

Dad had one of these.
howdy folks
bright n sunny today
hubby heading off to a place called The Dirty Turtle; it's an ATV park. He just got himself a Polaris - nice four-wheeler, can go 78mph.
Mom is doing much better - her stress level was so incredibly high, with my Dad (who is disabled). Dad has ideopathic neural myopathy. His legs don't work at all, anymore. And, he's a stubborn sort - refuses to accept limitations so there are a lot of falls and whatnot. Got Mom to the point she was scared to even leave him alone. They live in a two story house; has a chair lift, but...... He's had instances that he had fallen - either out of the shower, or outside and has had to lay there for long periods of time. My brother has had to leave work on several occasions to go help him, which he can't continue to do. Anyway, after her hospital scare, he finally realized what he was doing to her with his refusals to change anything, and conceded that they cannot live there anymore. So, they just signed a lease on an apartment that is handicap accessible, plus a call system in case something happens. Sucks that they are leaving the home they built together, but it's much safer all around. We kids are grateful to no end. A house is just a house.
Mom is excited, she is picking up her handgun today - first time she's ever owned one. Got her CCW a few weeks ago. Guess we'll be going over later this afternoon to check it out :)
Hope all is well with everyone today
my job for the day was to clean and repaint the pediment above our front windows ONLY to see up close that they have started to rot around drip edge, so now I gotta order replacements (this time polyurethane) and replace..


instead of window work I decided to make me a little roll a round table to sit coffee cup or beer on while I'm sittin around my shop..These are lids from a pair of 16 gallon oil cans..


next up .....mow some grass..
  • A Saturday of doing absolutely nothing. Just worthless today. I need my butt whipped.
  • QB cancelled her dinner plans to stay home and feed me.
  • The firecrackers are scaring Sugar. There have not been many, but they are coming.
  • I have studied Ted Bundy. He blamed pornography for the murders he committed. He was also drinking liquor when murdering. He murdered in the wrong state.
  • Aileen Wuornos started having sex with her brother at a young age. She prostituted the neighborhood boys at age 11. She was abandoned by her parents at a young age and went to live with her grandparents. She became pregnant at age 14 by a man that she claimed had raped. She was sent to a home for unwed mothers and never saw the baby. She can back home and continued the wild life. She left her home at age 16. She murdered 7 men in Florida. She was pretty crazy.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer was never normal. He killed about 20 gay guys and ate some of them. He saved some of their skulls even. He was crazy as ****. He was murdered in prison.
  • All of these serial killers were Tennessee fans.
  • Every single member of our family is on the road coming home today. Scary.
  • I'm worn out from doing nothing and going to bed soon.
evening folks
busy day - kids to work; went to Mom's, did some cleaning over there, groceried, then picked up kids - then home
have a freaked out dog. she's one of our rescues and she's utterly terrified with all the fireworks going on right now. The other is a little upset, but this poor thing is beside herself
Hope all are well?