
I considered retiring to east TN. Love and miss the mountains and my people. Went back in the summer when it is green and beautiful with summer events galore. But I've been away from the humidity so long that I can't stand it anymore. Went back in the winter when it is cold, gloomy and the trees are bare. Baled out and moved to the west coast in '76 to escape that. Settled on Phoenix (from central valley CA). 8 months of perfect weather with every kind of event imaginable and 4 months of miserable heat but no humidity.

Payson? Yeah, I go there sometimes to escape the heat. There are places you can go about a hundred miles away to cool off. It doesn't cool off at night here in the summer - maybe mid-90s.
Winters back in the mountains are so depressing. Hence a major reason I'm still here in TX.

Summer midnight temps here usually hover around 86-90. We've been lucky so far this year, as El Niño cooled us off, but June just started.
I don't want to live anywhere farther west than I-65, north of I-64, east of I-75, or south of the bluegrass parkway.

My only foray into the Apple world was an I-phone 3GS. I liked it and it was smooth, as a computer. As a phone it was lacking. I didn't realize what I was getting into with the I-tunes deal for putting music on there or I never would have bought it. I'll never buy another.
Winters back in the mountains are so depressing. Hence a major reason I'm still here in TX.

Summer midnight temps here usually hover around 86-90. We've been lucky so far this year, as El Niño cooled us off, but June just started.

I never lived in the Mountains; however, I could not wait to get back to Kentucky. The farthest West I ever lived was Houston and it was not so arid. 15 years in Florida drove me crazy. The humidity, bugs and mildew.

I am just not a deep South lover.

I love the green green grass of home. [winking]
I never lived in the Mountains; however, I could not wait to get back to Kentucky. The farthest West I ever lived was Houston and it was not so arid. 15 years in Florida drove me crazy. The humidity, bugs and mildew.

I am just not a deep South lover.

I love the green green grass of home. [winking]

Florida always looks so beautiful in films. But people don't see or consider all that mildew, skeeters and that HUMIDITY. It's not even comfortable at the beach or at home by your pool. Keeping up with that mildew is a constant (losing) battle. Soaked in sweat after three minutes working outside.
Florida always looks so beautiful in films. But people don't see or consider all that mildew, skeeters and that HUMIDITY. It's not even comfortable at the beach or at home by your pool. Keeping up with that mildew is a constant (losing) battle. Soaked in sweat after three minutes working outside.
I lived in FL for a time and travel there often, mainly winter or early spring. Central Florida is brutal between May - October in terms of humidity. Honestly worse than central Texas.
I lived in FL for a time and travel there often, mainly winter or early spring. Central Florida is brutal between May - October in terms of humidity. Honestly worse than central Texas.

I lived in Ventura, CA, a beach town, for about 5 years. It was nearly always uncomfortably cool at the beach all year. I went to the beach in Tampa hoping to cool off and there was no cool breeze coming off the water at all. Sit on the beach and sweat.
I lived in Ventura, CA, a beach town, for about 5 years. It was nearly always uncomfortably cool at the beach all year. I went to the beach in Tampa hoping to cool off and there was no cool breeze coming off the water at all. Sit on the beach and sweat.

I like to go West every once in a while to dry out; however, I do not like arid areas as I miss green.

I was raised in South Central Kentucky, lived in Louisville, Jacksonville, FL; Evansville, IN; Houston, TX; Baltimore, MD and back to Jacksonville, FL. Of those places Smiths Grove is the best climate because it does not have a river around to mess things up. Louisville, Jacksonville and Baltimore are basically in valleys and it simply gets hot and muggy in summer. Houston was just hot and as I lived on the NW side it basically had low humidity.

I spend a lot of time in Cape Cod as my friend has a wonderful house on the ocean. In the summer it is ideal. In winter it is horrible. Boca Grande, FL is the nicest place that I have ever been in the winter. This is just my opinion on those places. If I were very rich and could afford it I would have a summer home on Cape Cod and a winter home in Boca Grande and a G3 jet to take me from here to those places.

The prettiest place that I have ever been is Lake Louise, BC. Of course it is cold in winter and really cool in summer:
There is a school shooting at UCLA right now and there are two confirmed dead. My cousin is a senior, I was just able to reach her and she is barricaded in a classroom but is safe. I was crazy panicking, but glad to hear she is safe.
Nothing anyone can like about this. Wishing for the best and hope she stays safe.
I like to go West every once in a while to dry out; however, I do not like arid areas as I miss green.

I was raised in South Central Kentucky, lived in Louisville, Jacksonville, FL; Evansville, IN; Houston, TX; Baltimore, MD and back to Jacksonville, FL. Of those places Smiths Grove is the best climate because it does not have a river around to mess things up. Louisville, Jacksonville and Baltimore are basically in valleys and it simply gets hot and muggy in summer. Houston was just hot and as I lived on the NW side it basically had low humidity.

I spend a lot of time in Cape Cod as my friend has a wonderful house on the ocean. In the summer it is ideal. In winter it is horrible. Boca Grande, FL is the nicest place that I have ever been in the winter. This is just my opinion on those places. If I were very rich and could afford it I would have a summer home on Cape Cod and a winter home in Boca Grande and a G3 jet to take me from here to those places.

The prettiest place that I have ever been is Lake Louise, BC. Of course it is cold in winter and really cool in summer:

Bert, you have to go at least all the way west to New Mexico to escape the high humidity.

My observations about Florida are based on summertime stays.
Science Break:

Friday, Saturn reaches opposition with the sun. It is the farthest planet visible to the naked eye. Saturn will be best seen when it is at its highest, around midnight, 1 am local time. At that time observers can see the planet looking due south.

Most famous for its set of bright rings around its equator, these aren't visible to the naked eye, nor when viewing with binoculars. It requires a telescope with 25 times magnification at a minimum to see that Saturn is oval-shaped rather than circular, and a magnification of at least 100 times to see the rings in detail. But if you have one, or access to one break it out because it is a spectacular sight.
Home early. Glad to be here. Hot versus cold. I really dislike cold weather. Can't stand being cold. Hot weather doesn't bother me very much. Lived in Ventura once for a few months. Walked to work and back. Where I lived there were no yards to mow. Pea gravel instead of grass.
I saw lots of pea gravel when visiting El Paso and New Mexico.
had a great "date" tonight - my 11 yr old took me to a fancy dinner (chik fil a), THEN he took me to the park where we sat on the swings and he showed my how he could climb to the top of the jungle gym.
Great conversation was included -heard all about the last day of school and the fifth grade goodbye walk.

I tell ya, one of the best dates I've ever had