
i like the donut shop ones, but the wife likes darker blends. where is the cheapest place to buy these suckers? amazon quote about 60cents per pod.
That's about right (60 cents.) The Donut Shop is my son's favorite, but that blend is too light for me.
Order some Dark Magic for your wife. I buy mine on line, but BB & B has it, Publix and Kroger have it. It is not cheap. If money is an object they make little baskets that you can put your own blend in. Play with that too.
That's about right (60 cents.) The Donut Shop is my son's favorite, but that blend is too light for me.
Order some Dark Magic for your wife. I buy mine on line, but BB & B has it, Publix and Kroger have it. It is not cheap. If money is an object they make little baskets that you can put your own blend in. Play with that too.
I bought a couple of the little reusable pods - I still have a can and a half of Maxwell House left I want to use up before I buy me some good stuff.
The pods are only about 5 bucks around here
Small world. How did you happen to know him personally?

I went to the same church he did (he was a true believer in his last couple of years). We lived in the same small town (Santa Paula, CA) and I once had a two-hour conversation with him (his wish) about his new faith. I knew the guy who trained him to fly and I rode a motorcycle, so we had something in common (other than our good looks). He very much wanted to be just an ordinary guy by that time in his life and people treated him that way there.
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I went to the same church he did (he was a true believer in his last couple of years). We lived in the same small town (Santa Paula, CA) and I once had a two-hour conversation with him (his wish) about his new faith. He very much wanted to be just an ordinary guy by that time in his life and people treated him that way there.
oh wow, pretty awesome. Loved his movies -
I imagine a lot of feel that way - well, at least the none attention ho types anyway
I went to the same church he did (he was a true believer in his last couple of years). We lived in the same small town (Santa Paula, CA) and I once had a two-hour conversation with him (his wish) about his new faith. I knew the guy who trained him to fly and I rode a motorcycle, so we had something in common. He very much wanted to be just an ordinary guy by that time in his life and people treated him that way there.
Good story.
oh wow, pretty awesome. Loved his movies -
I imagine a lot of feel that way - well, at least the none attention ho types anyway

Yeah, I guess when you've seen pretty much everything and have done just about everything it gets old. Been with all the glamorous people and finally realized that most people are basically the same when the facades are pulled away.
Late to the convo but, IMO there is absolutely no legitimate reason for it to be illegal from me to grow any plant I want to within my home for my personal consumption. In the same vein, I should be able to distill anything I want for personal consumption in my own home. These laws are Draconian in nature and Keystone Kopian in their administration.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? Bullshit.
Late to the convo but, IMO there is absolutely no legitimate reason for it to be illegal from me to grow any plant I want to within my home for my personal consumption. In the same vein, I should be able to distill anything I want for personal consumption in my own home. These laws are Draconian in nature and Keystone Kopian in their administration.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? Bullshit.
I think you should tell us how you really feel
PB sammich

I ate less like a fat person today. Nuts, fruit, and tuna. I gotta do better.
Yesterday during lunch, I ate some tuna (Starkist) for the first time in years and it made me ill. Tonight, we dined on boiled shrimp + crab cakes. T'was excellent.

Walnuts, fruit, oatmeal and veggies are my daily go-to. I recently purchased some oat nut bread. Plan on eating like a king for breakfast over the coming weeks.
How I really feel is that we, as a wimpy society, have allowed the government to intrude way too far into our personal lives. Take my tax money, fight your wars, and stay the hell out of my personal life.

You do know that the wood mice have used mind control to take over D C?
But of course the swamp rats control the wood mice, so that only leaves Elmer Fudd to present us common folks case. He has to get off his behind and kill that rascal rabbit before we go under!
You do know that the wood mice have used mind control to take over D C?
But of course the swamp rats control the wood mice, so that only leaves Elmer Fudd to present us common folks case. He has to get off his behind and kill that rascal rabbit before we go under!
Let the maples have their say, who needs oaks anyway?