
Is our world inverting back to cowboy days when everybody packed a gun? Will we take up horse riding as a main way to transit to and from? Reason I ask is today I seen three people with their ccw ( guessing they have their ccw )openly showing their firearm. I carry but nobody sees where my firearm is. Is it better to hide or conceal?

In Kentucky you can openly carry a gun. You need a permit to conceal. Some places don't allow you to be armed either way.

If everyone walked around armed then every one is happy as hell to see you and to not piss you off.
got my 3 mile morning walk in...humidity is rough today..
still to wet to mow..cloudin up like its gonna rain again..higher chance tomorrow..
what would we do without a/c? I bitch about the heat but still like it a zillion times more than the cold..
Ice cold ginger ale hits the spot!

all I got!
How many NRA pocket knives (made in China) do you have? I wish they had struck a deal with Case for the knives.

I have a straight razor and pocket knife collection my dad had..He liked that kind of stuff. Not sure what they are worth but there is all kinds of razors and knives. One of my nephews wanted to lay claim to them after my pop passed..was not going to let that happen because he would have sold them off to support his drug habit..SMH
here is a weird azz thought...8 25 55 . i was born yay me...8 25 65 ( I was 10 yrs old ) ..DuPont Louisville had an explosion that killed 12 and injured 37..
Explosions rocked DuPont plant 50 years ago - The Courier-Journal
only for me to hire in 2-19-74 (18 yrs old) and retire with a great pension 7-06-2006..32.5 yrs later!...really odd how that timeline finished out for me..
I remember exactly where I was standing when the first explosion went off. Felt the ground shake and asked my mother, "what was that?" and then we heard the boom. There were about eight big explosions. I was five years old.
Seriously! Last time I tried chicken there was about two months ago, and it was the first time in probably 15+ years. I got my order and was all excited and opened the box, looked down and immediately saw the Jean Luc Picard meme "WTFITS". Decided then that KFC is only decent at doing taco stuff.
no, they got those great buckets for wear at the Yum.
just sayin' :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
mornin D
only 83 deg out there but it's MUGGY
watching some NBA Summer league right now. 76ers vs Spurs
Y'all hear about John Robic? I do hope it's a temporary situation, not permanent
Crazy talk about the Ark theme park. Just read they actually have stuffed dinosaurs there. Really?
Hope all are well