
Good morning and Happy Geek Pride Day.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with honey + fresh strawberries, peanut butter on a slice of oat-nut bread, one banana and two large cups of hot tea. Stuffed silly.

Good morning, ATC - and everyone
Cinnamon-raisin bagel with cream cheese and a banana here. Plus, of course, coffee

Today is the day we find out for sure whether Lee and Briscoe are returning. I'm really hoping so
Yesterday during lunch, I ate some tuna (Starkist) for the first time in years and it made me ill. Tonight, we dined on boiled shrimp + crab cakes. T'was excellent.

Walnuts, fruit, oatmeal and veggies are my daily go-to. I recently purchased some oat nut bread. Plan on eating like a king for breakfast over the coming weeks.

Austin you left out the walnut tree bark and the fescue grass! [winking]
That is because I am not using the laptop. I'm using my Dell.

Open your file manager on your laptop. Look for downloads. Find the M-soft down load from this morning. It will have a time date stamp of today and a # associated with it(write it down). Delete the file. Go to M-soft. Look for windows downloads, updates. Find the number and force another download of the update.

Edit: Since you haven't had a stroke it is the laptop. If you have run your antivirus security software and you have not spilled anything on the keyboard or it is not dirty the sensor film/pad under the keyboard may have failed if it still acts up after the download.

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Windows 10 sent updates this morning when I turned my Toshiba laptop on. That took a coup of hours. After that several of my keys do not work. Specifically the a, r, n & y do not work, maybe more. How do I fix this this. I am very illiterate.
You scared the hell out of me. Happy you are okay.