
I guess I was off line a lot when the blow up happened. I still don't know what it was about.

It wasn't really a blowup. A couple of posters got a little hot with each other (I didn't pay much attention at the time and don't recall what it was about) and ended up getting the permaban (about a month I think). They were just here one day and gone the next, en masse, without a single goodbye hug. It has worked out well for both groups it seems. A couple of them make an occasional dig at us out of the blue.
Ignorance is bliss, I've always heard

Well, mind you this is what I recall. Our one female poster was insulted by a juvenile post which most of us were insulted by it as well. It was so bad that she quit posting. Then, another poster insulted most of us by saying there didn't need to be "10 FCCs" posting in this thread. Then he went on to say how we should post and that we had run off the good posters. He said at least 10 other posters felt the same way.

Best I remember all that took place over several weeks. Most of us took issue with it. One poster took issue big time and ended up with a several weeks ban. Another thread was started by those that wanted to discuss things that most in the d did not want o discuss. They are over there and we are over here. That's the story that I recall. We have moved on and all seems to be well. Hope that helps stevo51. FCC.
Young vs. Old mostly. Turds vs. Trains. Excellent posters vs. Bad posters. Vulgarity vs. Chivalry. Nothing serious.

Yep [laughing]

Most of them were good guys. Just patted us on the head hoping we'd scoot on along. A couple of them couldn't stand us. The others mostly just found us boring and not cool I think.
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Sounds more like you took your "Help a Hungry Vet" sign with you this morning.

Over the past month, I've been separating and saving all the change found during these hikes and also when cycling back and forth to work. $6.18 just since June 1st. I save my other change separately.

Prime locations to search include large parking lots, taco stands, car washes, convenience stores and gas stations, and outside restaurants. Arrive early around 6:30 AM on Saturday and Sunday. Pretty soon, I'll start picking up aluminum cans. Car washes are great locations, but ya gotta get there real early before regular staff arrive, as they also love loose change and aluminum cans, too.
Been digging around in the extended family history and am amazed that stories my grandfather told me are easier to verify then some of things I have seen in local historians work. Reason being that he couldn't read or write his own name. But his stories ring true. Mainly the ones he told about our kinfolk fighting on both sides during the civil war. I uncovered one today that he hadn't told me. It seems that one drew a pension in his old age from the yank army because a cup full of gunpowder exploded in his hand. He drew the sum of $20.00 a month in his old age.
I picked up a Pit Boss Kamado grill (BGE knockoff) at Costco today. Got it home, unloaded and put together. Now I need to find some lump and a lighter and figure out how to start cooking on it. Damn thing is heavier than box of rocks. Any suggestions, hints, tips, etc... Are appreciated.

As far as the thread being split up - I don't see it as good vs bad or whatever. Just two different groups of people having different conversations. If you put everybody into a room together, at first with a few everybody would talk together, as the group grows, it will naturally split off into different smaller groups. I think it is human nature.

Moral of the story, post where you want to post.
- I bought a solar power motion security light for $80 (on sale) from Home Depot. The solar panel melted two weeks later. Home Depot said the solar power part wasn't covered under the warranty.
- Yesterday I was in the pool for 15 minutes. I now have sun poisoning. Smh.

- I bought a solar power motion security light for $80 (on sale) from Home Depot. The solar panel melted two weeks later. Home Depot said the solar power part wasn't covered under the warranty.
- Yesterday I was in the pool for 15 minutes. I now have sun poisoning. Smh.

Cindy, move up a level with your complaint. I have seen the HD that I use refund on plants that the user didn't water or just found.
- I bought a solar power motion security light for $80 (on sale) from Home Depot. The solar panel melted two weeks later. Home Depot said the solar power part wasn't covered under the warranty.
- Yesterday I was in the pool for 15 minutes. I now have sun poisoning. Smh.

That's crazy. Most stores just either exchange the item or refund it. Also, a solar panel that melts in the sun seems like a serious design flaw.
Got up early this morning and seem raring to go. I figured my night cap was spiked or some crap like that, swapped for an energy drink? Anyway, now I remember I have a follow up Dr appointment at 10:30. Oooops! This is one of those you get the blood and urine test a week before the appointment and then they reschedule it a month later.

Enough about me, hope this finds the D leaguers in fine form, Morning, ladies and gents of the D.
Ha, I slept later than any of you amateurs. Seems like 6 hours in the afternoon heat on the golf course must have ran me down a bit.

About 5 hours in I'm standing on the green of #14 and I tell a guy that I'm hot. He said "no shit, I'm about ready to quit", he went on complaining. I didn't know he was that pissed at the heat. Then I noticed that the leaves on the trees weren't moving at all, it was dead calm. I pointed it out to him and said we don't get to see these conditions very often. It didn't help.
Ha, I slept later than any of you amateurs. Seems like 6 hours in the afternoon heat on the golf course must have ran me down a bit.

About 5 hours in I'm standing on the green of #14 and I tell a guy that I'm hot. He said "no shit, I'm about ready to quit", he went on complaining. I didn't know he was that pissed at the heat. Then I noticed that the leaves on the trees weren't moving at all, it was dead calm. I pointed it out to him and said we don't get to see these conditions very often. It didn't help.
Y'all were surely riding.
Ha, I slept later than any of you amateurs. Seems like 6 hours in the afternoon heat on the golf course must have ran me down a bit.

About 5 hours in I'm standing on the green of #14 and I tell a guy that I'm hot. He said "no shit, I'm about ready to quit", he went on complaining. I didn't know he was that pissed at the heat. Then I noticed that the leaves on the trees weren't moving at all, it was dead calm. I pointed it out to him and said we don't get to see these conditions very often. It didn't help.

I played golf all over Canada and the US. Florida on a summer afternoon is total misery. Texas at 100 degrees is better than Florida. The Ohio river valley and Chesapeake Bay area in summer get close to Florida, especially when the tree leaves don't move!
My inner smart ass is telling me to disagree and post that I'm 100% all in for savage brutal animal cruelty, especially to small bunnies, kittens and puppies.

I agree totally. Our daughter had to have her 13 year old dog put down. She already has purchased another one. The breeder posts pictures for her to see. The puppy is already named. Cute. She will get her the end of July. She is 17 days old. Our daughter seems like an expectant mother. Happy for her.