
I changed the OP. I hope that doesn't upset some.
Not us, Friar John. Next time you need to, change it to me. Because I don't give a runny bowel movement about those who ARE upset, and actually have a life outside of a message thread. Video pick of tonite: Coolin' Me Out. The Isley Brothers. The Paddock needs to cool out. Too hot to be all hot and bothered!

Is our world inverting back to cowboy days when everybody packed a gun? Will we take up horse riding as a main way to transit to and from? Reason I ask is today I seen three people with their ccw ( guessing they have their ccw )openly showing their firearm. I carry but nobody sees where my firearm is. Is it better to hide or conceal?
I have to agree. We put'em in the trunk to beat the system. The food always tasted better when you got it from the concession stand. You could smooch with your girlfriend if that was the plan all along. It was a whole lot of fun. Swings for the kids. Yeah. even miniature trains for the children to ride sometimes. This stuff was really big in the 50s.

Hmmm ... I never knew they also showed movies at drive-ins.
here is a weird azz thought...8 25 55 . i was born yay me...8 25 65 ( I was 10 yrs old ) ..DuPont Louisville had an explosion that killed 12 and injured 37..
Explosions rocked DuPont plant 50 years ago - The Courier-Journal
only for me to hire in 2-19-74 (18 yrs old) and retire with a great pension 7-06-2006..32.5 yrs later!...really odd how that timeline finished out for me..
Top of the morning leagures!

JB, you're a great man!! Thank you for making the proper adjustments
It's guns and roses day baby! I'll give a full report tomorrow since I'll probably be too intoxicated to do so tonight
The rain has finally stopped, hopefully the damn fireworks do now as well.(good lord I'm getting old lol)
The Reds win!!!
Today, I salute the fine men and women who go around and collect the garbage before the garbage. You've seen them before, they usually drive a beat up pickup truck and have no teeth from constant years of meth use.

Press on leagures! Have a great day!