.m. local daylight time, followed by Jupiter about 15 minutes later.
I might be out there catfan, I just put a 5lb butt on the egg a half hour ago. Heading to the lake tomorrow. I'll stay up with it til 12 or so, then I'll finish it in the oven if I need to. Thought I was going to get up very early and do it, wife changed my mind. Also have to cook sausages, hot dogs, and brats. I made a load of salsa earlier, but I'm going to make another batch for people that aren't whimpy. It'll burn.
Just took the 35 pounds of pork off smoker. I never " sauce my meats"! I always have three or four blends to satisfy your pallet. So the thing is... Slap on some pork then squirt ( no pitino pun) your sauce and off ya go. Plenty of various sides. Nobody will leave hungry at my feast. Thats word
I might be out there catfan, I just put a 5lb butt on the egg a half hour ago. Heading to the lake tomorrow. I'll stay up with it til 12 or so, then I'll finish it in the oven if I need to. Thought I was going to get up very early and do it, wife changed my mind. Also have to cook sausages, hot dogs, and brats. I made a load of salsa earlier, but I'm going to make another batch for people that aren't whimpy. It'll burn.

Just took the 35 pounds of pork off smoker. I never " sauce my meats"! I always have three or four blends to satisfy your pallet. So the thing is... Slap on some pork then squirt ( no pitino pun) your sauce and off ya go. Plenty of various sides. Nobody will leave hungry at my feast. Thats word

Great. Now i'm hungry again. Both of ya are evil. Evil I tell ya.
i'm sorry for your wife UKGrad93. My dad got laid off a number of years ago from a company that he worked without warning. they asked him back a little later when they realized they needed him. it sent him into a depression, and honestly fundamentally changed my view on good corporate practice. people should always be treated with dignity. without going into detail in my case, I started my company with the mindset of transparency and ethical behavior on part of all of us (myself included). those are principles I could not or cannot waver on.
If true, then I would gladly work for you until hell freezes over and continue working for you under icy conditions.