
Hey, does anybody have proven tricks for fighting slugs? I know we have one very accomplished mole murderer. Any slug experts?

I have read about slug baits, beer traps, and an organic powder substance that shreds any insect on contact. That stuff (dicotamous (sp?) earth) seems to be the favorite for preventing slugs.
I did the windows ten free upgrade on my laptop this winter. I have no clue about most things on here. I have found leaving it on allows it to upgrade and make the changes but you have to keep the laptop plugged in. Most of the time it is goofing up, it is doing some upgrading.

Computers remind me of politicians, they have to provide some drama to justify their existence. On that note a few weeks back I ran into a senator from this area who has been in Washington for three years. Those three years seem to have aged him at least ten more. Haggard looking in my opinion. Knowing him all his life I talked with him a bit. He said "I have a degree in engineering (MIT) but of I had it to do over again and knew where I would be today, I would have taken Theatrics. Did I finally meet an honest politician?
Hey, does anybody have proven tricks for fighting slugs? I know we have one very accomplished mole murderer. Any slug experts?

I have read about slug baits, beer traps, and an organic powder substance that shreds any insect on contact. That stuff (dicotamous (sp?) earth) seems to be the favorite for preventing slugs.

if this is outside - you could spread Epsom salts on the grass/dirt areas, and lining your walkways. Deters slugs and is good for soil (magnesium) You can also spray vinegar around, especially if you see slime paths. Gotta destroy those paths so other slugs don't follow
Use some strong smelling herbs, like mint, cloves, garlic, fennel, etc - they hate that. Doesn't harm plants or grass

And yes, beer traps work, so do grapefruit traps. For the beer, fill a bowl with beer and set it out overnight near where you've seen them. They love it, and will drown in it. Grapefruits are something else they love - cut them in half and scoop out the insides, then take the empty rind, cut a couple of small holes in the side so they can get in, and turn it upside down on their path.
Hey, does anybody have proven tricks for fighting slugs? I know we have one very accomplished mole murderer. Any slug experts?


First thing to remember is to take the end of the street that puts the sun in his eyes. Might try throwing a lazy left roundhouse and when he goes to block it, go straight to his throat with a right jab. If these tactics fail, just throw some salt on him.
Hey, does anybody have proven tricks for fighting slugs? I know we have one very accomplished mole murderer. Any slug experts?

I have read about slug baits, beer traps, and an organic powder substance that shreds any insect on contact. That stuff (dicotamous (sp?) earth) seems to be the favorite for preventing slugs.
We french fry those suckers in the breakroom. Just add okra seeds. Just delicious.

#867-5309, over.
Science Break:

Hoag's Object. Looking as if it is two objects this is actually a single galaxy. It is named after the astronomer who discovered it 1950.

It is a ring galaxy. In this instance on the outside is a ring dominated by bright blue stars, while near the center lies a ball of much redder stars that are likely much older. It is thought that ring galaxies like this are created when larger galaxies are punctured by a smaller galactic aggressor, which, passing through the heart of its more sizeable victim triggers a shock wave that spreads outwards. This pushes gas to the galaxy’s periphery, where it begins to collapse and form new stars.
This one is about 100,000 light years across and is about 600 million light years from us. Visible in the gap at about 1 o'clock is another ring galaxy that is much farther away.
Open your file manager on your laptop. Look for downloads. Find the M-soft down load from this morning. It will have a time date stamp of today and a # associated with it(write it down). Delete the file. Go to M-soft. Look for windows downloads, updates. Find the number and force another download of the update.

Edit: Since you haven't had a stroke it is the laptop. If you have run your antivirus security software and you have not spilled anything on the keyboard or it is not dirty the sensor film/pad under the keyboard may have failed if it still acts up after the download.

Reboot into recovery mode.

  1. Right-click (or press and hold) the Start button, and then select Control Panel.

  2. Search Control Panel for Recovery.

  3. Select Recovery > Open System Restore > Next.

  4. Choose the restore point related to the problematic app, driver, or update, and then select Next > Finish.
Good luck.
if this is outside - you could spread Epsom salts on the grass/dirt areas, and lining your walkways. Deters slugs and is good for soil (magnesium) You can also spray vinegar around, especially if you see slime paths. Gotta destroy those paths so other slugs don't follow
Use some strong smelling herbs, like mint, cloves, garlic, fennel, etc - they hate that. Doesn't harm plants or grass

And yes, beer traps work, so do grapefruit traps. For the beer, fill a bowl with beer and set it out overnight near where you've seen them. They love it, and will drown in it. Grapefruits are something else they love - cut them in half and scoop out the insides, then take the empty rind, cut a couple of small holes in the side so they can get in, and turn it upside down on their path.
Excellent advice.

We have 100s of snails, close relatives to slugs, all over the place here. Those critters are pests. But I may try selling 'em on eBay in lots of 20.
Morning D Leaguers. It is warm and sunny in Smiths Grove.

Mash, I loved you 'dog train'. Was that you driving?

Don I hope your computer troubles are history today.

FFC hope you are on the mend.

BKO thanks for keeping us updated on Briscoe and Lee. You should have interfered to keep Lee. You know your magic.

I like that ring galaxy Catfaninsc. Nature has a bunch of pretty things to show up.

I hope all have a good day.