
Vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity is stupid. Describing your morning dump is stupid. Being nasty for nasty sake is crazy and stupid.

Insulting folks for being over 50 years old is pure stupidity? Insulting the one woman on the thread and debasing her simply sucked.

I agree with WildCatDon. Chief if you don't understand that then you need to go to some classes on basic human decency.

I'm afraid I'm at a loss here as to what this is about.
Thanks for clearing up the two different threads questions. I was curious cause I lurked for a long time and didn't know the back story. In my opinion it seems like they trash this thread a lot. I don't see it much here. I have posted in both and In my humble opinion you all seemed more welcoming. I enjoy the D.
Son, you are welcome here. Post away.
Thanks for clearing up the two different threads questions. I was curious cause I lurked for a long time and didn't know the back story. In my opinion it seems like they trash this thread a lot. I don't see it much here. I have posted in both and In my humble opinion you all seemed more welcoming. I enjoy the D.

Two different groups. They are now on the threads that they like.

I am happy with the D League.

The D League was started by Don. It got dropped with software changes etc. It was restarted.

It is the best thread that I have ever been on. We are a bunch of diverse guys and gal simply talking about what is on our mind.
Two different groups. They are now on the threads that they like.

I am happy with the D League.

The D League was started by Don. It got dropped with software changes etc. It was restarted.

It is the best thread that I have ever been on. We are a bunch of diverse guys and gal simply talking about what is on our mind.
We want to make posters happy.
I grew up on the Waltons and Little House on the Prairie

You gentlemen might appreciate Spencer's Mountain (1963) starring Henry Fonda and Maureen O'Hara. It was the first to be adapted from the book by Earl Hamner, Jr. That movie served as the basis for the Walton's Mountain movies/tv series.

As for the Little House series; I was 5, I think, when the first tv movie came out and became the series. Of course I loved it - wanted to be Laura Ingalls throughout most of the 70s. When I was 8 or 9, my Mom gave me the Little House collection of books (which are really quite different from the show). Once I read them through, I lost interest in the tv series. They are one of my favorites; even now I'll re-read them every so often.

Interesting fact about the Little House books and trains: if it weren't for the westward expansion, and the railroads, Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family would have probably died out before she ever wrote her books.

This is a Big 'Ol Girl.
Science Break:

Located 82 million light years away is Kiso 5639. Also known as the
"Sky Rocket" galaxy, it is adrift in a desolate area of the universe with very little gas and dust. Which is interesting because an abundance of star birth is occurring in the left side bulge of the galaxy.

Kiso is a dwarf elongated galaxy. These are usually seen at great distances such as in the Hubble Deep Field and Ultra Deep Field studies. Abundant in the early universe, these type of galaxies are rare to find relatively close. It is shaped like a flattened pancake, but because it is tilted edge-on, it resembles a skyrocket, with a brilliant blazing head and a long, star-studded tail. The massive amount of star formation in the head (2,700 light years across) of the sky rocket, is due to Kiso running through a stellar filament of gas which was deposited onto the leading edge of the galaxy.
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I do like Spencer's Mountain.

That same guy did an episode on the Twilight Zone about a hound dog, old man and going to heaven. Can't recall the name.
it was a pretty good movie; also had James McArthur in it, aka the original "Danno" in Hawaii Five-0

The Twilight Zone episode you're referring to is called "The Hunt," I think - I remembered which one you were talking about, but not the name. Google is my friend. It was, indeed, written by Hamner.

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! Which denomination?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"

Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, you heretic!" And I pushed him over.

[roll] FCC.
Vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity is stupid. Describing your morning dump is stupid. Being nasty for nasty sake is crazy and stupid.

Insulting folks for being over 50 years old is pure stupidity? Insulting the one woman on the thread and debasing her simply sucked.

I agree with WildCatDon. Chief if you don't understand that then you need to go to some classes on basic human decency.

Uh, chief understands. FCC.
Thanks for clearing up the two different threads questions. I was curious cause I lurked for a long time and didn't know the back story. In my opinion it seems like they trash this thread a lot. I don't see it much here. I have posted in both and In my humble opinion you all seemed more welcoming. I enjoy the D.

Glad you are here ukwildcat2004. Post away my friend. Always enjoy your post. FCC.
Well, I got home from church and had some bad news in my garden. I have 4 rows of corn. About 75 stalks in each row. 2 rows planted 2 or 3 weeks behind the other 2. In the bigger corn, about a fourth of it on the ground. In the younger rows, about two or three foot tall, all of it on the ground. The problem was the ground was wet to begin with. So when that big storm came through about 2pm , with high winds, down she went. So, went to work, standing it back up the best I could. A good wind will put it back down. Crap, we have had a lot of rain. I'm guessing about 5 to 7 inches in the last few days. Supposed to get more. FCC.