
Ghost, you will probably attend the same ceremony that I will when we hit Heaven's gates. I figure that I will be front and center when the "Hardest Working Guardian Angels Awards" are presented. Ours will finally get their just dues.

And I will probably be just to your right at that ceremony! My guardian angel will get the award for saving me from certain death in 1981 alone. My best friend was driving me, his brother, and our other friend to Franklin, TN to meet some girls (of course). It was foggy. We got to a T-intersection, went airborne, and landed in a natural gas field FULL of pipes. By some miracle, we didn't hit one pipe! Gave up on meeting the girls and ended up partying in Nashville.
<~~is too good a girl to worry about what will happen at the Pearly Gates. Being the sweet and kind person I am, I.......

uh oh

I entered the navy fifteen years, one month and two days after D-Day. I got to meet a lot of guys who participated in that day because a lot were still around. Fast forward to the late 1990's and I am a security supervisor for a company and one of the posts I checked had a seventy four year old man stationed on it.

I noticed that he walked in to and from work, five miles each way.I asked if he had transportation and he said yes, he just walked to stay in shape. His story was this way,he was part of a navy frogman operation who was on the beach before D-Day began.

M coffee tastes better this morning, remembering that great group of men.
Hope your big deal works out. Sorry about the dog.

My kid has been sick all week. Now I think she has shared with me. Blah. Hope we recover before vacation next week. Going to Florida, it looks wet there. Wish we could reschedule, but no way. Bought these tix back in Feb or Mar. I have to buy early, cause I'm poor and can't afford last minute.
Science Break:

It's just a baby. IRAS 14568 is a young star that is cloaked in a haze of golden gas and dust. It appears to be embedded within a section of dark sky, which curves through the image and obscures the sky behind. The Circinus molecular cloud is the dark area of sky.

(click image to expand)
The star is about 2,000 light-years from Earth. IRAS 14568 is a special young star because it is driving a proto-stellar jet, which appears here as a tail from the star.The jet is the leftover gas and dust that the star took from its parent cloud in order to form. This material forms the star and its accretion disc.(the disc of material surrounding the star) It may one day form planets. At some point in the formation process the star began to eject some of this material at supersonic speeds into surrounding space. The Circinus molecular cloud stretches across 180 light-years and contains enough gas and dust to make an estimated 250,000 stars like our sun.
Hope your big deal works out. Sorry about the dog.

My kid has been sick all week. Now I think she has shared with me. Blah. Hope we recover before vacation next week. Going to Florida, it looks wet there. Wish we could reschedule, but no way. Bought these tix back in Feb or Mar. I have to buy early, cause I'm poor and can't afford last minute.
I'm hoping y'all are as good as new by vacation time.
busy day here, too -
Don - so sorry about your daughter's puppy; I know how that it feels
93 - hope you get well soon

Had the granddaughter ALL day, which, I am sure you guys know, really hurt my feelings [winking]
Had some fun drama going on 'round here too - glad that's over. Nothing major, especially in light of others' troubles, but it made the day...interesting.
Feeling pretty ok now - tired, but good, ya know?
OK, just breezing through the posts. Don is a big deal or made a big deal.
BK is happy and tired. Grandkids have that effect. Tommy is old fashioned.
ATC is crazy or his day was? Spaceman is still out there.
93 is dealing with sick kids and rainy Florida. Ghost is a no show, maybe looking at things that show in church?

If I missed anything, I'm old and can't be expected to remember everything.