
So a woman in my Washington, DC office announces that she is 'transitioning' and from now on wants to be addressed as a man. I have no problem with this, I figure everyone has the right to live in the open as whatever they want to be.

But I have to immediately go from calling Gretchen..........Oscar. Not Gregg or Glenn, which I could have handled easily. It's an office where nicknames stick. I might go right to "Big O."
As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man
I have chalked up many a mile
Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks
And I learned much from both of their styles

Yeah well...

I've done a bit of smugglin'
I've run my share of grass.
I made enough money to buy Miami,
But I pissed it away so fast,
Never meant to last, never meant to last.
A guy I used to work with told me one time that everyone asked him why his wife and him were always holding hands cause that they thought it was sweet. He said sweet had nothing to do with it we do it so we don't smack the hell out of each other.
If you see me holding hands with my wife, we're checking each other for weapons.
(just kidding....)
My uncle always told a joke about a man at a hospital in hoptown that was sitting out in front fishing in an old tractor tire. A curious patronizing onlooker walked up and said, fishing huh? The guy said yeah fishing. Onlooker said, you caught any? Guy fishing said, yeah, you make 14. FCC
Ha ha.

How ya feeling this morning, FCC?