
Enough with the innocuous chit chat on here. Moving on to something more important - what I had for lunch.

Big pot of pinto beans flavored with fatback. Fatback (er, salt pork) used to be dirt cheap meat for poors but nowadays costs as much per pound as good steak

Turnip greens.

Vidalia onion slices.

Chow chow.

Cornbread baked in iron skillet.

Washed down of course with a diet soda (gotta watch those calories). Wife going to store later to pick me up some buttermilk. Loves me some buttermilk and cornbread.

Add some fried taters and garden maters (too hot to grow them out here) and you've got my favorite meal.

Carry on.
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Back home. Took a little trip though the country on the back roads. Had to pick up some supplies but didn't want to rush into anything.

Went to Lowes to look at wood for my egg table. They sure have a lot of wood, but the majority of it I don't need. Still got some ideas bouncing around but I've pretty much got my plan in my head. Should end up being similar to this.


The slide out in the middle will be up on top for a two burner propane cooktop. I think that will come in handy from time to time.
Back home. Took a little trip though the country on the back roads. Had to pick up some supplies but didn't want to rush into anything.

Went to Lowes to look at wood for my egg table. They sure have a lot of wood, but the majority of it I don't need. Still got some ideas bouncing around but I've pretty much got my plan in my head. Should end up being similar to this.


The slide out in the middle will be up on top for a two burner propane cooktop. I think that will come in handy from time to time.
That model is badazz indeed.
Not trying to compete with chief understand. I was hungry as Hell. Bell was hungry as Hell. Made a batch of Cheese Garlic Grits. Buttered toast. Scrsmbled Bell 2 eggs with cheese. Crisp bacon. I had 3 OM with crisp bacon, buttered toast and CGG. Fabulous. Bell cleaned up my mess. It was goooooooood.

Don's weight tomorrow: 227
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Evening, D
Found out that getting up early and running around, or being outside, then staying up rather late, for several days tends to take much more of a toll than it did a few years ago. Ended up taking a long nap this afternoon after the granddaughter left.
Watching a movie with the kids - "Now You See Me" - probably going to go see the sequel in a week or two.
I need to start cooking proper meals again - we've been out so much it's been a lot of throw together stuff. Reading some of the meals y'all have been eating is making me feel a little guilty
Hope everyone has had a great day :)
mornin D
RIP Pat Summit
Also, RIP Buddy Ryan
2016 has been a rough year - so many huge losses
Got my coffee - chillin for now. Lots to do as usual
I'm ready for football too - maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but hoping (again) to see major improvement in our team
Also wish it were October, already - bring on the Madness!
Be well, D
Pat Summit had been sick for quite a while, donfather. She had been battling Alzheimer's for about 5 or 6 years. And apparently the last couple of years were pretty rough. Especially these last few months.
It seemed fast to me, as well, though, because the news just came out that she was in such a severe decline, and now she's gone.
Look…I'll still watch every game. And I will still cheer on the Cats like I always have. But i absolutely refuse to get excited about this upcoming (or any other future) UK football season. Absolutely done with that ish.

Rise! Stoops Troops!
Eff that noise. I got a new one…Nope!

I do look forward to the college football season in general starting. And the NFL as well. Because I love watching football. Just not gonna get excited about what will be at best a 4 or 5 win season for the gridiron Cats (probably closer to 3 wins).

Sorry but 40+ years of gridiron mediocrity/misery/SEC cellar dwelling/dumpster fires has me soured on excitement.

When is BBM?